Bonus 2

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It's been a week since Kotaro proposed. We told Lord Bokuto 2 days ago, mainly just so we could do couple things in public without hiding from him. As expected, Lord Bokuto had a lot of complaints and threats, but I shut him down when I reminded him that since I was now a government official, I was the highest-powered candidate he'd find for his son. 

It was pretty calm after that, Kotaro and I would hold hands as we walked through the halls, not having to hide anymore. I would catch him staring down fondly at the ring I gave him, sometimes he'd bring it to his lips before he continued on with his day. Every time he did it I felt a warmth spread in my chest. 

The only problem I've come across was when Kotaro would get excited to see me and hug me from behind. Even hearing fast footsteps coming closer to me would cause me to reach for my knives hidden on my person. He's learned that if he wants to hug or embrace me quickly in the halls, he has to call my name first so I know it's him. He's only had a knife drawn on him once, but the fear I'm sure he saw in my eyes caused him to be a lot careful in the future. 

Kotaro and I were sitting in one of the recreational rooms, I was reading a book while he played a game with Kuroo on my phone. 

A knock at the front door took my attention away from my book. I excused myself from Kotaro and went to answer it, seeing a short girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. 

"How may I help you?" I asked her politely. 

"My name is Anzu Nori, I'm here to see Kotaro Bokuto," She said in a high, breezy voice. Her fingers played with the edge of her skirt, clearly, she was nervous. 

"May I ask for what reason?" 

"It's kind of personal," She said, looking to the ground. 

"I apologize, I'm the bodyguard of the house, I need to know your business with the master's son," I kept my professionalism. 

"Right, sorry," she sighed, "he's my fiance," She blushed as she said this. I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"You're what?" 

"My fiance, we're getting married as ordered by our parents," She explained. I paused for a moment before turning into the house. 

"Honey!" I called, knowing I was probably being petty, but I didn't care at that moment. Kotaro poked his head out from inside the room we were in. 

"Yes?" He asked. 

"Your fiancee is here," I said. His eyebrows furrowed down. 

"I'd hope so, I only proposed to you last week, I don't want you running away yet," He frowned. 

"No, your other fiancee," I motioned to the confused girl.

"A girl?" He tilted his head to the side, walking closer to us. 

"I agree, you'd think your father would at least try," I shook my head. 

"I am so sorry! I didn't know you were already engaged!" She girl cried out. 

"I'm going to go talk to him," Kotaro growled before turning and walking down the hall towards his father's study. 

"Please come in, miss Nori, we know you meant no harm," I smiled, opening the door for her. 

"Are- are you sure?" She asked. 

"Yes, I'm sure Kotaro will get everything figured out," I smiled, leading her to the room Kotaro and I were relaxing in before. 

"Why does Lord Bokuto not like you? Is it because you're a servant?" She asked. I smiled at her question. 

"Lord Bokuto doesn't like me for many reasons, but I'm only a servant here so I can watch over Kotaro. I actually work for the government," I explained, knowing I couldn't go into much more detail than that. 

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