Chapter 52 (:

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Tw// crying, cutting, horrible thoughts, blood, at this point you should expect this.
Any way some whole some shit will be coming your way enjoy :p kinda proff read. It's almost 2 am here I'm not gonna take two hour to fix simple things. also you guys seem to like my spelling errors seeing as half the time there dump for example 'shiting out of beds' your favorite error. -_- fuck auto correct like seriously. Any way enjoy

Y/n pov

I just sat there just thinking. The thought of my own mind consuming me was turning into reality. The lies and truths became one. My life was falling apart again but this time there was one side of me that wanted to fight the urge and another that told me not to.

Then I also felt like I only had one choice. I took the razor and made 6 cuts on each arm. Blood poured out of the cuts. My tears were from nothing but pure pain. I still remained silent. My heart wanted for me to scream but I didn't want the others to know I was going slowly backwards.

It would break them and it would break me more. I had to think fast. I turned on the shower I was next to. I washed the blood off my arms. They felt like pins and needles poking me but I could handle it. I used a black towel and watered down the blood on the floor making it easier to clean.

Once there was no sign of blood I tossed it in the Laundry basket. No one will ever know. I then decided to take a shower. Once I got out I quickly dried myself. I then proceeded to bandage my cuts but not to the point where someone would notice. I put on a black hoodie with black shorts.

It doesn't look suspicious either since I always dress like this. I finished taking off my makeup since I didn't do it in the shower. I got out of the bathroom and put my suitcase where I left it last. I hid the razor in my suitcase for now as well. I walked down stairs to join the others like I said I would. I sat down next to tommy and will. Everyone was sitting around eating pizza or salad.

" What movies do you guys want to watch?" It's almost as if zoey knew what he was going to ask before anyone could even answser. "Beauty and the beast" She giggled lifting the mood of the room. "Any objections?" Will asked, going to Disney plus. A bunch of nos rang throughout the room. Will then put on the movie. We watched the movie almost all the way though. Zoey walked over and tugged on my hoodie.

" What's wrong?" I asked softly, looking down at her. "I'm tired " She yawned. I nodded and stood up. I picked her up, placing her on my hip. Awws echoed through the room as I left. We made it to our bedroom. There were three beds and a couch so she got a bed and I put her down. " Zoey Hun why don't you get some pj's on I'll be right here waiting. " I gave her a slight smile. She ran to her back and pulled out a cow on site. She ran to the bathroom and quickly changed. A few moments later she ran out and jumped on her bed. I helped tuck her in as she asked me to.

" Y/n can you read or sing to me?" She asked softly as if she was embarrassed. "Of
course. " I pulled out my guitar that I stored under the bed. I took it out of its case and started to strum. I decided to play hey there Delilah. (This some is playing as I'm editing this 👀)

I didn't get very far into the song before she was softly snoring. I quietly put the guitar back. I decided I needed some type of break from this house and from reality. I walked down and looked at the others. Most of them. Were talking Nick, Will and Tommy gave me a look and I smiled. " Hey I'm taking a ride. Only. One person coming with me said"
I looked, most of them didn't even hear me. Now they're treating me like I don't exist. Will and Tommy both get up and rush for the door but will make it first.

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