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I continued my job like normal, but I noticed everyone paying more attention to me in the halls. Before, I could walk through the house with no one but Bokuto-san noticing me, but now everyone knew who I was and stared at me as I walked. It was unsettling. I was trained to be an undercover agent who hides in the shadows, now it was like I had a spotlight on me that I couldn't shake. 

"Akaashi, are you alright?" Bokuto-san asked as I nervously glanced around the halls. 

"Too many eyes," I muttered under my breath. I watched as some of the servants made a wide arch around me, not taking their eyes off me as they walked. I lowered my head, deciding to keep my eyes on the ground until all of this blows over. The others were lucky, the only people who knew about them being agents were the Noblemen children, for me, the whole estate knew. 

"Oh! I see, just relax Akaashi. They're just a little cautious right now, I'm sure they'll forget soon enough," Bokuto said from beside me, obviously connecting the dots. I've never been the center of attention. Even in the Commission, people acknowledged me as skilled, but they were focused on their own improvements and not on me. 

"What if we call your friends once we get to my room? Then you can relax and talk to them!" Bokuto offered, clearly wanting to make me feel better. I think he was also just wanting to see everyone again. I gave a small nod, picking up my pace slightly. 

Bokuto shut his door and locked it while I pulled out my phone. I quickly called the team, each of them picking up almost immediately. I was pacing the room at this point, my nerves through the roof as it felt like I was being broadcasted to the entire Bokuto house. 

"Akaashi? What's wrong?" Daichi asked first, him being the first one to join the call. 

"Everyone knows, they keep staring at me! I can't walk through the house without being watched by all the servants and Bokuto family members!" I said, running a hand through my hair. 

"Shit, he's never had to go through this," Iwa said. 

"None of us have, but it makes sense that he would take it harder. We only have to worry about the Nobleman children, not everyone else," Daichi added. 

"Well, this is why the Commission added-" Kenma started. 

"Bokuto-san," I warned, knowing they were going to start talking about Tsukishima. 

"Hmm?" He asked, looking at me from where he was sitting on the bed. 

"Oh, hi Bokuto-san!" Daichi yelled. 

"Hi Daichi!" Bokuto smiled, his face lighting up. I fought back a smile of my own, his enthusiasm making me feel light. I felt heat rush to my face and quickly looked away, turning back to my phone. I noticed my friends looking at me with wide smiles and suggestive faces. 

"Don't you dare," I warned. 

"Whatever, stay in denial, but you need to keep your head down until all of this blows over. Don't do anything agent-related for a while," Daichi said, rolling his eyes. 

"You don't need to put up more cameras, so there really shouldn't be anything else for you to do anyway," Kenma added. 

"Oh shit, I need to give him access to the feeds," I muttered, looking down. This would mean I'd have to talk to him after I shot him yesterday. Daichi and Iwa burst out laughing while Bokuto looked at me curiously. 

"Who?" He asked. 

"No one, Bokuto-san," I said quickly. 

"How the fuck are you going to approach him? He'll probably shoot you back!" Iwa asked, trying to contain his laughter. 

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