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Akaashi flipped through the feeds, looking for anything out of place. Most of the feeds were normal and unmoving, but one figure caught his eye. Akaashi squinted down at it before his eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat. Akaashi threw the phone onto the bench and grabbed his jacket, still concealing the gun. He jumped up from the bench and started running for the front entrance. 

"OWL!" Daichi yelled in surprise, accidentally using his code name with how freaked Akaashi was. Iwa and Kenma's heads snapped over in their direction at the use of the code name, watching as Akaashi ran out of the room. 

"Owl?" Suga asked, watching the scene. Kenma and Iwa raced over to Daichi, their hands twitching towards their weapons. 

"What happened?" Iwa questioned. 

"He was flipping through the cameras then ran off, grabbing his jacket. He has a gun in his jacket. We need to find him," Daichi explained, already running in the direction Akaashi disappeared from. 

"What about the noblemen?" Kenma asked. 

"We need to figure out the situation first!" Daichi yelled. 

"Crow, we could be outing ourselves!" Iwa reminded, but Daichi brushed him off. 

Akaashi ran out into the field, pulling his gun on the newcomer. 

"Get off the property!" He yelled, his intimidating voice being used to the fullest. 

"Are you Akaashi? I've been searching everywhere for you!" The man smiled, it was a warm and happy smile, like he was honestly glad to see him. He didn't even seem fazed by the gun. 

"Get off the property!" Akaashi tried again. From behind him, he heard the door open and his friends walk out, stopping a little bit behind him. 

"Owl, what the hell is going on?" Iwa whispered to him. 

"Keiji, please! I need answers!" The man yelled. 

"And what makes you think I can answer them?" Akaashi demanded, his eyes never leaving the man. 

"Because you were the last one to see them! Our parents! I need to know what happened and the Commission said you would know!" He yelled. 

"Parents?" The three behind him questioned. 

"Is that a gun!?" He heard Bokuto yell, declaring the presence of the noblemen's children too. 

"I'm not telling you shit!" Akaashi said, ignoring the people behind him. 

"They were all found dead! All of them! Our whole family! You and I are the only ones left! If someone killed them why did they spare us?" He was crying now, tears dropping from his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. 

"Stop digging or you'll find something you won't like," Akaashi's chest felt like it was exploding, pain enveloping his ribs and stomach. He was shaky, everyone could see it, how the gun rattled in his hand. It was unlike him, his hand was always steady no matter the mission. 

"Akaashi! I was 5! I need to know why they left me!" The man yelled, his hands gripping his chest. 

"Because you were too young to know any better!!" Akaashi snapped, his voice cracking. "Go away or I'll shoot," He warned. 

"Then do it,"

"Haruto!" Akaashi yelled, his eyes fogging over as tears of his own found their way into his eyes. 

"Just tell me! What are you hiding!? I need to know and I won't leave until-" He screamed, but was cut off by Akaashi giving in. 

"I DID IT!" Akaashi yelled, silencing the other man. 

the Nobleman's childWhere stories live. Discover now