Hey Kid.

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In the lab of Stark Towers,  there was barely any noise. 

The only sound to be heard could only be picked up if you were really quiet and really focused. Then you would be able to hear the soft snoring that came from one of the desk. Because sprawled onto said desk, was Tony Stark.

The billionaire was sound asleep, but the trained eye could see that it was no peaceful sleep. The knotted eyebrows and the moving lips indicated a troubled dream. 

After a while though, the man stirred and slowly got up. He could not help but feel a presence, which was most likely what woke him in the first place. Tony sat up and dragged a hand down his face, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.

That's when he saw him.

In all honesty, he probably should've been more surprised, or perhaps even startled. But it was not so. He felt calm, at ease. It was not an unwelcome presence. Tony looked at his kid in front of him and blinked a few times, maybe to make sure he was actually there.

"Hey kid."

The teen smiled, with that big grin that always seemed to appear just for Tony: "Hey dad. Whatcha up to?"

Tony smiled and motioned to the little unfinished projects he'd been working on. "Oh y'know, just some little side-things. Plus I've made some new updates to your suit, just to keep my hands busy. It's mostly stuff to keep you safe, even though I know you don't want me babying you." The man chuckled. He loved talking to Peter, the kid always seemed so intrigued, no matter what he was working on. True to his word the kid stepped closer to the desk and peered down at his suit with a smile. "Oh cool, show me." Tony listed off all the new upgrades he'd made for the suit, occasionally glancing up at Peter who was still across from him, smiling down at the projects with a proud face.

"Kid, why'd you leave?"

The atmosphere shifted instantly. The air got pressuring and heavy. Peter didn't respond, staring at his shoes intently, as if the answer would be down there. Tony took in a sheaky breath.

"Please Pete, why would you leave?"

After what felt like hours, the teen looked up. His eyes had gone from warm, doe-eyes to distant ones that were brimming with tears, his expression was grim and his wrists were slit. Trails of blood made their way down his hands, trailing down his fingers and onto the floor. Yet he still didn't answer. He just stood there, staring at Tony with that lost expression and his lip quivering. He shook his head ever so slightly: "I can't-"


His son looked at him with such remorse that Tony almost wanted to look away. He looked down at his hands that were still covered in crimson branches. His voice was so soft that Tony could barely hear him. But he still heard him loud and clear.

"It just got to much, I couldn't take it anymore.."

Tony couldn't help but be overwhelmed with grief. He balled his fists as he teared up: "You could've talked to me, I could've helped you, maybe find a therapist. I don't know, please kid! Why would you do it?!"

Peter stared at him, face scrunched up and tears now streaming down his face. "I couldn't. My whole life I've just been feeling bad. People always say things get better.. 'nd I know they do. But all my life has just been waiting for the good moments. I know they always came, but this time I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't wait again. I couldn't-" The kid broke off with a sob, burying his face in his hands.

Tony softened. Standing quickly, he walked around the desk and pulled his crying child into a hug.

"I'm sorry.." The kid whimpered.

Tony gently shushed him, resting his head on Peter's: "Shh.. I know buddy.. It's okay." They stood like that for a while before Tony slowly pulled away. With one hand he gently cupped the kid's face and pressed a soft kiss to his curls.

"I'm proud of you for trying so hard kid. And I'm sorry. 
God kid... I miss you so much, but remember I love you, okay. Don't you ever forget that I love you."

Peter leaned into his hand and smiled up at him.

"I love you 3000, dad."

Tony woke up, staring ahead into the empty lab.



Idk, this just popped in my head and I immediately wrote it down. A lot was just from the heart.

Small update on my life I guess, I quit school. I've been kinda existing but I did apply for a job and tmmrw is my second job interview so we'll see. I honestly have been doing shit. I thought it was bad before but wow, it went downhill. Idk, I just don't really see a future for myself. I don't have interests or things that really make me think "Yeah that's what I wanna do in life." There's nothing really for me here and like Peter, I just can't really wait for everything to pass this time.

But enough about that. Hope you liked the story.


Bye for now,

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