Drunk - Newt (part one)

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I was sitting next to my friends, leaning against a log and watching the dancing flames in front of me. It was bonfire night again, today the new Greenie had arrived and already done pretty well at angering Gally. About half an hour ago or so he had - tried to - fight Gally in the Fighting Circle and remembered his name - Thomas. I didn't know what to think of him yet. He was ambitious, no doubt, and curious as hell. Didn't stop asking bloody questions, that shank.

"Hey, (y/n)!", Newt cried out from behind me. "You've been staring at that bloody fire for so long now!" I rolled my eyes at his whining and turned around. He only ever did that when he had drunk a little too much. Once again.

Minho chuckled in the background and had to grab Thomas' shoulder to maintain his balance and not crash onto the ground face first. "She's been-", he started hiccoughing. "staring for like two minutes, Newtie." Newt grunted something sounding a lot like "don't call me that Min Min" and the Greenie next to the two of them looked at me with a confused expression.

"It's normal", I sighed while putting aside the cup I had been holding though not drinking from. I rarely did. I saw the effect the concoction had on the boys and usually didn't want to end up like that. With a grunt I stood up, walking towards Newt to steady him and stop him from dangerously wobbling from side to side.

"How 'bout we go to bed, what do you think?", I softly said as I slipped a hand around his waist and tried to take the cup he was still holding from him while he firmly gripped my shoulders for support. When he didn't say anything and didn't let go of his cup either I groaned in annoyance and looked up at him. He had been watching my useless tries for minutes. "You look really beautiful with a ponytail, y'know?", he suddenly slurred and tried to play around with my hair.

I snarled with laughter and moved his hand back to my shoulders. "And you're drunk, Newt, now let's go to bed." I looked him in the eyes, an eyebrow raised. Usually it was a bit easier to get him to go to sleep. When he didn't react again, I sighed. "Newt", I pouted, the last ace up my sleeve. Maybe he'd fall for my best, just-for-Newt puppy eyes?

No, the boy didn't move an inch. Still staring at my face he finally managed to speak, though such a mumble I couldn't understand a word. "What?", I blurted out and could've slapped myself in the face a second later. I had really just asked a drunk boy to repeat himself. "Can- Can I kiss you, (y/n)?"

My mouth fell open in an instant when my brain had processed his words. "I- Newt-", I started, then trailed off, not knowing what to say. I had liked this shank for a long time now, but we were best friends and I never wanted to ruin that. Also he was drunk. "You're shucking drunk, c'mon, let's go to bed." Newt hiccoughed in response and turned around to look over his shoulder at a babbling and laughing Minho and a completely startled, helpless Thomas.

"Minho, help me out! She said I'm drunk but-" Minho turned to face him, now looking like a curious child. "Did you tell her you like her?", he shouted and I watched Newt frown as he looked back at me, apparently too drunk to notice everyone here - including me - had heard the short conversation. "I like you", Newt said, raising the hand with his drink without noticing that he spilled some of its content.

I shook my head, not wanting to believe his words. Newt was drunk. If I took everything he said when he was drunk literal, he would be a wizard owning a pet dragon. He often said weird stuff when he was drunk. I had to force myself not to tear up at the thought - liking me seemed to be one of those weird things. Bloody slinthead! Really needed to be so drunk before feeling any kind of attraction towards me. "Newt, you're drunk, please", I repeated with an unsteady voice as my vision started to become blurry, laughing so I wouldn't cry.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts, (y/n)", someone suddenly stated and I turned around to face the leader of the glade himself. Alby rarely drank, just like me. He was actually someone I would call my friend around here - often we had thoughtful conversations. I really liked him when he let down his guard for once. I knew his thoughts and wishes, he had always been there for me when I had just wanted to talk. He was never someone to joke with, like Minho, or whose shoulder I could cry on, like Newt - but there was something very comforting about him that allowed me to open up to him. Mostly we talked about the glade, life outside of here, the maze. I couldn't remember talking to him about my feelings for Newt though, so I frowned at him being the one to reassure me in this moment.

"What?", I asked for the second time this evening, stuttering. The shuck was everyone on about today? Newt was drunk, couldn't even stand straight on his own. I had accepted the fact we were and would stay just friends.

Alby rolled his eyes while Minho in the background tried to fight the Greenie for not letting him have another drink. "You like each other", Alby said in an almost bored voice. "Everyone noticed! What do you think made Clint stop flirting with you, (y/n)?" Before I could even think about an answer he continued his little speech. "Newt basically shot daggers at him everytime he even dared to look at you. Also I'm sick of him not doing his job right. Every shucking time we have a gathering, instead of actually writing down what is discussed, he draws your face on the paper."

My mouth fell open again as I processed what I'd just heard. Could it actually be the truth, did Newt like me back? "It's true", Newt mumbled from beside me. I raised an eyebrow, by now apparently my only coping mechanism. "Let's-", I started and was immediately rewarded with an eyeroll from Thomas, who had listened to my last three attempts at getting Newt to bed. "Let's talk about it tomorrow, yeah? I need sleep for now and you should be in bed for hours already."

I looked at Newt, who mumbled something I could once again not understand, but nodded at last. I smiled, finally took the cup from him and placed it on the log next to my own. Then I slowly started to walk towards the homestead, Newt at my side, my hand still wrapped around his waistline.

When we had reached the doors, I pushed them open with my free hand and guided him to his bedroom. He collapsed onto his bed, head and face first, squashed into his pillow - and didn't move another inch. I laughed and shook my head - what a shank. When I carefully covered him with the light blanket and turned around to walk to my own room, he suddenly grabbed my hand and lifted himself up a bit.

"Don't leave please", he pouted and I looked back and forth between the door and him. I could go to my room and tomorrow he wouldn't remember a single thing that happened tonight. Or I could simply stay. Test it out, whether or not he actually liked me back. And even if he didn't, I would've just spent the night with my best friend.

"Fine", I gave in. "I'll stay." Newts face lightened up in an instant as I kicked the shoes off my feet and climbed into his bed, not letting go of his hand.

"Night (y/n)", he mumbled while pulling me into a strong hug. At first my body tensed, but I relaxed quickly, hearing his heartbeat, feeling the warmth of his body, inhaling his smell. I rested my hand on his chest, my head in the crook of his neck and closed my eyes as sleep washed over me.

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