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The Bokuto family and I arrived at the mansion just as the Karasuno foundation arrived as well. Bokuto and Suga walked in together, allowing Daichi and I to trail behind them. Our eyes wandered around the main room, taking in the elaborate halls and decorations. The guests were dressed in fancy clothing, the dresses draping off the woman eloquently, while the men wore their best suits and ties. I didn't recognize anyone yet, but I was keeping my eye out for a familiar face from the Commission. 

As we walked through the house I carefully mapped the halls out in my head, giving predictions to where things were and applying them to the various plans we created before coming here. Suga and Bokuto met up with Oikawa and Kuroo, Iwa and Kenma standing closely off to the side. 

I locked eyes with the other agents, quickly looking away as I held my hand low. I held up a 3,2,5,1, presenting the line of plans we already discussed that would best work with this house. I could see the others give small nods from the corner of my eye. 

Across the room I caught sight of the Nobleman, I identified the ones from Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, and Seijou. There was one man I didn't recognize and guessed that was Duke Takahashi. I surveyed him, noticing how his posture was better than the others, and how his face was hard-set and emotionless. His professionalism never waivered, an intimidating stance to him that would be hard to match. I quickly looked away and tried to spot anyone else in the room that copied his aura. 

"Are you looking for something, Akaashi?" Bokuto asked, tilting his head to me with a bright smile adorning his face. 

"Could you point out the Takahashi son?" I asked softly, looking up at him. His face grew red before he quickly nodded and turned away. His eyes swept across the crowd before they came in contact with something. He carefully pointed out a man in the back of the room. He had anger written across his face as he spoke with one of the servants. He had dark brown hair and deep gold eyes. His face creased on his forehead and around his mouth where his face twisted into anger. I noticed how the servent was shaking where she stood, looking down at the ground as she took the reprimanding. 

"Thank you, Bokuto-san," I said, looking away from the 2. I noticed the others were also glancing over at the Nobleman son too, keeping an eye on him and Lord Takahashi. 

"Are you ok? You seem really tense," Bokuto pointed out. 

"I'm fine," I said simply. Bokuto looked like he didn't believe me, but Suga grabbed his arm before he could push further. 

"Let's go walk around!" Suga suggested happily, the other Duke sons nodding enthusiastically. I locked eyes with the other agents. With 5 Noblemen in the same room, it would be unwise to leave them alone. 

"I'll stay here, you go on without me," I told the group. Daichi, Iwa, and Kenma gave me a nod while Bokuto looked at me with worry. 

"What? Why?" He asked. 

"I wish to stay here with the Noblemen, nothing to worry about, Bokuto-san," I told him. His eyes were swimming with emotions and I wondered if he believed me. Either way, Kuroo grabbed his arm and pulled him away from me, the others following along behind. I knew this gave Daichi, Iwa, and Kenma a chance to accurately and fully map out the building, so I let them go with the sons. 

I stayed to the back of the room, my back pressed against the wall while I observed the other guests. The Takahashi son healds himself with the same demeanor as his father, keeping his head high with either a smirk or flat look on his face. I noticed how most of the servants avoided him, and when they couldn't they were submissive and small. 

I looked around at each of the servants, looking for anyone that gave me agent vibes. No one stood out to me, and I didn't have a picture to match the face with. 

the Nobleman's childWhere stories live. Discover now