My hair isn't yellow! - Newt

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You sighed in pleasure and closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sunrays on your body. "How're you feeling?", Newt asked in a raspy voice and you snuggled even closer into his side. "Awesome", you answered truthfully and the boy chuckled. 

He carefully brushed his fingers through your hair, the soft touch sending shivers down your spine. "Awesome?", he asked and you nodded in agreement. Awesome. The whole day had been amazing. You wouldn't ever have thought that a day in this godforsaken hellhole could be as incredible as today. 

"I'm glad", he mumbled into your hair and his breath tickled where it met your scalp. "You know what? Me too", you said and turned around to look at him, causing his hand to lose contact with your head. His lips were curled into a small smile and he raised his eyebrows as he pulled his hands back to put them to his sides. "This was amazing. We should do it more often", you sighed and closed your eyes again, tilting your head back a bit. Newt brushed the hair away from your shoulders, letting it fall down your back instead. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, love", he mumbled and you rolled your head back and opened your eyes to look at him. He looked happy. Relaxed. You smiled as you realised the effect he had on you, you seemed to have on him too. You could calm each other down. 

"Of course I did", you said and looked down to grab his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. The sun was slowly starting to set, painting the sky above orange and the last sunrays shone onto the grass around you. "Thank you", you glanced up again to meet his eyes, watching you intently. 

"What?", you asked with a smile. He chuckled and shielded his eyes with one hand. "We spend every day together and I still feel like I don't know anything about you." 

You laughed and sat up properly, letting go of his hand in the process. "Well there's not much to know about me", you shrugged. There really wasn't much to know about anyone here. Nobody could talk about their family, things they did before the maze, old friends - if there even were any. "I bet there's a lot to learn about you", Newt retorted and sat up too. "Just because we can't remember who were were before the maze doesn't mean we're nobody right now." 

You laughed again. How he was able to always say the right thing at the right time, you didn't know, but you admired him for it. He was right of course, once again. You were somebody right now. You did have likes and dislikes. 

"What's your favourite colour?" The boy lay back down onto the grass, glancing up at you with a curious look. You followed his example, resting your head on his chest and putting an arm around his torso. Then you thought about it. Your favourite colour? That should be so easy, shouldn't it? Yet you had never actually thought about it. 

"Yellow", you eventually said. "I love those little yellow flowers that we sometimes find in the Deadheads. And the sun is yellow. Also your hair-" You giggled and trailed off. "My hair isn't yellow! It's blond", Newt whined until he joined your laughter and brushed his fingers through your hair again. You sighed and snuggled closer. "What's your least favourite part about being second-in-command?", you asked after a moment. You knew he was suited for the job, but you'd never heard him say he actually enjoyed doing it. He laughed quietly and you felt the vibrations run through your own body. 

"Having to tell Minho and Chuck off for their stupid pranks", he answered. "They're actually quite funny, y'know? At least they don't harm people. Okay, my turn." 

You smiled and tilted your head a bit so you could look at him. He seemed to actually give his next question some thought. "What excactly is it about Gally that made you think 'Oh, he seems like someone I want to be friends with'?" You grinned and rolled onto your back so that Newt's arm was trapped between your body and the grass - not quite the most comfortable position, you had to admit. 

"I just felt like he's got to be more than that tough guy who shouts at everyone and pushes boys around", you explained. When you had come up the box, Gally was the first one you ever spoke to. You found him weird at first and his attitude seemed put-on. When you finally saw him in the Fighting Circle at the bonfire and studied his behaviour the whole evening, you knew that he was putting on a show, and that interested you: Why would a guy like Gally play-act? 

"What's your favourite plant?", you asked after a few seconds. Newt chuckled and turned around to face you. "You really want me to pick just one?" 

You nodded and watched him as he thought about his answer. You found his little frown absolutely adorable, though he always called it a bad habit. "Lobelia", he finally said, putting a loose strand of hair behind you ear, which caused a sudden redness to paint your cheeks. You nodded once again. Understandable. There weren't that many different plants in the glade anyway, and the Lobelia you two had found in the deadheads one day were definitely pretty.

"One last question?", the blond chuckled. You raised an eyebrow. "For- each of us?", you checked. Newt laughed and nodded, eventually straightening his back and sitting up. You groaned, knowing you'd also have to sit up just to be able to properly look at him. With a sigh you propped your body up and rested your head on your arm. 

"What do you think you'd be doing if you hadn't become a Gardener?", he asked after thinking for a second. You frowned. Good question - what would you be doing? 

"Honestly? I don't know", you said. "Maybe Builder? I don't think I could handle stitching people up and I nearly burnt the kitchen down when I tried out for Cook." Newt snorted. "Yeah, I remember that - Frypan was out of his mind." You joined in on his laughter as you thought back. Frypan had been really mad. Apparently no one before had ever done so poorly - and Fry had his hopes up. But no, you were absolutely not suited for the job. 

You sighed, thinking about what you wanted to ask Newt. Your eyes were eventually glued onto the maze doors and you remembered something you'd wanted to ask a few times already, but always were too distracted or feared the answer. "If- When we get out of here", you corrected yourself. "-what do you want to do? What would be your dream?" 

Newt sighed and put a hand to your cheek, drawing patterns with his thumb as he thought about an answer. You enjoyed the little contact and even though he did it often you still felt a familiar tickle in your stomach. "I think I'd keep doing something outside, with plants or gardening- and who knows, maybe we could marry someday and have children." His eyes met yours almost scared, fearing your reaction, but you only smiled. "I'd love that."

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