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Requested by: Wxth3r1ngFlxw3r

TW for sexual assault etc.

Peter never really talked about Skip.

He always just figured it was something no one had to know. He felt embarrassed and disgusted by it and didn't feel like telling others about the helplessness he had felt.

The only people close to him that knew about Skip were obviously May, but Ned and MJ as well. Peter trusted them with his life, so he told them after his therapist encouraged him to have some people that he felt comfortable discussing everything with. And she was right, it helped.

But other than that he'd never told anyone, probably also because he'd never hear the end of it from Flash.

But today the secret earned another bearer


"Hello Peter, it is good to see you. Boss is awaiting your arrival in the lab."

Peter smiled up at the elevator's ceiling.
"Great, thanks Fri. Take me up please."

He tightened his grip on his backpack straps with excitement, lab days were his favourite days.

As soon as the doors opened, he was running out and into the lab. He immediately tackled Tony into a bear hug, earning a surprised yell from the mechanic.

"Jesus bud, one of these days you're gonna give me cardiac arrest. My poor arc reactor has been through enough." Tony chuckled as he ruffled Peter's hair, causing protest from the latter.

Peter smiled: "Maybe it's just old age?"

He ducked the newspaper that was about to whack him on the head and quickly ran away from the smirking Tony.

"You better make up for that statement by helping me fix this coding for your Spidey-suit, you little shit."

"Can't do it by yourself, gramps?"

"Peter I swear to God-"


A couple hours later, they were still tinkering around with the holograms of diffent pieces of coding for upgrades to Peter's suit.

"Dad I think this might work very nice for those web grenades." Peter said from his spot at the desk, looking over at Tony who was standing near the holograms, moving things around.

He sent the blueprint up among them and watched as Tony walked around the design, watching the functions and checking it over.

Tony nodded: "Looks good Einstein."


Peter froze.

He could immediately feel his throat going dry and panic clawing its way into his limg. His hands tightened, gripping the desk hard enough he could almost hear it cracking.

Peter stared at the monitor and tried to swallow, his heartbeat pounding through his head as memories flashed by. He couldn't breathe Oh God he couldn't breathe!

Tony, oblivious to what he had just said, was still looking at the holograms.
"So what else can we add to your webshooters?"

At the lack of response, he frowned and looked over his shoulder.
Peter's white face instantly sent a pang of worry through Tony's chest and he quickly walked over, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder: "Kiddo-"

To say he did not expect the kid to shoot from his chair and onto the floor, backing into the wall in pure fear would be an understatement. The billionaire took a step back in surprise and just stared at Peter who was curled into a ball and started whimpering.

"Please no.. please I don't want to.."

Tony blinked, totally not expecting that. But the kid was obviously having some panic attack and well, Tony was fine with dealing with that right now. It still made him sick with worry, but at least he knew how to get through this step.


"Wanna tell me what that was about..?" Tony asked hesitantly.

It was now the evening and he'd spent about an hour calming Peter down before the kid even regained awareness of the present and had now taken him up to the kitchen for some hot chocolate.

He'd wrapped Peter into a few blankets and handed him the steaming mug, sitting down next to him.

Peter stared into his mug and shrugged, eyes still brimming with tears.
"It's stupid."

Tony frowned and shook his head.
"Of course not bud, it's not stupid if it gets you this worked up. You know you can always talk to me, that's what I'm for."

Peter looked away and sighed:
"Basically when I was 10 I had this babysitter,  Skip Wescott and.. well. He pretty much showed me these..
magazines full of naked women and he was really touchy.
But there was this one night where he..
He kinda tried to pull my pants down an he-"

Tony's face softened when Peter's voice broke at the end and gently ran his fingers through the teen's curls, trying to contain his fury toward Skip: "He didn't.. did he... Do that?"

Peter sniffled: "No.. luckily he didn't get far before May came home and she whacked him on the head with the frying pan and called the police. He's been in jail ever since. But he always called me Einstein so.. I guess that made me a bit... iffy about the nickname."

Tony pulled Peter into a gentle hug and nodded: "Well, that's understandable considering the situation. But thank you for telling me."

He pulled back and smiled at Peter.
"And you know it wasn't your fault okay? And you can always come to me. Your my son. And I'm so proud of you. I'll always be here for you to help."

Peter smiled.

"Thanks dad."

Hey peeps,

It's been a long time, but we're back.
I had some very busy months with tests and my final exams the last three week but those are over. Now waiting for the results. But I did sadly hear that I was rejected for my college application. Didn't even get an interview. It was my dream school, but I'll try next year.

And if I'm honest, I'm not doing well. My mental health was always shit to begin with but now that I got rejected and did my exams, I have absolutely nothing in my life, I'm just sinking into the depths. I feel so sick and exhausted all the time, everything hurts so bad. It's like 2019 all over again. All my free days I just spend in my bed reading and daydreaming for hours to escape life. But hopefully I can use that to get more angsty fics out.

I'm so sorry for killing the mood guys, I know it's not anyone else's problem and I feel so guilty for dumping all that here, but no one's truly listening and I can't really talk to anyone anymore like I did before. And I feel so fucking lonely.
I just needed a bit of this burden off my chest.

I'm so, so sorry.

I hope you enjoyed anyway, hopefully I'll have more fics done soon, it's not like I have much else to do so if I don't post, yell at me to get writing done.
And if you for some reason worry about me, please don't. I don't wanna make anyone feel bad.

Bye for now,

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