Mute Spider

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(ASL will be in this this type of typing)

Tony Stark was working on updating Peter's sign language interpreter. He had created sensors in the hands of Peter's suit so they would convert subtle signing to speach 3 years ago when he learned Peter had something called selective mutism.

Right now he was making updates to the mask so it would record Peter's face so it could recognise emotion and make Spiderman sound more 'alive'.
(I read this idea somewhere please don't fite me😂)

He had just finished up and was wiping the grease from his hands when Peter stormed into the lab, signing furiously.

T:Geez Kid what has made you this upset?

Peter immediately started waving his hands all over the place. Tony tried to read his movements but couldn't make anything of it.

T: Underoos calm down I literally have no idea what you are trying to tell me.

Tony didn't have to sign but he liked it. It made him feel closer to his kid and he knew how to sign anyway.

P: Mr. Laurens gave me a 62% on my math quiz because I didn't talk to him! A 62! This will look so bad on my report card! I originally had 94% but he started forcing me to speak!

T: Do you want me to call that bitch?

P: No, it's alright. I still have an average of 97. I think I'm going to go on patrol to clear my head.

T: Okay, here's your mask, I made an update to Karen. You now have a voice that's less robotic.

P: Awesome! Thank you Mr. Stark!

Peter ran out of the lab to change, Tony looked outside when he wished he could hear his son's voice. He never had. He didn't know it would be high or low, fast or slow. Peter had told him he stopped talking at age 10 and then quickly switched subjects, he hated talking about it because he didn't want others to pity him.

As soon as Peter was flying through the city he felt much better. He perches on his favourite building and tested the new feature. He started signing.

P: Hello there Karen!

Peter grinned, it sounded exactly how he imagined what his voice would sound like.

K: Hello Peter, how do you like the update Boss gave me?

P: It's amazing! Send Tony that I love it!

K: Sure thing Peter!


After a while of patrolling, Peter sat perched on top of a high building.
He was deep in thought. Peter had seen the look on Tony's face when he left the lab.

Peter felt sad and guilty for hurting his dad. Stupid mind, why did you have to stop talking.

Peter started to pace on the side of the building, and then sat down on the window of an empty office, facing the streets.

P: Karen, how do I talk?

K: Maybe make noises to try to get vibrations in your throat, like humming. Peter, it's okay to talk, don't worry. No one will hear you try it. Don't be scared.

P: Gee, thanks Fri.

Peter took a deep breath. What should his first word be? Spider-man? No, too hard. Peter? Tony?

No, wait! He thought, What about 'Dad'!

P: Karen do you think 'Dad' is a good first word?

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