Chapter 90

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I walked up to my target from behind and surprised him with a tight bear hug. He jolted up startled by the sudden attack but quickly regained his composure after releasing it was me behind him.

"Stop that!"

A big hand tried to push my face away.

"Awww... Soft as always" I said, feeling the fluff of his hair on my face.

"Look at these long fluffy ears" I released my hug and grabbed the long white ears that were perked up in the air.

"How many times have I told you not to do this in public!?"

"Does that mean you're ok with it as long as it's not in public?"

"NO!" Eugene shouted wrestling away my hands off his ears, " And stop calling a grown man a 'BABY'"

"Why are you being so mean to me Eugene? I'm your mother" I pouted and took a seat next to him.

"Mother?" Eugene's face twitched, "I'm older than you!"

"No matter how mean you are to me baby. A mother will always forgive her child" I put my hand to my chest and looked down depressed wiping the imaginary tears in my eyes.

"Stop teasing him" Jade put down his beer jug seemingly fed up by the act in front of him.

"You're no fun as usual. Those good looks are such a waste"

I rolled my eyes and took back my beers from Noah and Oliver. They sat next to Jade and beckoned Liam, one of the taverns waiters, to place their orders.

Jade and Eugene were also part of the Nero mercenaries that I joined nearly two years ago.

Eugene, despite his cute teenage boy appearance, was a twenty-seven-year-old full-grown rabbit beastmen. He had greyish white hair with matching eyes bearing an uncanny resemblance to Chirpy, the love of my life. That is, in his beast form, but I'm ok with it either way.

It was his house that has become my new home. With Eugene and his little sister Bea we were a family of three. I was serious about adopting them as my children, but Eugene dismissed the idea as absurd. But I'm not going to give up so soon.

Jade on the other hand, was a leopard beastmen with brownish yellow hair and brown eyes. He was the second most mature and rational member of our group.

The first place belongs to our leader Raeden, a mighty black wolf. He was kind of like the father to a bunch of immature children rather than a leader. Also very handsome in appearance. In fact, I'm surprised that he is still single.

The Nero mercenaries were comprised of:

Raeden the wolf - 27 years old

Eugene the rabbit - 27 years old

Jade the leopard - 24 years old

Noah and Oliver the twin foxes - 21 years old

And last but not the least, Me the human - 21 years old

Raeden was away on business at the moment and will not be back for two more days. Which was also the reason Noah, Oliver, and I, the youngest of the bunch, were able to unleash chaos as we pleased.

And how I joined a mercenary group exclusive for beastmen was a story for another time.

"Just look at this beautiful fluff" I extended my arms and presented Eugene's face in an extravagant theatrical manner.

"Don't you want to hold him in your hands?" I asked with utmost sincerity.

"Eugene!" I caught Eugene's arm with a serious expression on my face.

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