In the rain - Newt

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this chapter is dedicated to hermioneisaqueen_ without her having requested it just simply because she inspires me so i hope she likes it

She was the first one to notice the thick raindrops silently falling from the night sky. All the others were too drunk, too caught up in conversations, but she immediately recognised the feeling of water dripping on her exposed arms. 

"You feel that, love?", the blonde she was leaning against asked her. Unlike everyone else he had not drunk anything this evening. Actually, he had not drunk more than a cup of Gally's concoction in all the time she had been here. For all she knew, that was a great change in the boy's behaviour. She had of course only ever heard the stories from others, but he seemed to have regularly got 'ridiculously drunk'. 

Every time one of his friends brought up a funny thing he had done in the past, the blond would blush and sneak glances at her, making sure she wasn't freaked out by it. The girl, though, only ever laughed at them. She found it amusing, adorable even, just the way she loved everything about him. And he loved that about her. 

He loved her smile when she talked to her friends, the way she comforted everyone, how she stood up for herself and others without hurting anyone. 

"I do", she smiled. But the boy frowned. This was not her usual, genuine smile that lit up her whole face and his everytime. Even in the dim light he could make out the kind of smile that was only ever planted on her face when her friends let her in on their pranks. This was the kind of smile that let him know something was about to happen.

But he knew her well enough to know that whatever she had planned, whatever witty thing she had come up with, he was going to enjoy it. She never did anything to hurt others purposefully, unlike some of her friends. 

"Now, Lottie!" The voice echoed through the glade as if everything had been waiting just for this moment, silence following in anticipation. 

The rain was now coming down heavier, and though it was usually about time to escort everyone into the homestead, no one dared to move. If the glade's girls had planned something, the boys would be awaiting it with open arms. 

The blond tried to make out the girl's expression, but it had already grown too dark and he knew it. Suddenly, the space beside him felt awfully empty. The girl had lifted her body up, her hand put out in front of him as if encouraging him to take it. So he did. He stood for nothing but a moment when he heard the soft tune. Slow, gentle music was coming from all around him. 

His smile warmed the girl's heart. He had not smiled for a long time until she arrived, she had really worked magic on him. He was amazed by just her presence and she was fascinated by him simply being. Both were so kind, gracious one might say. They loved each other and everyone around could see it. While they usually caught everyone else when they fell, they were now catching each other. 

"For us?", the boy asked as the rain soaked his clothes and the fire died out from the water pouring down. "Just for us", she answered. It was one of those moments where he knew that he didn't deserve her and she was still there. She was there for him. With him. Because of him. In moments like these he didn't have to say how much he loved her because he knew she could feel it. 

And so she swung her soft arms around his neck while he placed his hands on her waist. They smiled as they danced, they laughed - for one short moment they simply were. 

They were as they danced in the rain, as their clothes were glued to their bodies, as they felt the warmth of each other despite the cool air. They were as their lips touched and their gazes met. They simply were, ignoring their surroundings, ignoring all cheers from their friends and others talking in the background. In this moment they had each other and just each other, and nothing else was important enough to catch their attention. 

When she looked into his brown eyes she saw everything she had ever wanted, everything she would ever want. And when he looked back, watching as hers, sparkled with green and blue and grey, reflected the last flames left of the great bonfire, he saw his past, present and future. 

"Ey, shuckfaces!", a voice sounded, interrupting the loving dance the couple had just been sharing. The girl only giggled, and again the blond found himself admiring her. How she wasn't annoyed, he didn't know, but he loved her for it. 

When they turned their heads to see who had called them, even in the darkness now they could still note both their best friends in a close embrace, too moving to the slow tune. "Looks like you've inspired someone", the boy joked, looking back to the girl in his arms. She laughed and caught his gaze as it flickered from her eyes to her lips. 

"Not really", she admitted. Seeing her so happy and carefree made him smile. "Not really?", he asked, raising a hand to put a strand of wet hair behind her ear. Both of them were slowly getting cold and the rain hadn't stopped, their drenched clothes still clinging to their skin. "Mary helped me", she smiled and looked over to her friend whose forehead was now leant against the Runners'. The blonde lay his hand on the girl's chin and lifted it up a bit so she would look at him. 

"It was amazing, Lottie." Their lips met for just a split second, his hand still holding up her chin as she intertwined her fingers with his hair. "Thank you."


i do not know why, but i just *had* to add myself and minho dancing thank you very much. despite that OMG LOTTIE I HOPE U LIKED IT- if u didnt then im never gonna be happy again. jk i'd get over it at some point. this also was why i asked about your eye colour btw, just so you know, but you prolly figured that out. i have no idea if this is how you imagined the situation but it's how i did dbghjakjhs alr uh before i make a 3-paragraph-authors note now im gonna stop this

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