I hope you can forgive me

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The loud music could already be heard down the street before Peter parked his car and him and MJ got out.

A party was hosted tonight and the two teens had decided to go.
Peter nervously fiddled with his shirt, earning a smirk from his girlfriend.
"Man up loser, it's just a bundle of drunk teens, nothing to worry about." She chuckled, pecking him on the lips before dragging him up the path.

"God she looks beautiful in that flowy dress" Peter thought, a proud smile on his lips.
He wrapped his arm around her as one of their classmates opened the door and led them inside with a big smile.

The party was going well, Peter was standing against the wall, watching the sea of dancing (well, more like uncontrolled movements and some grinding) people, moving along with the music. He was waiting for MJ to return with drinks.

A young girl with blonde locks falling over her small shoulders stumbled up to him, the smell of alcohol on her breath even noticable for someone without enhanced senses.

"Damn you look... Hottt. You wanna go to.. a spot upstairs..?" She slurred, rubbing up against him.

Peter politely declined, trying to get her off of him, but his eyes widened when she suddenly grabbed him by the colour and smashed her lips onto his.

He pushed her off with a surprised yelp when he saw her.


"Fuck, she saw the entire thing." He thought. It was confirmed when MJ started to head outside, walking down the driveway.

He rushed outside: "Em! You know that wasn't on my part!"

She turned around, eyes glistening with fury and repressed tears: "What, you making out with some slut?! I thought you were better than that Peter!"

It was like her screams at him never stopped. Each profanity making him sink lower and lower, the fact that she didn't trust him weighing on him, worse than the warehouse.

"Fuck you Peter! I hate you!" She yelled at him, turning around and storming off.
(In real life, don't do that, 's not safe kiddos (MJ has safety items on her by Tony on Peter's request))

He sighed sadly, getting into his car and driving out of the street. After driving for a few minutes he stopped at the red light. He looked down at his phone, the bright blue light illuminating his face.

"We're done Peter."

The tears in his eyes made it nearly impossible for him to see as he typed back a response.

"I would never betray you M, you're my entire universe"
"I hope you can forgive me, love you <3"

He pocketed his phone again, and resumed his way home, absent-mindedly staring ahead, tears nearly spilling over.


It was now many hours later, MJ was sitting on her fire escape watching the sun starting to make it's way down again, the warm autumn breeze ruffling her dress.

The same one from last night.
She looked down at it sadly, remembering how happy she was when he gave it to her.

MJ felt guilty, she knew Peter wouldn't do that to her, his texts proving her point. He's the sweetest boy she knows. He couldn't hurt someone even if he tried to.

Watching the sun set, she decided to call him. Pressing the contact and making the call screen pop up, Peter's profile picture of them smiling brightly made her face scrunch up in regret.

He didn't pick up, so she tried again.
"Please. Pick up loser.. don't leave me hanging when I need to apologise.." she muttered to the screen.

She counted every ring, losing more hope with each one.


MJ nearly shot up in surprise and relief. She instantly started to nervously ramble, a little habit she picked up from him.
"Peter thank God, listen I'm so sorry for what I said last night, I know you could never-"


Oh.. oh no

Her voice was small, too afraid of what he would say. "Is Peter there? I need to talk to him.."
The long pause on the other line seemed to last an eternity.

"He's dead Michelle.."

MJ took in a sharp breath, her hand gripping the phone: "Wh-what? Wh- how?"

"Car crash." Tony's gruff voice was wobbly and he clearly was on the verge of crying.
"Maybe it's best if you come over."


Never had she ever ran this hard, she sprinted down the street. The Tower was only a few blocks away yet it felt like she'd already circled the Earth multiple times.

When the elevator doors opened she jogged out into the living room, panting like a wild animal.

All the Avengers were sitting on the couches, upon her entering everyone looked up at her, red puffy eyes and sniffles present in the entire room.

MJ looked around at them, tears streaming down and feeling absolutely helpless.
Natasha got up and made her way to the crying girl she'd joke around with all the time.
"Come." She softly spoke, her façade about to break any second.

She led MJ down the hallway towards Peter's room and knocked gently before going in.

Peter was there, the sight of his pale body covered in bruises and small cuts as he layed there on his Star Wars duvet with Tony sitting on the edge next to him, gently brushing his hair out of his face with his own scrunched up in grief would forever be ingrained in MJ's mind.

Tony looked up at her for only a second before turning back to Peter, giving her a tiny nod.

MJ cautiously walked over to the bed, Nat behind her to have their backs.

"How did it-.." she started softly, digging her nails into her upper arm.

The billionaire looked up at her sadly: "He crashed his car, drove into a ditch last night, died on impact."
Tony looked awful, but what else is there for a man who had to carry his maimed son out of a wrecked car covered in blood?
"Karen told me that he was experiencing emotional distress and that he was crying, his tears presumably blocking his view on the road."

MJ's head was spinning
I caused it.. it's my fault..

She didn't even realise her knees buckling until she hit the floor, biting her knuckle: "We had a fight and he drove off..I killed him.. I killed him.."

Nat pulled the sobbing girl into her lap, shushing her and moving up to the bed. Tony scooted over, holding her hand.

MJ stared into space: "The last thing I said to him was that I hated him." She said, whimpering and unable to breath.

"He knew you didn't mean it Michelle. It's not your fault, Peter loved you dearly."

Fiddling with her necklace with a picture of her everything, MJ stood at Peter grave.

"I hope you can forgive me Pete, I love you.."

My brain is dead so if this is all incomprehensible I'm sos :D I don't have the energy to reread it
It's 2 AM and my eyes burn lol, I hope you like the new chapter
Bye for now,

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