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It was a nice summer evening, the sun was slowly setting, making the sky dark and the lights in the streets turn on.

Tony was in his lab, tinkering on some old project Peter had some troubles with. FRIDAY'S voice rang through the room.

"Sir, incoming call from Underoos. Would you like me to pick up?"

Tony smiled: "Yep, put it on."

Peter's voice came through the speakers: "Hey Dad! I'm done for tonight! Miles is taking over the night shift this week. You know, our agreement. I'm swinging past Mr. Delmar's shop so I'll be home in a few minutes, could you make some popcorn? I'd like to watch the new Star Wars movie with you."

"Sure thing Pete! Fri, heat up the oven! See you Pete!"

"See you Dad! Karen disconnect call."

Tony turned off the lab and made his way to the kitchen. As he was bringing the bowl to the table, he saw Peter swinging to the window. Tony had made the windows slide open when Peter would swing at them. The suit had some sort of tracker connected to the system.

He smiled and waved at Peter, who waved back at him and pulled off his mask. Tony put the bowl down when he heard a deafening thud and a crack. His head shot up to see Peter stuck to the window, eyes wide. The window was completely cracked, the system having malfunctioned, keeping it shut.

Peter's eyes rolled back into his head as he slowly came unstuck from the glass. As in slow motion, Tony saw him fall backwards, the window shards falling around him like crystal confetti. Tony ran over trying to grab his hand.

Their fingers brushed and Peter fell the 180 stories down to the ground, cracking the cement, letting out an ear piercing scream that even Tony could hear.

The Iron suit was under construction so he couldn't fly down. Sprinting into the elevator he told FRIDAY to alert Bruce to get the Med Bay ready immediately.

When he got downstairs he ran out the front door. Peter was laying on the ground, panting heavily and whimpering. He was staring at the sky, as if nothing existed.

Tony fell down next to him, hand hovering above his kid, too scared to touch him. Tony cried: "Pete! Can you hear me?!"

Peter's eyes shifted towards his. A small smile forming on his face. "I have such good luck, huh Dad?" He softly chuckled. Tony gave him a sad smile: "You sure do bud."

Tony tapped his watch and a suit made of Iron formed around Peter's body. A special suit that would stiffen, making it unable to move until the correct code was entered. It was originally made to catch bad guys, but it worked in this situation.

Tony picked up the suit, Peter's figure not changing.

When he got to the Med Bay he placed him on the table and the suit retracted.

Bruce ran an X-ray and turned to Tony. "He broke practically everything but because of his super healing he'll be fine in a month, without lasting damage. Good thing you didn't move him, one centimetre and he would've been dead. It's a good thing he's half spider, a normal person would've exploded."

Tony let out a gasp of relief.
He would be fine.

A month later, Peter was completely healed. His back was still a little stiff sometimes, but nothing too serious. Bruce said it would be gone soon. Tony made a new entrance for Peter that wouldn't have the risk of malfunctioning and everything was good after that.


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