Chapter 123

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'My wife left me' 

Kalan's voice echoed in the forest.


A light breeze swept through, deepening the silence in the air.

"Oh?" Ann exclaimed.

It took her a moment to process his words.

'What the hell did I just hear?' She turned stiff not knowing what to say in return. 

Solace? Comforting words? Should she even be doing that in the first place?

Because coming from her, it would seem like the pot calling the kettle black.

"We were together. Though I didn't get to see her for a long time"


Ann's brain came to a halt yet again. For some reason, Kalan's words were piercing through her heart like thorns. It became chaotic when she unconsciously felt guilty though she wasn't the one at fault.

'Why the hell am I feeling guilty for!?' She cried out in anguish.

Suddenly a thought rose at the corner of her mind. The guilty feeling was starting to ring alarm bells. 

'Why does this sound a bit familiar? Maybe...'

But Ann quickly dismissed the suspicion in her mind by shaking her head.


She had been doubting Kalan every step of the journey only to be proven wrong again and again. It happened too frequently that it became a comical sequence.

Kalan would say something >> Ann becomes suspicious >> Kalan explains the situation >> Ann realizes her mistake and apologizes >> Harmony

Then the cycle will repeat itself over and over.

Though skeptical, Ann accepted that there are coincidences in the world.

The person you cross on the street may end up being an important aspect of your life or you may have the same sob story as your boss who you are basically ripping money out of.

Ann came to the conclusion that sometimes intuitions could be false alarms and not all the b*stards in the world are the same b*start you are running from. Not that Kalan was a b*stard.

Ann took a deep breath. She was finally at peace with her inner self. 

Her over suspicious nature was under control now. For once in her life, she decided to ignore the warning bells inside her head and decided to hear Kalan's story.

However, she forgot that her mind and mouth were two different entities.

"Where is she now?"

'Me and my stupid mouth!'

Ann bit her tongue. Before she knew it she had asked such a personal question.

No matter how much she tried, Ann was unable to control her mouth at times of need. But the story seemed so interesting that she was unconsciously prying about it.


But instead of answering, Kalan smiled wryly looking at her.

Sadness, longing, loneliness, heartbreak... A thousand emotions were conveyed through one smile.


Ann's eyes fluttered. She opened and closed her mouth, unable to bring herself to ask the most important question.

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