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Iwa left late that day, but Bokuto was determined to have a get-together with the other noble families. He spent an hour in his father's study, discussing his plan. I had a camera in that room, so I was able to listen in on the conversation discreetly while waiting outside the door to accompany Bokuto-san back to his room and prepare for bed. Bokuto made sure not to mention my affiliation with the other servants in the families, knowing it would deter his father away from approving the gathering. 

In the end, his father decided to send a message to Karasuno, Nekoma, and Seijoh, asking for a function with all the Duke children. I smiled slightly to myself, quickly pulling up my chat with the others. 

Owl: Duke Bokuto is sending out an invitation to the families for a volleyball gathering at our estate

Cat: Why do you have to talk all formal with us? Just say that daddy Bokuto is inviting us to his house

Crow: We just got Akaashi to call us friends, one step at a time, Kenma. Also, I deeply dislike your use of 'daddy' in that sentence 

Owl: Agreed

Owl: About the daddy thing, not the friend thing

Aqua: I'll tell Oikawa to watch out for a letter from Fukurōdani

Cat: same with me, though I'm scared for how Kuroo will react. I just hope he doesn't force me to practice with him more

Crow: I'll let Suga know, he talks about Oikawa, Bokuto, and Kuroo a lot, so I believe he will be excited. 

Owl: Please for the love of God, let Sugawara-san be better than the other three men,

Crow: He is pretty good, but can be a little childish at times. I don't know what will happen when he gets together with the others though

Cat: Then let's pray for our sanity

Bokuto left the room and I shoved my phone into my pocket quickly. He was smiling brightly and skipping through the halls. 

"Good meeting I assume?" I ask, even though I knew exactly what happened. 

"Yes! My father agreed to ask the other families for a meeting! I'll get to see my friends, and you get to see yours! We need to teach you as much as possible about Volleyball before that though," Bokuto slowed down and thought, clearly thinking of how to teach me a new sport. 

"I am a fast learner, and rather athletic despite how I look," I reassured. 

"Have you ever played a sport?" 

"No, but I am quite competitive and fast," 

"How high can you jump?" 

"Excuse me?" 

"It's part of the game, you have to be strong, fast, and can jump high," Bokuto laughed. 

"I think I can manage," I said slowly, not understanding where this was going. 

"We'll have to see your strong suit, but I think you would be a good receiver, you're a very stable person," Bokuto said thoughtfully. "We'll have to work on it tomorrow, for right now we need a full night's sleep!" 

I helped Bokuto undress and prepare for bed. I extinguished the light, saying my good night's to Bokuto before going to bed myself. 

I woke up with the sun on my face and cold air all around me. I got ready for the day, noting how the sun was just barely in the sky and it was barely 10 degrees Fahrenheit. I wondered if Bokuto was still going to want to practice in the cold. 

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