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Daichi, Iwa, and Kenma walked out of the house, smiling to themselves and laughing with each other. They all were tired but didn't have any other injuries. They looked around the crowd of agents helping clean up the mess but didn't spot Akaashi. They did spot Kiyoko though. 

"Director, where's Akaashi?" Daichi asked. 

"He was rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung. He'll need an emergency surgery, but he should be fine," Kiyoko explained. They all gave each other worried looks, but they knew Akaashi's had worse. It still stressed them out whenever someone from their group got a serious injury. Daichi's face paled as a thought came to mind. 

"What about Bokuto-san?" He asked, the others understood what he meant. 

"I was just about to bring that up. I have to stay here to direct orders. Would you mind informing Bokuto-san of the incident? Take him to the hospital if he wishes as well," She ordered. Daichi didn't want to, neither did the others, but they knew they needed to do it. 

The sun was already peeking over the horizon, meaning Bokuto would be up soon. They didn't want to deal with Lord Bokuto, but were sure they'd be able to avoid him. 

Daichi knocked on the door, as Iwa and Kenma stood to the side. There was a somber air around them, and it seemed to seep into the house they stood in front of. A maid opened the door, smiling at them with a forced face. 

"May we speak to Bokuto Kotaro?" Daichi asked. The maid nodded before allowing them inside. It wasn't like Akaashi died, the three knew he was likely to be fine. He was a stubborn bastard and was most likely going to be on his feet the minute his surgery ended. The anxious feeling was due to actually telling Bokuto his boyfriend got hurt and is in surgery. The maid led them to Bokuto's room, then left them to continue with her work. 

Daichi knocked on the door, hearing some shuffling behind it. 

"Keiji?" Bokuto asked tiredly as he opened the door, making Daichi's heart pound. "Oh, Daichi? What are you doing here?" He asked with a large yawn. 

"Bokuto, we had a mission last night, and it only ended this morning," Daichi started. Bokuto froze as he looked at the guests in front of him. 

"Where's Akaashi?" He asked, looking between the three. 

"He's in surgery-" Daichi started. 

"Take me to him," Bokuto ordered. They saw anger and desperation on his face, but they could tell it wasn't directed towards them. 

"Ok. They just started, so it might take a while. He'll be ok though," Daichi nodded. 

"I want to be there," Bokuto said, his voice low. He grabbed a coat that was hanging on the door and threw it on, ignoring how he was still in his nightwear. 

He sped walked out of the house and got into the parked car. Daichi drove them to the Commission, parking in the section closest to the emergency medical quarter. 

The agents lead Bokuto through the hospital, talking to some of the staff and getting a room number. Just like suspected, Akaashi was still in surgery, and wouldn't be out for another 30 minutes. 

They sat in the waiting room, each of them having their own nervous tic. Bokuto's leg bounced, Iwa tapped his finger on his leg, Kenma wrung his hands in his lap, and Daichi had to shift his seating position every minute. 

after what felt like hours, a doctor came into the room.

"Akaashi Keiji?" He called out. the four of them jumped to their feet and practically ran towards the doctor. 

"Is he ok?" Bokuto asked, tears already welling in his eyes. 

"He's alright, he's resting now. You can see him if you'd like, but please allow him to rest. He has a history of disobeying medical instructions and I'd rather keep him in the bed for as long as possible," Daichi, Iwa, and Kenma smiled at that, knowing that their own encouragements in the past didn't help. 

Bokuto ran to the room, swinging the door open and running to the bed. He looked at Akaashi laying on his back, bandages wrapped around his abdomen. Tears dripped down his cheeks rapidly as he reached for Akaashi's hand. He dropped to his knees beside the bed, gripping Akaashi's hand tightly while he cried. 

Daichi patted Bokuto on the back while he looked at his friend. Daichi had seen him a lot worse, but he wasn't about to bring that up to Bokuto. They all let Bokuto cry, knowing it would help him. 

After a while, Iwa and Kenma went to go get food for everyone, knowing Bokuto needed to eat. He stayed there, on his knees, gripping Akaashi's hand, for hours. His tears stopped after a while, but he refused to move, eat, or drink. 

"Bokuto, at least sit in a chair, that can't be comfortable," Iwa tried, but he wasn't listening. 

"Come on, let's give him some space. Akaashi's going to wake up soon anyway," Kenma sighed, grabbing Daichi and Iwa's sleeves and pulling them out of the room. 

It was silent when they left, just the rhythmic beeps of the heart monitor that was hooked up to Akaashi's chest. A second wave of tears soaked into Bokuto's clothes. 

He knew Akaashi was likely to get hurt, he was told that from the start. This was one of the reasons Akaashi didn't want to start a relationship in the first place. Bokuto couldn't help it though. Now, seeing Akaashi unmoving on a hospital bed after a needle was stabbed through his side, it made Bokuto wish for him to never have to feel pain again. He didn't want Akaashi getting hurt, even if he knew that wasn't a possibility with his line of work. 

He would never ask Akaashi to give up his job, he knows being an agent means a lot to him, but he didn't want to see him get hurt. Just this was enough to break him, he didn't want to be put in a situation where Akaashi actually had a chance of dying. 

Akaashi's hand twitched in Bokuto's hold. His eyes snapped up to the bed, seeing Akaashi's eyes fluttering open. Akaashi had long eyelashes, the kind most women would be envious of. It was one of the things Bokuto noticed during the nights Akaashi and him slept together. 

More tears clouded his vision, dripping down his face and making a puddle on the floor. He jumped to his feet, hovering over Akaashi, as he wanted to hug him, but was scared of hurting him. 

"You're awake!" He sobbed. Akaashi looked up at his boyfriend, taking in the tears and the red eyes, how tightly he was squeezing his hand. 

"Kotaro," Akaashi muttered dryly, his voice cracked. 

"I was so scared!" Bokuto broke down, choked gasps lurching his body as he brought Akaashi's hand to his lips. Akaashi watched in shock as Bokuto gasped, sobs forcing their way out of his throat. 

Akaashi sat up in bed, grunting slightly as he did so. He grabbed Bokuto's arms and pulled him forward, wrapping him in a tight hug. 

"I love you, Kotaro," Akaashi said, and he meant it with his whole being. Bokuto sucked in a breath. 

"Why do you sound like you're dying!" Bokuto cried harder. Akaashi rubbed his back.

"I'm not dying, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here, with you," Akaashi assured. He pulled Bokuto into the bed with him, letting Bokuto lay beside him. He combed his hand through Bokuto's hair as he quieted down into soft breathing. 

Akaashi knew what he had to do. He couldn't see Bokuto break down like that again, not over him getting hurt. He wouldn't allow it. 

We're almost there, boys and girls and theys! Just a few more chapters!


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