Big Brother (part IV)

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"Pe'er?!" Morgan gasped.
"Is that weawy you?!"

Peter had just entered the room and sat down on Morgan's bed.

"Hi Morgan, yeah! It's really me, I'm here." Peter spoke, his voice soft and loving.

Morgan grinned: "Daddy will be so happy that you awe back howme!" She started scrambling out of bed but Peter stopped her.

"They can't see me, I've tried." Peter looked sad.

Morgan tilted her head to the side, brows furrowed: "Wy not? I can see you."

Peter smiled and grabbed her tiny hands. "Morgan it appears you are able to see ghosts, spirits and aura's. They call this 'paranormal', you seem to be the only one to have this. This is why you can't tell anyone because they'll be sad. Do you understand?"

Morgan nodded with enthusiasm.
"But Pe'er, can I weally not tell Daddy that I'm paw-animal? I want to be a supewhewwo! Like Daddy!"

Peter shook his head: "We'll wait for a bit, but you are already a superhero so don't worry about that. Can you keep it between us for now?" He smiled.

Morgan pouted slightly as she tought about it, but then she smiled and nodded.

"Good." Peter smiled. Then he crossed his legs so he sat across from her. "Let me teach you everything I know, sounds good?"

"Yes!" Morgan whisper-yelled.

*Time skip brought to you by Peter wearing a sombrero*

2 years had passed, Morgan was visited by Peter every night where he taught her sign language, Russian, things the Avengers had taught him and Spider-manning. Morgan had gotten his old suit and web slingers.

None of the Avengers knew about anything. They were curious though when Morgan would giggle when Natasha threatened Clint in Russian or other things that happened at the tower.

Right now, Morgan was sneaking around the kitchen, eyeing the cookie jar. Peter was following behind her, giggling slightly.

Morgan was wearing Peter's old gloves so she could climb the wall next to the fridge, the jar being on top of it.

The girl placed her little hands on the wall and started to crawl up, making no noise, having learned this from Peter and Natasha.

Morgan reached out to the jar, fingers nearly grazing it.


Morgan squeaked and lost her grip, falling to the floor. She caught herself with a web, when she realised the person was still there, staring at her as she hung from the ceiling.

She looked up and was met with Tony's brown eyes, full of confusion.

"D-daddy! I didn't want to steawl a cookie! I was just chewking how many we had weft!" Morgan squealed.

Tony shook his head: "Yes okay first of that is your worst lie so far, second, why do you have Pe-"

Tony paused for a second.

"Why do you have Peter's old gloves and why do you know how to use them?" Tony asked.

Morgan turned to Peter. He nodded: "It's okay, you can tell them."

Morgan told Tony everything, tears on both of their faces.

With help of Morgan, Tony improved and got a lot better at self care, he didn't have a choice because whenever he would slip Peter would send Morgan to tell him off.

All of the Avengers thought it was cool they had a psychic in the family.
Morgan and Peter soon found out ways to use Peter as some kind of magic, with help of Loki.

After a few months, the Avengers didn't get surprised anymore when Morgan would make objects or herself float.

She also went training with Natasha to become the next Avenger.
Morgan had chosen to call herself "Lady Spirit" which made all the Avengers melt.

Even if Peter's wasn't visible for all of them, he sure as hell was still Morgan Parker Stark's big brother.

(Rollllllll credits lol. Anyway I hope y'all liked this! If you got any requests I'd be happy to hear them!
Bye for now!)

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