No return

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Tony was sitting in a chair next to the window.
Peter had gone outside and hadn't returned. And of course there had to be a huge storm today.

They had had an argument when Peter came home with a stab wound on patrol. Tony had yelled at him and said something that he immediately regretted.

"Dammit Peter! Why are you so selfless?! Just like your uncle, couldn't keep himself alive either!"

Peter had run off crying. He jumped from the balcony and swung away, back into the night.

Tony wanted to go after him but he didn't know if Peter still wanted to see him. He might have gone back to May's.

But his stab wound...
It hadn't been stitched up yet, and Peter had said he was hungry so his healing is slow right now.

Tony abruptly stood up and tapped his arc reactor, the suit forming around him.

He took off.

"Friday, scan for Peter." Tony said.

"Scan failed, it appears 'Spider baby's' tracker has been deactivated." Friday almost sounded worried, for as far an AI could do that.

Tony cursed under his breath, of course the kid had done that.


The storm was getting heavier, rain had started to pour down the sky. It was even getting hard to fly properly.
Tony was now full on panicking about Peter. If Tony had trouble flying then Peter would definitely not live to tell the tale.

That's when something very familiar caught his eye.

It was the Spidersuit hanging on the edge of a dumpster in a small alley. Tony flew down and inspected it. It was bloody and had all sorts of holes. Peter probably threw it away out of pure frustration.

Tony nearly cried, where would Peter be, the kid was literally in his underwear in the middle of a monsoon.

Tony took of again, Spidersuit had retracted in his watch.


Tony was flying past a nearby bridge when his heart stopped.

He saw Peter laying under it in his boxers.

He immediately shot down and got out of the suit. He pulled Peter up by his shoulders. His head lolled to the side, lips deep blue. His stomach was still oozing blood and the puddle beneath him was crimson. Tony started rapidly slapping Peter's cheek.

"Come on buddy wake up, Pete please wake up." He cried.

He put his fingers to his neck, Peter still had a pulse but it was insanely weak.

He pulled Peter to his chest and got back in the suit. "Friday heat up, full power. And alert Bruce and Cho."


When he arrived at the Medbay he saw that Bruce and Cho had prepared a warm bath. Wanda and Loki were also there, Wanda holding a teapot and a big mug while Loki was holding thick clothing and blankets.

After a while of shivering in the tub, Peter started waking up, very confused.

They took him out and dried him. Then they wrapped him up into a burrito and carried him to the couch.

Tony profusely apologized to Peter as he gave him some tea. Peter kept telling him it wasn't his fault but Tony just cried and kept apologizing.

Tony and Peter spent the rest of the night watching Star Wars movies until they both fell asleep, Peter in Tony's arms, warm and comfortable.


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