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Iwa was coming today, and I was having a hard time keeping Bokuto-san calm. 

"Sir, please remember your manners," I practically pleaded. 

"But Oikawa is coming! It's been so long since I've seen him!" Bokuto whined while I fixed his hair. "And you're going to see your friend again!" 

"I guess so, Iwa and I have a lot to discuss," I sighed, helping him into his over jacket. 

We heard a bell ring from afar, and Bokuto was already running towards the sound. I had to rush after him, getting to the front door just after he did. The maid opened the door and Bokuto ran through, tackling the guest to the ground. I saw an older man standing behind them, staring down at the two children in disappointment. 

"My apologies, sir. Master Bokuto was rather excited to see Master Oikawa again," I apologized, noting Iwa standing off to the side, watching the two children wrestle around on the ground. 

"Someone with manners, how welcoming," He sighed, stepping over his son and walking into the house. 

"Bokuto-san!" I yelled, a rare drop of anger in my voice. Bokuto stopped immediately and looked up at me with wide eyes. He slowly got off the ground, standing in front of me with his head bowed. 

"Manners, please," I order and he nodded, turning back to Oikawa who was watching the two of us with a smile on his face, Iwa just smirking evilly at me from the side. 

"My apologies, sir. I am Akaashi, Master Bokuto's personal servant," I bowed. 

"How charming, you really are the specimen like Iwa-chan said!" Oikawa smirked, winking at me slightly. I glanced at Iwa, giving him a look that showed him just how uncomfortable I felt. Bokuto and Oikawa walked ahead of us while Iwa and I walked behind. 

"It's good to see you again, Aka," Iwa said, smiling over at me. 

"Akaashi, and likewise," I muttered, looking away from him. 

"At least pretend to be happy," Iwa pouted. 

"I am happy, you should know that," I sighed. 

"Anyway, how's the family?" Iwa asked, trying to slip the question past me. 

"We are not starting this again, drop it," I growled, letting my intimidating voice slip through. 

"Oh come on! I've known you my whole life and I still know nothing about you or your past! At least give me something!" Iwa complained, his stern eyes locking onto mine. 

"Back off, Iwa," I warned. 

"Iwa-chan! Stop hogging the cute guy!" Oikawa said, slowing down so he was next to me and draping his arm over my shoulders. I could hear Bokuto and Iwa holding back laughter as I desperately tried not to throw the man off me. 

"Sir, I find this extremely unprofessional," I commented. 

"Damn, how did the reckless Bokuto get a servant like this and not immediately fire them?" Oikawa-san asked, looking up at Bokuto. 

"I happen to find Akaashi interesting! And he's helping me with my professionalism and manners!" Bokuto said proudly, and I smiled inwardly on my progress with him. 

"You've changed a lot, dude. I'm starting to think this servant of yours is poisoning your head," Oikawa-san said, still hanging off of me. 

"If you don't start acting nice, I'll be poisoning your head too, Shittykawa," Iwa growled, his face dark, but I knew he didn't mean it. Oikawa stood up, retracting his hand, and pouted at Iwa. 

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