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(Your classical "Tony was in a coma and remembers Pete in NWH" fic)

Tony really thought he was losing his mind when he woke up.
Not only was he missing an arm and felt like he had been run over by a truck.

He also couldn't find a single person who knew Peter Parker.

At first he thought they playing some stupid joke on him, but when even F.R.I.D.A.Y couldn't locate his kid, it truly felt like he'd lost it.
As soon as he was allowed access to his devices, he started looking for any files on his kid. Nothing.
He did find a newspaper article from the local hospital, containing a memorial page about how devastated all the staff were to have lost their beloved colleague May Parker to an explosion. Tony couldn't believe it. The poor kid..

The billionaire was relieved to find that Spider-Man had still been spotted in New York, although he was being hunted more harshly than usual, seeing as he was a "suspect" in the case of May Parker.
Tony had to ignore how his blood boiled when he realised the audacity some people had and sent out one of his smaller bots to track the webslinger and find out where he lived. After about a week of searching, he finally had an adress.

And that is where he now found himself, ready to enter the building..


Hesitantly, Tony approached the front door.
He couldn't help but feel bad for the kid when he looked around the hallway. The stained wallpaper peeling, the cracked paint on all the doors, the general smell of mold everywhere. It must mean the kid really couldn't afford anything else.

He knocked softly on the door, anxiously waiting for a response.
When nothin came, he knocked again.
And again.

With a reluctant sigh, the billionaire took a few steps back and rammed his shoulder into the door.
He wasn't too surprised when the door nearly immediately gave way and opened up to reveal a dark hallway.
Tony stepped inside, wincing at the state of the apartment.
Not unlike the hallway, the room had a funky smell. Yet the lack of furniture and decorations just made it look plain depressing.
He almost wanted to take out his phone to see if he had the right adress, when a soft noise stopped him in his tracks.

It was a soft keening whimper from the one bedroom, muffled, but unmistakably coming from a young person.

Tony felt his heart hammering in his chest when he approached the bedroom, fearing what he would find.
But if this was his kid's apartment, he had to take him home.
Tony turned the handle and the door opened with a squeak.

There wasn't much in the room. Only a desk, a dresser and an unstable looking bed. But on said bed, Tony could see a familiar mop of curls and a crumpled up Spidey suit on the floor. Definitely the right address then.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Tony approached the bed and sat down. The kid was turned away from him and curled up in the blanket. Though he was not facing him, Tony could see the violent shivers and the way the kid tightly held the blanket around himself.
The billionaire gently shook the boy's shoulder, trying to not startle him too much.

He couldn't help the way his heart pounded in his chest even harder when he only got another whimper in response.
Tony carefully rolled the kid onto his back. Simply said, he did not look good.

The teen's face was pale and in the moonlight, Tony could see the sheen of sweat on his brow, making his soaked curls stick to his skin.
Pushing down his panic, Tony shook him again, whispering softly.
"Petey, wake up bud."

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