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I woke up to a kiss being planted on my temple. My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes shot open. I lurched up into a sitting position, my reflexes telling me to get as far away from the person as possible. 

It wasn't until my eyes adjusted that I was able to comprehend Bokuto staring at me from his position still laying in the bed. I closed my eyes with a sigh, letting my adrenaline wear off. 

"My apologies, I'm not used to this," I said in a small voice, causing Bokuto to chuckle at me. 

"Calm down, it's fine. I know it'll take some time to get used to," He smiled, his hand wrapping around mine that was laying on the blanket. It was then that I realized how problematic this could become. I had wild reactions to sudden touches and embraces due to my abusive past and training from the Commission. If he were to suddenly touch me or try to embrace me I might act out and hurt him. I ran a shaky hand through my hair, trying to find a plan that might work. 

It wasn't so easy as to just lower my guard, and I still needed those reactions in case an attack occurred, but I couldn't hurt Bokuto. This was the first time I doubted my abilities, and the fact that I doubted my ability to hold back was a surprise. 

Bokuto sat up and crawled closer to me, being careful to stay in my line of sight. He slowly put his arms around me and pulled me in a hug. I hesitantly hugged him back, my embrace wasn't nearly as tight as his. 

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, sending a shiver down my spine. I shook my head against his shoulder, but he wasn't letting up. "Akaashi," My name sounded soft and light, I understood he was trying to pry the explanation out of me without taking away my ability to refuse. I signed, giving in.

"When the others snuck up behind me or hugged me unexpectantly, my reflexes would kick in and I'd attack without thinking. I knew they could handle it, I knew their training would prevent them from being too badly hurt, but I can't hurt you. I don't want to cause you pain, but I can't control myself for safety reasons," I explained slowly, unsure if I was doing the right thing by opening up. Bokuto's arms wrapped around me tighter, pulling me closer against his chest. 

"Then I won't sneak up on you! I'll make sure you see me before I touch you! You don't have to be scared about hurting me," He reassured. "I'm not very quiet, Akaashi, I don't think you'll have to worry about me surprising you," He chuckled. 

I was glad he was accepting, but I didn't think he understood how big of a deal it is that I don't randomly attack him. Iwa has multiple stab wounds on his chest and stomach because of me, and Daichi's been flipped over my shoulder too many times to count. Kenma knows not to get too close to me without me knowing he was there. 

We sat in each other's arms for a long while before a knock at the door interrupted us. I quickly got out of the bed, fixing my bedhead in Bokuto's mirror and straightening my clothes before opening the door. 

Tsukishima looked surprised to see me but quickly got over his shock. 

"Akaashi, I was looking for you," He said in a monotoned voice. I raised an eyebrow at him, a glare settling on my face. 

"For what reason?" I responded, my voice tight and strict. 

"Some changes have been made to the servants, and... Emily... has been trying to contact you," Tsukishima drew out, clearly talking about the Commission. I gave him a confused look. I didn't remember my phone chiming, and even if I was asleep I should have heard it. I decided to wait until I was out of the room to check and instead turned back to Bokuto who was staring at us from the bed. 

"I'll be back soon, Bokuto-san," I told him, leaving with Tsukishima. Once the door was shut behind us Tsukki turned to me. 

"What the hell was that?" He asked. 

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