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(This is gonna be a short one bc I wanted to write but didn't have a lot of inspiration lol. Enjoy!)
Tw: sad

Tony was dragging a bloody, unconscious Peter into the Med bay. They'd been on a huge mission when the boy had been attacked by multiple criminals.

As soon as he layed him down on the bed, a bunch of doctors and nurses swarmed around the kid.

Deep cuts and wounds littered his body and he was losing a lot of blood.

Peter's POV
I slumped into the table when Dad placed me down, not able to move.
God I was so tired, like I hadn't slept in ages.

I hear rustling around me, and the faint sobbing of Dad somewhere. I wanted to say something, let him know I'm here.

After a while of whatever they did, I was placed into a soft bed, still unconscious. Bruce was talking to Dad but I couldn't figure out what he was saying. It was very peaceful in the room. I went to sleep for a bit.

I've woken up a few times, but can't seem to open my eyes, I'm probably just too tired. I feel Dad's hand on mine in a firm grip. Sometimes he cries, I don't like hearing him sad. I've tried to squeeze his hand but he doesn't feel it.


All of the Avengers visit me. Natasha and Wanda are here the most. Natasha tells me stories and Wanda likes to bring her guitar. They even sung together.

A few days back, Ned and Mj came. I heard Mj drawing me while Ned kept me updated on school gossips. Apparently Flash wishes me the best.

My head hurts.
Dad is next to me, my hand in his. He's talking to me but my head hurts too much.

I feel something weird, something.... Nice.
It's like a calm wave washed over me.
I open my eyes.
This is not the Med bay. At least, I think.
I'm in a field. A cool breeze caresses my cheek. I look up. I see clouds. They part slightly and beams of light pour from the sky. A shadow cuts through the middle and I faintly make out a hand reaching for me.

A beeping noise is echoing over the field, I feel myself getting scared. In a desperate attempt to get away, my hand grips the other. I slowly get lifted from the grass. The noise now became a singular high pitched noise but it's getting softer.

I feel peace come over my body and I smile. It feels pleasant. But I'm nearly there when it gets darker. I frown and am suddenly hit with a bolt of lightning. I scream as the high voltage courses through my body and veins.

Pitch black.

Tony POV
I'm holding Peter's hand when his heart fails. The monitor starts beeping profusely and then he flatlines.

I panic and Bruce crashes through the door with Cho behind him.
They gather around him and after a few shocks he is stable again.

Peter POV
The lighting didn't stop for a while. I cry out in pain and ball my fists. My eyes snap open and I shoot up.

The Med bay!

I don't have time to think as Dad immediately hugs me tightly.
"Don't ever do that again Parker!"
He sobs.

I hug him back: "I promise Dad. I love you."

"Love you too, Spider."

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