Field Trip

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Peter was nervous, to say the least.

Today, the school had decided, to go on a field trip to Stark industries to learn about Tony Stark and his career.

Flash had already been bugging him when they got on the bus but now that they were getting close to their destination he wouldn't shut up.

"Hey Penis, what's with the long face? Scared you're going to be exposed?" Flash said, leaning over the seats and yanking Peter's earbuds out. "I'm sure Tony Stark is going to be so embarrassed about you lying that you work there!"

MJ turned towards Flash with a piercing glare which was enough for him to fall back into his seat and keep his comments to himself. MJ looked at Peter and winked with a smirk.
He gave her a thankful smile.

When they got off the bus and headed inside, they were met with a lady wearing her red, curly hair in a high ponytail and wearing a white labcoat.
Her friendly green eyes sparkled from behind her big round glasses.

"Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie and I'll be your tour guide today! We'll be looking at the following things: The testing rooms, the Intern labs and the gym. But as for now I will hand all of you your badges. Visitors are a level one, Scientists and interns are levels 2-8 and inhabitants of the building are level 9."

The students gathered around Stephanie, all grabbing a badge and making their way over to the gates. As Peter, Ned and MJ came across Stephanie, she recognised Peter.

"Hello Peter and friends, do you have your own badge with you?" She silently asked, knowing Peter wouldn't like the extra attention from his class.
(What a nice person she is!)

Peter nodded and got out his badge as Ned and MJ got out their 'frequent visitors' badges that Tony had given to them some time ago.

As the class went through the portals they all scanned their badges.

"Simon Darwin, level one.
Eva Somerine, level one."
FRIDAY said with every visitor, slightly annoying Peter hearing the same thing 32 times.

Peter scanned his badge last.

"Peter Parker, level 9, welcome back Underoos, would you like me to inform Boss about your arrival?"
The AI asked him.

Peter smiled at the nickname his dad put in the system: "Hello FRIDA-

Flash cut him off.
"Okay Penis, how much did you pay these suckers to give you a special badge?"

Everyone looked shocked.
Peter just stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.

Flash made his way to Peter, towering over him. Peter winced at his voice, his enhanced senses blaring in the back of his head.

In the corner of his eye, Peter saw the security guards becoming alarmed.
He got distracted from his thoughts as a fist made contact with his nose. "Don't ignore me, nerd!" Flash yelled.

His nose making a horrifying cracking sound as Peter flew backwards and bumped into the gate he just went through, falling down on them, hurting his back. He yelled as his wrist slammed against the floor. He scrambled back up and held his arm, slightly whimpering.

Flash was immediately tackled by security guards as he yelped in surprise.

Peter felt a warm liquid on his face and brought his hands to his nose, wincing at the touch. His fingers came back bloody.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!"
A voice suddenly boomed through the room. Peter resisted the urge to yelp at the loud noise, his ears being so sensitive.

Everyone turned around to see Tony Stark himself coming from the elevator. He strode over to Peter.

"Dad!" Peter said, aware of the gaping mouths of his classmates. "Let him go! It's okay I'm alright!"

Tony signed to the guard who let Flash go.

"Peter appears to have a broken nose, a concussion, a bruised back and a sprained wrist. Would you like me to inform Dr. Banner to prepare the Med Bay?" FRIDAY snitched on him.

Tony glared at Peter and then spun around to Flash, his irises blazing with fury.

"If you ever touch my son again I'll personally make sure that you will have no future, understood?" Tony spoke. Flash nodded hastily.

Peter started to sway as he felt nauseous. Then he collapsed from the pain. Tony caught him before he hit the ground and picked him up bridal style.

"This isn't over yet." He said to the group angrily as he made his way to the elevator. "Stephanie continue the tour but keep an eye on Mr. Punch."
Voice sharp as a piece of glass.

"Yes B-boss, r-right away! C-come students follow me!" Stephanie stuttered.

(Part 2?)

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