The room

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Trigger warning: very graphic
(I wanted to try out something new, I hope you guys like it!)

Tony Stark had many enemies. They'd often try hurting him in ways to get revenge, trying to take his company,  steal his blueprints, etc.
But, it never affected Tony.

Until he met Peter Benjamin Parker.

He'd adopted the boy a year ago, at first he was an intern and fellow Avenger, but those big brown eyes and soft curls bore a way into Tony's cold arc reactor and melted the ice.

Tony cared more for the boy than anything, aside from Pepper, Tony didn't have a reason for living without the kid.

Then Peter disappeared.

He'd gone out on patrol when his suit malfunctioned and didn't show up on the radars anymore. Tony only got one glitchy message from Karen that was supposed to be a distress signal.

Tony got that feeling, that something wasn't right at all.

He immediately got into his suit and started to comb out the streets and rooftops.

The minutes passed and with every second Tony became more and more frantic.

He soared over the city.
"SPIDERMAN!" He yelled through the speakers in the suit, echoing throughout the streets of New York.

People looked up in confusion, Iron Man flying out to look for Spiderman?
The sound also arrived at a tiny apartment, where an Italian woman roughly opened the window, her long dark hair falling over her shoulders.

When May Parker heard Iron Man calling out for Spiderman, her heart stopped. Her nephew was missing, the baby she raised for 11 years. She wanted to do something, but, knowing she couldn't do anything right now, she fell onto Peter's bed, praying to every God for her child to be alright.

It had been a few weeks. Tony was sitting behind his desktop watching security camera footage from every part of the city, but they all somehow stopped recording at about 2:50 AM, the same time as Peter's disappearance.

Out of frustration, he shoved all of the papers off his desk and stood up. With one hand on his hip and his pointing finger on his lips, he paced around the room when he spotted it.

A small, yellow piece of paper. He ran over to it and picked it up. It felt like his heart stopped. Two words. Hail Hydra. And on the back an address.


Tony stood outside the building, repulsor pointed up, scanning around. He was scared to go in, but he had to find Peter. Tony didn't want to imagine what they had done to him. Little did he know the horror inside.

Cautiously checking for guards, he went inside. Walking from room to room, he scanned inside for a sign of Peter.
He came into a long hallway with three doors. The first two were locked, so he tried the third.

The door opened with a loud screech, a streak of light coming from the buzzing white lights making it's way into the dark room.
Tony peaked inside and felt the bile rise in the back of his throat.

Laying in a mixture of blood, vomit and sweat, was a small figure. Tony could only see a bare back full with cuts and bruises. He was also thin, very thin.

Tony told Jarvis to contact Bruce and light up the room. He got out of the suit as it pointed up both gloves, emitting a bright light.
Tony walked over to Peter and placed a soft hand on the tiny frame of his adoptive son.

Instinctively, Peter curled up even more, a soft whine barely audible.
"It's me bubba, I'm here." Tony whispered.

Peter slightly relaxed under his hands. He started to make little sobbing noises, wheezing in between.

"Can you move buddy?" Tony asked him. When Peter didn't respond, he carefully rolled Peter over, so his face was in the light.

When Tony saw the damage, he nearly puked all over Peter. The blood just drained from his face and he felt like his arc reactor just got ripped from his body. He went numb.

The front was even worse. The poor kid had a huge scar on his abs, bleeding through the bad stitches that practically existed of staples. His face was bruised with a huge black eye and his nose broken and bleeding. His lips were busted. He had his hands against his body tightly, fingers all broken.

The thing that scared Tony the most, was that he could see Peter's heart beating through some of the skin between staples, as well as some other organs. Tony covered his mouth with his hand. His eyes not processing if what he was seeing was even real.

Peter looked up at Tony, barely able to keep himself awake. He had dry blood in his hair and caked all over his face. Tony placed a hand on Peter's bruised cheek, instantly becoming wet with both of their tears.

Tony carefully picked up his child, planting a kiss on his face. His suit formed around him and he took off.

There's going to be a part two!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Also, thank you guys so much for all of the kind words you guys sent to me when I needed it, y'all are so supportive, I don't deserve you guys🥺 I love each and every one of you, thank you all so much❤️

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