Big Brother. (Part III)

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Tony was getting better.

He did still get nightmares about the night he lost his son and would often have anxiety attacks but he slowly improved.

Morgan loved being able to finally spend time with her daddy.
They would often lay next to each other as Tony would tell her stories about the Avengers.

And about Peter.

He told her about the brave boy that had given his life for him.
Jumping in between Tony and Hydra spies.

He described his chocolate eyes and chestnut curls that were as soft as the fluff of a newborn puppy. He described how the brave boy was kind, smart, loving, talented.
He was a hero.

Morgan would silently listen, loving every story and listening to the stories about the beautiful boy. The boy who almost would've been her brother.

Tony had planned on adopting Peter on his 16th birthday.
Sadly he passed away three months before he would reach that.

At night when Morgan would lay in bed, she would look at the pictures of her Daddy and the beautiful boy on the nightstand. Tony had told her about how Peter regularly spent the night at the Tower and would've moved in when he would get adopted.

But he never got that chance.

When Morgan layed back down, she suddenly felt something weird.
It felt like she was not alone.
She heard whispers.

Sitting back up, she looked around the room confused.


There it was again!

The door to the hallway suddenly opened and the light from outside casted light onto the bed.
Someone stood in the doorway.

"Don't be scared, okay?" Said the voice with a calming voice.

Morgan nodded as the figure entered and closed the door.

Morgan gasped softly.


*This chapter is so bad lol. I'll try to update regularly :)*

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