ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟚

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Tw// yelling, swearing, cold ass rain and cuddling

Y/n pov

" I do have cash on me we could walk to a dinner or something like that to eat" I frowned "Yeah let's do that" We walked out of the park and walked down a road we thought would be short and meet a main road.

" Let's look through this hiking back pack clay threw at me and three other people but they were to lazy to carry it'' We stopped and Tommy pulled out a large-ish flashlight. There was also water and healthy protein bars.

" Well at least we have light turned off your phone so we can save it's battery " I did exactly that. We walk for what feels like forever before we make it to a small town with a small dinner. We hurry up and walk in and sit in a booth. I turn on my phone but it turns out we walked for three hours. Great just my luck my phone fucking died

"Hi what can I get you? '' A girl about my age came up and asked. "A large fry please and water" I order "um same " Tommy smiled. She then walked away.
"Do you think the others are?" Tommy asked. "There at airbnb we just need to get an Uber there I know the address" I pulled out my phone but it died right then and there. The waitress came back without food.

"Hey my shift is almost over may I join you guys" She asked sweetly. "Yeah sure we don't bite" We all laughed softly. "May I ask what you guys are doing out this kaye at night but your self I meam you don't even sound from this country" This caused us to softly chuckle

"Yeah no our friends we're with us. we are on a road trip and we kinda got held back a bit and they left without us. now we have to go find them and my phone is dead. Sorry I'm ranting" I sighed as I ate my fry. "Oh I don't blame you I would be pissed too they should have done a head count of how many of them did you go with" She asked. "Like 10" Tommy continued to eat. " Oh well I'm deeply sorry for you guys if you want I can get you an Uber '' Our faces lightened up " Wait really that's such a kind thing to offer'' She nodded and handed me her phone with Uber on it and I got us a ride.

"Omg what's you Twitter @ so I can follow you later" I lied I was gonna give her a huge shout out and a thank you plus follow her.

"Of its Sofiainnit" Both of our jaws dropped. "Wait, you're a fan of Tommyinnit," She nodded. "Yeah he seems cool I'm also a fan of Y/n she seems so sweet and kind" We both smile. "Aww thank you nice to meet a fan without knowing it" We both let out a laugh.

"Wait omg that's why your voice sounded familiar" She smiled. " Well would you like a picture " Tommy asked her and she nodded. " We both lean in the photo and take one. "Alright our Uber is here's 100 dollars what we're not used to paying for our meal, keep it as a tip" I smiled.

"Thank you so much" We both waved goodbye and walked out to our Uber. One we got in the back we drove to the airbnb. This took like an hour. It was now 2am Tommy was tired and we were both kinda mad they left us but no to the point we really cared.

We finally arrived at the airbnb. It was raining and soaking wet. It's also freezing. We knock on the door to see a worked Will and Clay as they let us in.

"Where have you been" Will raised his voice at me. "What do you mean were have we fucking been you left us in the woods with nothing luckly we had a flash light in this bag and met a nice stranger at a dinner who allowed us to call for a Uber. If y/n didn't know the location of this airbnb we would have been screwed and left out in the rain and the dark'' Tommy flipped out.

" What are you talking about? We didn't leave you, we all got on the bus" Will scoffed. "Why are you guys lying to us" Clay also yelled. Oh now I'm pissed.

"You think we're gonna lie about getting left behind in a forest with the sun setting. You think we're gonna lie about walking g for three hours to find a fucking dinner to chill at and calm our nerves. You think we're gonna lie about us being scared and us panicking the second we found out you left us. If you think we would lie about any of this don't talk to me until you believe both of us as I want nothing to do with any of you at the moment" I shivered from the cold.

Everyone was now watching us all yell as Tommy and I shivered. I walked away to go and change and take a shower ignoring both clay and will yelling. I look to were my room is so post to be with niki. My suit cases aren't even in the room.

I walk down stairs and out the door to the bus in the pouring rain to grab my suitcases. I walk back in the airbnb will and clay giving me angry sad looks knowing they have fucked up. I get to out room and slam the door shut. I grab clothes and take a nice warm shower.

I dry hair and get into shorts and a long sleeve shirt. When I hear a knock on the doors." Who is it" I asked softly as I removed my make up. " Tommy" I smiled and let him in

" Can I sleep in here I'm too pissed off at will to share a room with him since tubbo sharing one with Ranboo " I nodded. We walked over to my bed niki was yet to lay in hers. I heard niki yelling at them down stairs along with Sapnap.

"Was I to harsh on them" I asked tommy
"No, they accused us of lying and yelled at you first. You have every right to be angry at them" I nodded at his words.
I grabbed out my meds and took one of them. Grabbing the water bottle I had and swallowed. Tommy patted a spot beside me. I laid next to him. I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

I feel his arm wrapped around me and pull me closer. I smile and feel nothing but Comfort. Tommy's voice was soothing and calming. He makes me happy and nervous at the same time ,But what was this feeling? Do I like him? No I can't there's no way. As much as I hate to admit it I think I'm falling for my best friend.

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