Worrying - Minho (part two)

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for all the amazing people that requested a part two!

Three days had passed. Three days in which Minho hadn't talked to me. To be fair, I hadn't talked to him either. The day we had that fight, he'd gone straight to the map room and spent his night on the makeshift bed there instead of going back to the bedroom the two of us shared. I'd sat in our spot for at least an hour longer, crying my eyes out until I got the worst headache I had ever experienced. God, it had not went the way I wanted at all. 

The day after, Minho was up way before me and had set off into the maze before anyone else. My headache was still there, now mixed with a sleepless night and even more crying. "Before you faint", Alby had told me when he'd saw me walk out of my room. "-you better take the day off, shebean."

And so I spent the time I'd usually help out Fry in the kitchen in the Deadheads, sulking, screaming and punching some trees in our spot until my knuckles were bloody. Once Minho returned from the maze, I was sitting next to Newt in the gardens, watching as he worked while I tried to calm down. I gazed up when I heard the Runner's footsteps, but he was only jogging towards the kitchen to get his food. I didn't see him all evening - when I went with Newt to get dinner, he'd already disappeared again, spending another night in the map room. 

Nobody asked about it. Newt shot me some concerned looks now and then, but other than that, they all ignored it. Minho and I had fought various times already. It wasn't unusual for him to camp in the map room for a day, either. Even though it happened rarely. And we always made up at least the day after.

Normally, he'd kiss me goodbye before heading off into the maze every morning and look for me the second he came back. Most of the time I'd still be working in the kitchen, so he'd sneak in and hug me from behind and I would shriek loudly until I realised it's only him. When Frypan let me off early, I either searched for Newt or laid down in front of the maze doors. One time I had finished work the second Minho emerged from the maze. He hadn't seen me, so I screamed his name, laughed and ran towards him. I jumped right into his arms and he caught me as easily as if I were a feather. 

The second day Minho came back without greeting me, the boys started muttering. Frypan turned around when he'd given out Minho's food and raised his eyebrows at me. "What?", I had asked, looking down at the bowl I was just washing. "Anything happened between you and your loverboy?" I remembered the tone in Fry's voice - concerned, serious for once. It came close to the first time I had stood in the kitchen, trying to bake bread, and he instructed me from behind. 

I didn't answer his question because I started to tear up, the lack of sleep and a sense of dehydration washing over me as I painfully recalled the fight. Of course Fry immediately recognised that something was more than just wrong - the whole day he'd been weirdly glancing at me, but I'd ignored it after telling him that I was feeling better again. "Nothing", was a complete lie and my shaky voice gave it away instantly, but Fry only grabbed the bowl from my hand, put it to the side and pulled me close. His shirt was wet after I'd sobbed into the fabric, the touch comforting me, but not helping.

The third day, I'd decided not to talk to anyone. At night, I had clutched the blanket as if it were something I could find comfort in. I had honestly considered marching into the map room and waking Minho up just so he could get me to sleep, but I knew I couldn't do that. For once, I wasn't allowed in the map room, and I probably wouldn't make things better by showing Minho how much of a crybaby I was at the moment. I didn't know what to tell him either. I'd been going through the conversation we could be having in my mind for more times than I could possibly count, but every time the truth just became painfully clearer: I meant what I'd said. And I didn't change my opinion. 

Frypan greeted me once I stepped into the kitchen that morning, but I didn't react. I grabbed what I needed to bake fresh bread, cook stew and went to work silently. Luckily, Fry knew better than to force me into talking. At least I hadn't cried the whole day - until right now. About an hour before dinner, the Cook had shooed me away from his kitchen, telling me that he'd do the rest of the work. I didn't complain - I was exhausted, had gotten no sleep, and my mood hadn't risen. So I walked over to the gardens, waved at Newt who smiled back and flopped down next to him. 

I watched as clouds passed by. The sky was plainly blue, a taint of pink at the edge of what I could see. The sun was going down, which meant Minho would be back in a bit. At this point I had stopped thinking and rethinking what had happened. I was tired of it. It wouldn't change klunk after all. 

"Can we talk?" Suddenly being addressed, my eyes flew open in an instant. I hadn't realised I'd fallen asleep, but now that the sky was a deep shade of orange, I was more than thankful for it. 


For a second I'd completely forgotten someone was talking to me. I slowly rubbed my eyes and yawned, but as I tried to sit up a sharp pain hit the back of my head. "Shuck", I cursed, noting the hoarseness in my voice. Even though my little nap couldn't have been longer than an hour, I felt like I'd just gotten the most sleep in my life. "Sorry Newt- what did you want again?" 

The low chuckle and the body flopping down next to me did not belong to Newt. Once I finally regained all my senses fully, it took me a few more seconds to realise that the boy next to me was not, in fact, the blonde Gardener, but Minho. My Minho. 

"Missed you", I whispered before he could say anything. He smiled softly and lifted his hand up to put a strand of hair behind my ear that was lazily hanging in front of my face. "Missed you too", he responded.

The weight those words lifted off my shoulders was close to unimaginable. I fell forwards into his embrace, resting my head on his shoulder as the tears started falling again. Minho wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me into his lap carefully, stroking my back while I broke down. Neither of us shifted positions for several minutes, savouring the moment, enjoying the contact. 

"I haven't slept until just now", I eventually started and leant back a bit so I could wipe away the tears on my cheeks and look him in the eyes. "Me neither", he admitted and I had to smile in response. At least I hadn't been the only one suffering. I sighed, knowing that even though I would rather do just about anything else, we'd have to talk about what had happened. 

"I know that you probably hate me now but-", before I could even finish, Minho interrupted me. "I don't hate you, you know I couldn't hate you. If anything, I hate myself for leaving you for so long, god, I never wanted you to feel so bad." 

He cupped my face with his hands, wiping away more tears, stroking my cheeks, and I leant into his touch, closing my eyes for just a moment. I smiled a bit. Everything would be alright. Minho was here and he didn't hate me. 

"I just- My opinion hasn't changed, Minho. But in the last days I realised that-" I took a deep breath and stopped for a second, opening my eyes, gazing at him through a film of tears. "I realised that without you, I'm nobody. I don't give a flying shuck where we are as long as we're together! Glade, outside world, shucking hell, as long as you're with me I'll be fine! You say outside is better and I'll trust you, I'll follow you everywhere. If you want to get out so desperately, I just- I just hope that you're right." My voice dropped. "I just hope that you know what you're talking about, Minho. I know that if, you will be the one to find the exit. But I'm still scared to lose you to it. I'm scared to lose you to that stupid exit!" 

The Runner gave me a moment to catch my breath, calm down and stop crying. He'd listened to me intently, his eyes never leaving my face. When he finally started talking, I wasn't crying anymore and had brushed my tangled hair out of my face. 

"I'm glad you haven't changed, princess. That's you after all, isn't it? I'm in love with every part of you, even the ones that don't agree with me." He smiled and I couldn't help but mirror his expression when he placed a small kiss on my lips.

"And I'm sure that there's an exit. And it will all be worth it in the end. I'll prove you wrong, princess, believe me." His playful tone made me chuckle. This was why I loved him so much. His passion, his absolute determination. "You will?", I asked in the same, playful way, nudging his nose with mine and pecking his lips myself this time. "Bet", he grinned. 

I wasn't convinced. But I'd told him the truth - I would follow him even if he was running straight into death's arms. I'd be right beside him. 

"Bet", I responded. Finally, he leant in and this time neither of us pulled away - making up three days worth of kisses would be hard for sure, but making out was another reason I loved Minho so shucking much. 


In no way was I ever gonna write this- but i did :)) LMAO you were all asking for a part two and even tho this kind of didnt fit my plan at all, i won't let you guys downnnn so HERE YOU GO (and ngl i'm pretty pleased with the outcome, hbu?)

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