ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟜

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Tw// blood, yelling, swearing, jealous Fan ;) I mean like come on its not a fan fiction if there not a jealous fan

Recap they were talking to Aunt Emma and liam and are currently on there way to Niki's location

" He's so cute" Niki squealed. "I know right he's such and angel as well. If he's ever over the house we all are sharing in the UK you should chill with us" I replied. " I'm sorry for blaming you and Tommy for the whole thing. I shouldn't have said you guys lied. " Clay frowned.

" Thank you you're forgiven. " I smiled. " Wait it was that simple" I nodded at will replace. "Yeah I wasn't mad that you left me in the woods I was angry that you blamed both me and Tommy and accused me of lying I'm sure it's the same for Tommy" I made a straight line face (Like this 😐)

"yeah it was quite an adventure but it wasn't that bad I mean we did panic in the beginning but it was fine" Tommy Shrugged.

9 hours later I'm too lazy to write a whole ass buss ride of chatting

"Yay were here" Niki cheered. I was right it was a farm. "What are we doing " I asked as we all got off the bus.
"Horseback riding. Then we get to see all the animals " She explained.

" Hey Tommy try not to kick the shit out of my horse this time or I'll make sure my horse kicks you" I joked. "Hey how was I supposed to know that it would kick your horse" He fired back. " Alexis and I told you not to get too close to other people's horses and you did it anyway " I rolled my eyes.

"What happening" Ranboo looked over to tubbo. " Oh right most of you don't know well. Y/n took us to her cousin's horse farm. Um we went on a trail riding some horses when we came to an open beach. Tommys got too close to y/n and the horse kicked her off and she landed on a rock and cut open her leg." He laughed and continued

"It was very deep and bleeding. We were on the way back she was having a panic attack because she didn't want to go to the hospital on top of being dizzy and nauseous from losing a lot of blood. " Tubbo took a quick break and continued.

"We got to the car and Tommy hugged her to calm her down. Drove her to the hospital. She wanted to close her eyes. We were all terrified she would have died so we asked her a random question. Got to the hospital and she got stitches'' He finished explaining.

" Oh my Tommy when you said you were good with women I didn't think it involved almost killing them" Sapnap laughed at his own joke. "Oh shut up and let's get this over with" Tommy sighed. We walked into a barn to greet a tall male with brown hair and a female with brown hair and green eyes she looked about our age.

"Hi you must be the dream SMP as I have it writen it down on the page. I'm Mike Wallace and this is my daughter Kate Wallace'' We all wave.

" Hello Mr Wallace I'm y/n nice to meet you" I held out my hand and he shook it. "Ahh you're the one whose name was out on the paper. " He smiled " Yes sir so how are we going to ride these horses? " I asked politely. "Um well really any way you want we have jumps a trail and a ring you all can chill in while riding if y'all likeHow many of you know how to ride a horse without an instructor" Tommy tubbo will and I raised our hands.

"How long have you ridden a horse for y/n " He asked. "Um from the age of 7. I competed in multiple competitive races, even a national one and won. The other three did it once" I explained and he nodded. "Hmm k lets go to the horses and you can pick which ones you want. " He led us out to the horse pin and I saw a full black one, quite a few brown and white mixed one and a full white one.

" Alright pick a horse and I'll get you up in some equipment " I walked straight to the full black one. "Hi honey "I pet her and took off the face cover. She seem to have loved me. She nudges her face gently into mine.

" Y/n I don't think my house likes me" George complained. I walked over to where he was standing. His horse was a light brown with a white stripe going down it's face a bit. " Hmm he doesn't hate you just not used to you. " I pulled his arm to pet the horse gentalty. I then took off his face cover.

"Hello he's gonna be riding you he means no harm" I said softly while petting the horse. Along with George. I then walked away.

"Y/n these horses don't seem to like us, what do we do?" Everyone complained but Niki and her horse seemed to love her. "Say hello and pet them while rescuing you ain't gonna kill them" I mean that what I did with George's and it seems to somehow worked. I walk back to mine. When Mike came back.

"Alright now untire your horse and and bring them out to the huge field and follow Kate she'll show you the rest. " What a weird guy to get his daughter to do things for him. I untie my house and lead her out of the pen. I do what the others don't and hop on the horse and ride her out to the field.

" I didn't say you could ride them yet"
She was a bit rude. "But you also didn't say I couldn't so I just did" She was nice to the boys but hated me. " Anyways I'll be watching you guys be careful and y/n good luck that horses a kicker. " She smiled grimly She is such a bitch. " Thanks for the warning " I'm gonna kill her with my unbearable kindness.

She scoffed and sat down on a bench. The others chilled sitting on there horses and talked. I for one wanted to go over the jumps. I got my house running and she seemed excited.

We run up to the first jump and she jumped over it. We ran and turned around jumping over the second jump which was higher. Next was the third I was very confident. We ran and jumped over the third now every other were watching.

We then jumped over the fourth. Now the tallest of them all is the fifth. We were going to jump over it when my horse was hit with a fucking rock from the bitch Kate. Cause the house to fly my off and go backward into a tree.

Also nipped my nose on a branch so it's kinda scrached. I got a pain shot through my body as everyone ran over. The hose walked over and kneeled down in front of me. I smiled and it looked like it was apologizing. I pet it as everyone looks astounded.

"Oh my god are you okay" Everyone questioned. "Yeah I'm alright. Luckily I didn't break my spine. It's was a freak accident all you can door it get up and try it again" Kate gave me death glare. She wanted attention and I wasn't gonna give it. "Are you sure I mean the horse freaked out for no reason"She pretends to care.

"No it was my fault I must have kicked her side to hard when I was telling her to jump. " I hopped back on the horse. Tommy looked pissed he knew exactly what happened. " Alright why don't you give it another go" What was she trying to do. I got back on the horse oh my body was in pain

"Are you crazzy you just got tossed into a fucking tree" Clay raised his boice. "Yeah no I'm fine" The horse began to walk. I lined us up with the fifth jump. She sprinted and jumped over the clears the jump.

"Good girl" I yelled, praising her. She laid down to let me get off. I know for a fact my body is all bruised just by pain I can feel. Everyone ran over. "Wonderful job " Tommy tightly hugged me.

"Thanks what now" I asked. " We could go pet the other animals " Niki suggests. "Yeah let get these horses back" Kate smiled. We walked the horses back. I loved that horse but I do have leave it here. Kate keeps giving me weird looks. I decided to be the bigger person and ignore them.

" Hi dad they wanna see the other animals'' She shouted. "Alright but can you. Go check on the. Duck and feed them, bring someone with you who knows how to take care of animals and run" He yelled back.

"Y/n your with me you guys can all go with my dad he'll bring you to the goats and stuff" We then walked out to the ducks. We got down to a small pond.
" Why have you been rude to me? I mean you could have killed me on that horse and we both know it" I asked calmly.

" Because Tommys mine and you are in the way. I've also seen the tweet saying you were using him. You're a complete bitch to use any of them" She shouted. " I'm not using any of them I have no reason to" I snapped back. That when she punched me. My nose began to bleed.

"That's for using them " I got up from the ground and let out a whimper of pain. I started to walk back and she joined me. I split off from her and walked to the bus. I looked for a first aid kit. I sat down in a seat. My whole body ached. I just sat there thinking what I could do now.

Hhehhehehe give me an few and part 2 will be posted

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