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It took half an hour for Bokuto to fall asleep. Akaashi got up from the bed, having to stabilize himself on the wall for a moment. 

He walked out of the room, searing for Kiyoko. 

"Shouldn't you be in bed, agent Owl?" A voice said behind him. 

"I was looking for you," He turned to the director. 

"You know Bokuto-san isn't going to be happy if he wakes up and you're not there," She commented. 

"Then we'll make this quick," 

"I wanted to talk to you as well, anyway," 

"Let me go first," He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm retiring from field agent. I refuse to see Bokuto break down like that again. Make me an advisor or put me on the training squad, whatever, but I'm stepping down," It hurt him to say it, but it needed to happen. Kiyoko smiled at him, seemingly pleased with his retirement. 

"Now onto what I want to say. Do you remember how I got my director's position?" She asked. Akaashi raised an eyebrow at the change of directions this conversation was going. 

"The previous director retired and you were given the position based on the fact that you were the highest-ranking agent at that point," Akaashi recalled. 

"Exactly, which leads me onto my next point. I'm retiring as an agent," She stated. Akaashi gawked at her. 

"Are you kidding?" he asked. 

"No, I want to settle down, and unlike you, I can't do that while being an agent," She smiled. 

"Who's going to take your- wait," He started before realizing where this was going. 

"Akaashi, you're the most skilled agent we've ever seen, and I know you'll do great as Director. This would also allow you to station yourself at the Bokuto manner as part of its protection, allowing you to stay with Bokuto. You wouldn't be putting yourself into danger unless you decide you should, and you would still have connection to all your field agent friends, you would just be the boss of them," She pushed. 

"And if I decline?" 

"Then the offer would move on to Daichi and I'd make you an advisor, but that would be unbeneficial to both parties," She sighed. He paused for a moment. 

"And you think I'll be as good as you?" He asked skeptically. 

"I know you'll be better, and you'll have agents Crow, Cat, and Aqua to help you," She smiled warmly at him. He sighed as he took in her words. 

"Fine, I'll take the job," He muttered, running a hand over his face. 

"Great! Now go rest!" She shooed him away and back in the direction of his room. 

He crawled back into bed with Kotaro, wrapping his arms around his sleeping boyfriend. His mind reeled over the idea of being the director of the agency. This put him in a higher position than most government officials, Lord Bokuto wouldn't be able to force him to do anything. 

He wondered how being a director would work with his schedule. Of course, he could stop being a servant and instead place himself as a bodyguard for the Nobleman household. It would work better that way considering everyone already knew he was an agent, and a skilled one at that. It would allow him more time for his job without having to care for the house. He would need to talk to Kotaro about it. 


Hours passed before Kotaro woke up again. His arms tightened around my midsection. We laid in comfortable silence while I rubbed Kotaro's back. 

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