Stung - Newt

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this is for newtsgardenshovel!! hope you enjoy it-
tw!! lots of pain, fainting, breaking down

You stumbled, almost tripping over your own feet - or Minho's, you couldn't tell. Your vison was starting to become blurry. "Klunk!", you heard Minho curse next to you as he had to steady the both of you again. He'd wrapped his arm around your body and taken it upon himself to bring you back to the Glade safely while your consciousness was slowly starting to slip away.

In the first few seconds, you hadn't even realised that you'd been stung. Then the wound started hurting like hell, numbing your body, feeling as though fire was burning in your veins. You'd tried to run back to the Glade yourself, but before you'd even taken more than two steps, you fell straight onto your face.

Never in a million years would you have guessed that one day you would get stung. You - the most careful Runner there'd ever been. But if you hadn't stepped in, the Griever would've gotten Minho. And you couldn't let anyone harm your best friend.

During your time in this hellhole, you had studied all the people that had been stung. As a former Med-jack and then a Runner, it had just always occured to you as something that should be studied.

The guys' eyes, though the most significant aspect, were the last thing that changed. It always started with the wound. Slowly, the poison would spread through the body - the black stripes visible when it made its way through the veins to the brain. Once it had reached that, the body would really start to change. Instead of being almost unable to move, the person would start flinching, hitting, kicking. And then came the eyes. They turned black - once they became fully dark, the serum would be no help.

"My-", you whispered, coughed and tried again. "My eyes."

You could barely make out the way Minho turned around, concerned, scanned your face and tilted his head back to push you further. "Still as blue as the pond."

You would've laughed if you'd been able to. Your eyes were brown, and so was the pond. This was why you loved Minho - his endless sarcasm and the way it cheered you up even though you were feeling close to throwing up. You knew that as long as you remained in this state, you would be just fine. Your eyes brown, your body numb, your mind still wandering off to Newt and the fact he had no idea about you being stung.

"Newt's gonna kill me for this", Minho complained as he looked up from the ground and let his gaze trail over the walls covered in thick ivy. "We had a hell lot of luck we met that Griever before lunch."

God, your stomach felt as though it was turning around completely, just changing inside-out, getting ripped apart and put back in pieces. This wasn't a good sign at all. You had trouble keeping your eyes open, your mind focused on the ground and Newt back in the Glade, trying hard not to get it too clouded.

It felt like someone was choking you and the second you opened your mouth to speak, you regretted it. Breathing air through your mouth was like swallowing a whole bottle of Gally's drink. But you had to. "Knock-", you paused. "Me- Out!" It took Minho a second to even understand what you wanted from him before he stopped dead in his tracks to look at you, disbelief written on his face. "Are you kidding me?"

You groaned in pain and cramped your hand around the hem of his shirt. "No", you argued through gritted teeth. "We're both better off if I'm unconscious." It took all your energy to croax out what you had to say, but at least Minho understood in the end. "Klunk", you heard him repeat as you squeezed your eyes shut and waited for the pain that would come with the hit, but you couldn't feel it. All you heard was a loud thump, and all you could see was the darkness. You didn't notice as your body fell right into Minho's arms, not the way he picked you up or the curses he breathed when he hurried up.

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