Jealous - Gally

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"Gally! Gally stop right now!" He just kept on walking further into the Deadheads. "Gally! Stop walking!" I had to slow down, panting. I had been running after him for a while now and my energy ran low. The builder had stopped about fourty feet in front of me, but didn't turn around. I caught up with him.

"Gally what the shuck? I have no idea what your problem is right now but talk to me, don't shucking run away!"
He stayed silent. I stopped right in front of him and looked into his eyes, not being able to tell what he was feeling in this dim light. "What did I do wrong? Why don't you say anything? Talk to-"

He cut me off by slamming his lips against mine. It wasn't rough, no, instead I felt his sadness and disappointment. I crossed my arms behind his neck and pushed my body closer to his. After some time I could feel his hands on my waist, gripping me tight. I deepened the kiss and tried to be as close to him as possible, letting no air circulate between us. Then we had to pull apart, inhaling heavily.

I smiled at him. "Better?", I asked, genuine worry in my tone. He nodded, looking a lot more relaxed. "You gonna tell me what this was about now?"

Gally looked uncomfortable, even embarrassed, but I wasn't ready to let go just yet. Hands on my hips, I raised my eyebrows, hoping he could see the darting look I was giving him regardless of the slowly growing darkness. Then he sighed. "I just..." He trailed his hand through his hair and I got the sudden urge to just hug him, but I managed to stay where I was. "I just got jealous because of the other shanks. You seemed so distant this evening and then you still joked around with them and I just-"

I gasped playfully. "Big tough Captain Gally got jealous over some slint-heads?" He shook his head at my childish behavior. "Oh, slim it, you", he responded with an exhausted smile on his face, but I could see he wasn't back to normal yet. In the blink of an eye I had the perfect idea.

I screeched the loudest I possibly could and started running away towards the other Gladers, repeatedly shouting "Big tough Gally got jealous over some shanks! Big tough Gally got jealous!"
I laughed and shouted at the top of my lungs while Gally, cursing, was running after me.

Until he had reached and tackled me down to the ground, the whole Glade must've already heard me. Gally held me down with one hand while the other one rested on my mouth, trying to keep me quiet. I kept on laughing. "I said slim it, (y/n)!", he tried to sound mad, but he couldn't be mad at me for long, so when I calmed down he was already hiding a smile.
Wanting to say something, I licked his hand that was still covering my mouth. Gally let out a small "what the shuck (y/n)" and wiped it off on his pants.

I smirked mischievously, but stayed silent for a bit, listening, checking if any of the Gladers decided to join our little private party after my yelling. When I realised no one was going to come, I exhaled and laughed a little bit. Gally rolled his eyes, but I knew too well he wasn't annoyed at all. I stuck my tongue out and giggled. "I was just telling the truth."
"No", Gally corrected me, "you were yelling the truth."
I giggled again. He had a point.

"Sorry", I grinned, and just now, his lips so close to mine, I realised in what a problematic position we were in. I could feel his breath on my skin and hear his heartbeat on my chest, his hands resting on either side of my head to keep him steady above me. My voice unexpectantly cracked when I tried whispering something and embarrassed I cleared my throat.

Gally was smirking at me, obviously having regained his confidence. "You certainly look good, lying under me like that", he stated and let his hand trail down my side. I gasped for air and hit his chest in reflex. "Gally!"

In response he only laughed again, but this time there was something else in it I couldn't identify on the spot.

"What?", he said, his voice a lot deeper than before. Finally I recognised what had just happened. "You're turned on?", I croaxed, an accusing undertone in my words.
It was more like a statement than a question and we both knew it. Gally though was not yet ready to leave it at that. "So what're you gonna do about it then?", he smirked.

His hand stopped trailing down my side and he gripped my waist, making me gulp. I really had to concentrate on talking because Gally had now slipped his thumb under my shirt and started drawing circles on my skin. "I-I...", I began, forgot what I was about to say and inhaled deeply.

Gally raised his eyebrows and tried to look innocent, but his lips were still curled into a mischievous smile. "You?", he asked, now drawing even larger circles on my bare skin. I gasped for breath.

"Shuck you and your bloody teasing", I answered between heavy breaths, then finally cupped his face with my hands and brought his lips to mine. I melted into the kiss. Gally's lips seemed to perfectly fit mine.

When he suddenly slipped his whole hand under my shirt, pulling it up a bit, revealing it to the cool air, I pulled back and pushed him away, though with less force and self-control than I hoped for.

"We're not even in the Deadheads! The rest of the boys aren't even sleeping! We can't-", I tried to argue my point, but got interrupted by sounds of twitching and whispering in the bushes above our heads. Both Gally and I shot up from our position.

"Who's there?", Gally asked, pulling me behind him, although he knew it had to be one of the boys. And out of the Deadheads stepped not only one, but three of the other Gladers - Chuck, Minho and Newt.

"What the shuck?", I blurted out when I saw their embarrassed faces. "How long have you three been here?" Gally didn't say anything at all, but I saw his fists clench and reassuringly squeezed his shoulders, although I felt just as angry as he did. "Oh shuck, we're so sorry, we didn't want to interrupt any of-", Minho pointed at us two, "that". Newt finished Minho's explanation with a bit of disgust in his voice. "You two were just gone for way too long in the dark and after (y/n) shouted something about a big tough Gally being jealous we didn't hear anything anymore, so we were worried."

I relaxed a bit and hugged Gally from behind. "Yeah, we're fine", I answered. I fought the urge to yawn, just now realising that I was actually quite tired. It had to be almost midnight. 

"Oh yeah, we saw that", Chuck said, grinning, and if it hadn't been for my tiredness I would've immediately started a tickling attack. For now I only yawned again and whispered "Babe, I'm tired, can we go to bed?" to Gally.

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