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The children gathered in front of the statue with Angelica and Adam at the front.

Adelaide, Clive, and Bryan stood the farthest as they were the spectators.

Having suggested the match, Tristan and Elliot automatically became the referees. They explained the rules to the two contestants.

The game was simple. Each participant had one try. They have to knock out the statue with a single blow. Any means can be used. The loser of the game has to declare the winner to be the strongest.

No matter how it turned out Angelica knew she would be in trouble.

If she lost she has to admit that Adam was stronger than her in front of everyone, which will hurt her pride. And if she were to win, she would still get caught for knocking off the statue in the garden.

So either way, there's trouble.

It may look childish but she decided to win and deal with the aftermath rather than lose and get ridiculed by the twins.

'It will be worth it' Angelica nodded to herself.

"Who's gonna go first?" Elliot asked the two.

Adam raised his hand and volunteered to go first.

"I'll go. So we can end this fast" He looked at Angelica one more time before moving forward.

Adam was a mage by birth and specialized in wind magic. The Silver Knights were composed of knights who embedded swordsmanship into magic. So he decided to knock out the statue with a strong gust of wind.

"Everybody move back" Adam raised his hand and got into stance.

"You can do it brother!"

"Oh god"


On the back Adelaide, Clive and Bryan each had different expressions.

Adelaide was cheering for her brother to win with vigor.

Clive not knowing how his sister would react facepalmed.

Bryan had the same blank expression which he maintained since the start of the ordeal.

"I told you we should've brought snacks"

"Well.....there's always a next time"

Tristan and Elliot were having a casual and relaxed conversation satisfied with the turn of events. It was a win-win situation for them from all aspects since they had nothing to lose.

The perfect revenge does exist. If there was one thing their little cousin was bad at, it was 'Magic'.

Angelica had a sensitive spot for magic being a person with zero mana. She had trained with her grandmother who was also a non-magic user to compensate for the difference with skill.

Angelica stood the closest to Adam so as to get a clear view of her opponent's power. Thinking that it might come in handy someday, she observed every inch of his movements.

Adam blushed when he saw Angelica intensely staring at him. While he was aiming to win, a part of him also wanted to impress her.

Adam inhaled and exhaled in a sequence to centralize the mana in him. He pointed his hand towards the statue and directed the magic inside him to come out at command.

A strong gust of wind blew forward causing the trees to rustle and the water in the pond behind the statue to produce small-sized waves.

But the statue stood still.

Having moved only an inch it stood planted in its original place. Adam's face turned red with embarrassment as he turned towards his opponent.

Angelica was just standing there looking at the statue. On noticing his eyes on her, she turned towards him as her wavy hair fluttered. The wind had blown away her ribbon undoing the ponytail, leaving Angelica to hold her hair with her hands that were fluttering like a butterfly's wings.


Adam's face flushed at the sight of her.

" I...I....I could've knocked it" Adam clenched his fists and looked at the ground

You did well kid" Angelica smiled at Adam.

Adam felt conflicted. Surprisingly the one to console him was his opponent. She was looking at him with a warm smile on her face. Adam moved back without saying a word.

"Ok-k......since Adam did not completely knock it off he lost. But moved it a bit though..Hmm. Not bad." Tristan hummed as he evaluated the situation.

"Then this means it's........." Elliot trailed off as he turned towards Angelica

"My turn" Angelica said as she confidently stepped forward.

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