Peter's fall (Part I)

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Peter POV

I tapped my watch, Iron suit forming around me. I was hanging onto a web string that was attached to Loki who was flying through space. As soon as the suit formed around my face I gratefully took deep breaths.

Now you might be asking how I got here, truth is: I'm not fighting Loki, he is my transportation.

You see, Loki came to the Tower when we were having dinner to ask us for help. Asgard was under attack by some space aliens and they were outnumbered. The Quinjet was under repair so we had to fly ourselves.

Wanda was flying with Natasha and Clint hanging onto her legs.
Dad was flying in his Iron suit holding onto Bruce and Dr. Strange.
And Thor was carrying Loki and me.
Along with us were the Guardians of the Galaxy who had picked up Shuri, T'challa and Okoye.

Those who didn't have suit had borrowed masks from the Guardians of the Galaxy so they could travel through space.

As soon as we got to Asgard I heard Thor curse under his breath, seeing his home being destroyed and the people hurting.

The moment we set foot on the ground we saw at least a thousand aliens making their way towards us. Everyone got into their fighting position, Bruce turning into the Hulk.

Thor, Bruce and the Wakandians on our team would fight of the aliens. Me, dad and Loki would find the source and the rest of the team would bring people to safety.


When we got to the castle, we saw that there was a machine that produced the aliens. It was powered by one of Asgard's most important powerhouses. If it's core was lost, it could be a disaster.

We immediately started fighting off the aliens that were pouring out of the doors. I shot my webs at a table and swung it around, knocking out a lot of aliens.

The creatures were absolutely disgusting. They were green with long fangs and claws. They had too many eyes for me to count.

After a while of fighting, one of the aliens grabbed the powerhouse from the machine and started escaping. Knocking out the rest of the creatures we followed it to the big rainbow teleport bridge thing.

The rest of the team joined and made a barrier, fighting off following aliens so the three of us could chase the alien with the machine.

I started sprinting along the edge of the bridge and jumped off. I shot my webs at the bridge and swung at top speed. I swung past the creature and flipped back onto the bridge, blocking it's path. My sudden appearance distracted it enough to a halt that dad could hit it with a beam. With my enhanced senses I heard FRIDAY telling him the suit was malfunctioning. He tripped on another alien's body and his suit fell apart. Dad falling down with an annoyed groan.

The orb of energy flew out of the alien's claws and slid past me. I turned around and grabbed it. It was surprisingly very heavy. I heard Dad and Loki yell my name. Right at that second I felt my senses blaring as the creature jumped onto my back and started clawing at me trying to get the energy back.

It's long claws made holes in my suit and made big scratches on my skin. I yelped in pain as it tore off my web shooters, cutting into my wrists.

I desperately tried to get it off my back, and with a punch onto it's jaw it let go.

Then I slipped.

My foot slipped off the side of the bridge so together with the alien I fell down. Luckily Loki grabbed my hand just in time, dad grabbing Loki's legs and the creature missing my ankle at a millimetre, plummeting down.

I winced as Loki had his hands on top of my scratches, blood getting onto his hands. I saw dad and Loki struggling to hold onto me and the very heavy orb. I looked down at it, if it fell, Asgard would collapse.

I looked back up, meeting their eyes. Dad was sweating, attempting to pull us back up. Loki just stared at me wide eyed. Scared he'd accidentally let me fall.

Loki POV

I looked down at my darling nephew. I held on desperately, not wanting him to fall into the Emptiness below.
He looked frightened and in pain, holding one of Asgard's most important objects.

I felt my muscles burn, the weight of both the spiderling and the orb.
I saw him look at it, and then up to us. Tony's gloves were clasping onto my boots. I heard him grunt as he tried to pull us up. But we were to heavy. I saw Peter had figured out too. He looked at me knowingly.

He wouldn't.

Tony POV

My arms felt like they were on fire. Tears rolled down my face, mixing with the sweat on my face.
I felt Loki stop moving so I stopped pulling. I looked down and met Peter's eyes, he looked back and forth between me and Loki. His eyes had a sorrowful glint.

No. He wouldn't.

"Peter. No. Don't you dare." I said, my voice cracking at the end.

He didn't say anything, just looked me into the eyes with that damn knowing look.

I cried more: "Peter please, no, I love you buddy, don't do it."

He smiled.

Loki POV

The young spider smiled at us.
His mouth opened slightly, taking in a shuddering breath.

Then he pushed the orb into my hand and balled his fist.
He grabbed his wrist and pulled down as hard as he could, breaking free from my grasp.

He fell soundlessly. It seemed like the only sound was the tiny gasp leaving my lips until Tony started screaming.
He hauled me up and fell to his knees, reaching for a rapidly shrinking Peter.

The others were running up to us. The girl that I believe is Wanda arrived first. Behind her was my brother. The rest of the team was further behind, taking care of the last monsters.

I looked at my brother, remembering his pain when this happened to us. I saw he remembered too. I looked down. I then pushed the orb into Wanda's hands and ran to the edge. I heard my brother shout my name but I jumped.

I dove into the Emptiness, seeing Peter plummeting down unconscious, or dead, or just scared. After a few seconds I reached him. He screamed until he realised it was me.

"Uncle Loki?!?!?!?! What are you doing?!" He cried out.

I didn't answer but just pulled him into a bone crushing hug. I looked up and saw the bridge becoming smaller and smaller. The black around us became a greenish blue and I closed my eyes.

We landed somewhere with a thud. I opened my eyes and saw that we were in a field. Tall grass surrounding us. This is the same place I landed. On a white cliff next to the sea.

I looked down at my sweet nephew who was still clinging onto my cloak with his eyes squeezed shut, obviously still terrified. I placed my hand on his back, slowly pulling him back: "Peter, it's okay, we're on Earth."

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