Me too - Thomas | Scorch Trials

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"Brenda! Hurry!", the strange man ran up to her and you felt yourself stumble slightly, not having expected to come to a sudden halt. "For gods sake, can he stop scaring us like that", you cursed and grabbed hold of Minho's shoulder, who looked at you with an amused expression. He shook his head when you shot him a questioning look and retreated your hand again, feeling stable enough to stand by yourself. It wasn't your fault you weren't quite able to run again yet, after all you had been hanging upside-down from a ceiling just a few minutes ago. 

"We don't have much time! Let's go!", he continued and passed you in a hurry. You groaned and turned around just to see he was heading towards an opening in the wall that was only closed by doors that were already dangling dangerously - and then he opened them, revealing the single metal string connecting the building you were in with the one next to it. 

"You got to be kidding me", you gasped, taking one look at the dangerous makeshift construction. You couldn't believe this guy actually wanted you to get to the other building by a ropeway as old as time. "Gotta be, hermana", he didn't even look at you, instead he was fumbling with the cord that would carry you to the other building. 

"You kids wanna get to the Right Arm?", he asked. "I'll lead you to them." 

You sighed, knowing you hadn't got any other chance. The man pulled out the rope himself and swung his legs over the wall, practically flying over to the next building at a terrifyingly high speed. "Follow me!", he shouted and your lips parted for a moment. 

You weren't actually going to do this, were you?

"You're next!", Minho exclaimed and practically shoved the rope into your hand. You cursed under your breath and closed your eyes. Your slight fear of heights did not make this any better. "Go!", Thomas cried out from behind you and you exhaled audibly. Your muscles tensed, you pushed yourself away from the building and held onto the robe as hard as even possible. 

"If I get out of this alive I swear to God I'm finally telling Thomas how I feel about him!", you screamed when your eyes flew open and you realised just how far up in the air you were right now. 

Shutting them again quickly, you clinged onto the rope with all your strength. Your words followed a scream that ended the very moment your feet finally touched the ground again. "Shuck", you cursed breathlessly, just standing there for a second until you dared to open your eyes again. You faced Jorge, who impatiently waved for you to get on, before taking some stumbling steps forward. To steady yourself you grabbed the first thing you could get hold of - an old wall that didn't look too stable but carried your weight anyway. 

"Shuck yeah!" Minho had set foot on the ground again and was grinning proudly. You shook your head in disbelief. How could this boy have possibly found that amusing? Newt stood straight and so did Fry, Aris and Teresa both stumbled though none of them looked as affected as you. Finally, you were just waiting for Thomas and Brenda. But they weren't going to come. The building exploded and Jorge led you and your friends onto a different floor. You were shocked, worried about Thomas and couldn't really take in a word Jorge said even though you tried your best to listen. After he ended his speech, all you could remember was that he wanted to take you to a place he knew Brenda would go to as well, and Brenda was with Thomas. Probably. Hopefully. 

So, you agreed and everyone else followed your lead.

"Thomas!", you screeched when Jorge dragged his unconscious body up the stairs and into the room you had made a camp. You stood up and rushed towards them, helping the man to put him on the small bed-like lounger in the corner. After sitting down next to him, you took his hand to play with his fingers, trying to calm yourself down. 

The last night you hadn't slept at all - you were way too worried. Both Newt and Fry had tried to get you to sleep multiple times, but you had remained in a seated position. Aris had joined you after a bit and you found his company quite comforting. You ended up resting your head on his shoulder, crying your eyes out about everything that had happened until now. You couldn't remember crying ever since you came up the box. 

"(Y/n)?", Thomas breathed heavily once he finally opened his eyes and sat up a bit. You looked up from his hand that you had held up to your lips to plant a kiss on it. "Hey", you laughed and quickly wiped away a tear that had started to roll down your cheek. "Why're you crying?" 

Eventually he sat up fully and looked at you with a worried expression. You loosened the grip on his hand and started to play with his fingers again, something you usually did when you were nervous. "I was worried you wouldn't come back to me", you said and ignored the fact you were tearing up. You looked back down at his hand and tried hard to keep your emotions locked up. Thomas' face softened as he put his other hand to your chin to lift it up so you would look him in the eyes. With his thumb he wiped away a tear rolling down your cheek and simply studied your features for a moment. "I'll always come back to you", he finally said, moving his hand down to your jawline. You melted into his touch, the warmth of his hand on your cold face calmed you down. 

"Thomas-", you started, but the boy interrupted you. "I know", he smiled and intertwined your fingers with his, stopping your nervous fiddling. "Me too." 

You closed your eyes for a second and exhaled shakily to steady your breath. Then you opened them again, watching as Thomas scanned over your face and wiped away another tear. "Never scare me like that again please", you whispered and he nodded. 



I've got a quick question for y'all. So in this story I've been using different perspectives for different oneshots just to try them out. Which one is your favourite? do you prefer first, second or third?

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