Chapter 62

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This week's gonna be so fun and weird especially with everything going on. Vid con and Christmas only being a few more weeks always. Almost everyone's been playing for vidcon. 

I'm so glad it's in London this year so none of us have to travel that far from home. It's like a hour train ride.  I hear the doorbell ring.  Walking over to the door and opening it I'm met with a tall mail person standing in front a shit ton of boxes.

  " Hello I'm here on behalf of Vidcon. I'm looking for members of the dream smp. Mainly being Wilbur Scoot, Y/n Heart and A dream. They seem to be in charge of the Group" I stopped myself from breaking into laughter. " Hello My name Y/n heart. Mind I ask why Vidcon sent you with a lot of boxes to my address. " I gave the man a smile and he looked back at the papers.

" oh right they got in contact with all of your merch companies and asked for a couple Thousand for you guys to sing and sell at your stands" I didn't know what to say or how to respond.  "Yeah hold on one seconds. " he nodded understanding.

"GUYS GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE BEFORE I CUT THE INTERNET OFF" I yelled at the top of my lugs. The mail guy laughed knowing none of us could survive without it. Running could be heard from all around the house.

" I simply won't allow you" I felt an arm being wrapped around me. I knew it was tommy.  "y/n why are you threatening the whole house. " will spoke walking over. I wait for everyone to speak again.

"Vidcon sent us merch to sign and shit ton of it so I'm making this poor man's life easier and forcing all of you to carry it inside"  after a lot of eye rolls we are again to load boxes and boxes of merch into the house.  

" I'll call the dream team, “Drista sighed and pulled out her phone.  " Thank you for the extra help. I'll be back in two day to come pick it all up" with that he left and I shut the door. " We're gonna have hours of hand cramps and back pain from signing these on the floor"  tubbo frowned.

"  We each have 20 large boxes each. It can't be that much. '' I walked over to one box with my name on it. I opened it and read the letter. That contained how many shirts and or hoodies laid in the box.  I read the words 2000 thousand per box on the tee shirts and like a thousand for hoodies per box. 

" FUCK  good news or bad news frist. " I gave them all a worried look. " bad news so we can get it over with '' Ranboo smiled. 

" I like the way you think," Lani nodded.
" Well bad news we're going to be shitting out shirts by the time we're don't signing all these if we don't get arthritis on the way. '' I sighed looking at the merchandise that was designed for me. " Good NEWS woman" Tommy questioned. "  MY MERCH LOOKS COOL AS FUCK" I pulled it out and showed very one. 

It was a black hoodie that had my username in the middle and lots shit I said to the slaves. On the other hoodie the back of it  had a dream smile face with purple horns and a white halo along with my Most popular lore Quote ' I'm everything you can't Control'. On the front it had my username but they made it look like it was melting and drowning the front of the hoodie on the right side. 

" OK THAT'S FUCKING BAD ASS" everyone scattered pulling out there merch and black and white fabric pens. The boxes were separated by name. Dream and his crew just let themselves in went to find there boxes. 

" Y/n CAN we get pizza" Tubbo asked excitedly " Can we please eat something else I've had pizza for the past THREE days" lani and Josh complained.

" Why are you even asking me I don't decided what we all fucking buy and or eat" I rolled my eyes. " LOVE can we all get McDonalds " Tommy looked up at me with pleading eyes.
"No but I'll buy us Chinese Food" he thought for a second and smiled. " That works," he nodded and everyone looked up.

" SIMP" was yelled at by everyone. "I'M NOT A FUCKIN SIMP. ALSO ALL THE LADIES JUST FLOCK MY WAY I CAN'T HELP BUT MAKE THEM ALL MY WIVES" he yelled and we broke into laughter. 

" Tommy just to remind you I did not flock. You're the one who flocked first '' I smiled and he let out a huffing noise. " HEY that's simply not true you cuddled me first" I rolled my eyes.

" No no cuddling is a effort on both sides and it doesn't fucking count Since i fell sleep after watching a movie. Not even 20 minutes before the movie started I had a panic attack.  Also you said sappy shit first  on the rooftop to the air bnb " I corrected him. The group was laughing. " you kissed me first" he protested.

" That's not true either I almost kissed you first on the cliff but tubbo being tubbo walked over and asked if he was interrupting something. You then proceeded to friend zone me. I would just like to remind you sapnap had to listen to me cry and vent to him for hours. So now that I've Stompped on your dreams of me flocking to you first I must send you to the naughty Corner"  I pointed to a random corner in the room and he looked shocked.

"I'm not sitting in a fucking corner. Fuck you and your corner. Also I want an explanation of why you want me to sit in a corner" he laughed and screamed at the same time. " beaches that's where Children go when they're bad" I burst into laughter along with the others. Dreams wheezing was very louds. Tommy yelled in protest why he wasn't a child.

" Y/n how do we remove dream from the stove. Cause if we don't we're gonna over boil our tea" this made us laugh harder as drista picked on her brother.  " George  use this to duct tape his mouth. I'm sure he would stop if you did it" I threw duct tape at George who started laughing just as hard as the rest of us. Just then Phil walked into the house and looked at us like we were crazy. 

"Philza  Minecraft hows it's going with the wife " Tommy rolled around laughing as he asked. " She's Good anyways why are you all dying of laughter. " this made us just laugh more except for Phil.  " Old man you could never understand our hummor" tubbo jokes. " Tubbo Give the old man a break, he 's just looking for his walker." I joked along with him.  Phil was laughing but not as hard as the rest of us.

" Y/n don't make me call techno" Phil threatened. " Why would you call techno?"  Everyone stopped laughing and looked at Phil. I just kept wheezing along with Ranboo, who got the joke.

" I'M SORRY, PLEASE AVANGE ME. " I begged while laughing. "She's an orphan techno will not hesitate to kill her" Phil rolled his eyes.  " do you ever forget your and orphan" drista asked randomly. Dream flashed an angry look at her. 

" I don't forget it I just act like it's not there" I shrugged going back to signing hoddies and and shirts.  "  vid con starts this Monday and I can't wait" Tommy smiled. " I'm excited but you also have to remember it's not like the old days where you could go around and just walk. There's gonna have to be constant communication with the event holders and security guards" Phil reminded us. 

" Aren't we all doing multiple  QnA on stage " jack asked. " Yep all 20 of us are going to be on stage answering questions " dream replied " Are we bringing instruments because we all know for a fact will, y/n, dream and tubbo are going to be asked to sing" Josh manifold asked.

" I'm bringing my guitar" will smiled and looked at me. " uh probably not as I will not be singing in front of that many people" I didn't look up from signing my merch. " Oh why not?" Lani questioned. "My singing sucks and I'm not about to waste other people's time for questions on me" I said simply. There was no buts about it. 

"Y/n love I'm respectfully and simply am going to ask you to shut the fuck up. Your voice is lovely and pretty. Anyone who tells you it's not will be Stabbed in an alleyway" he pulled be into and hug from my back and rested his head on my shoulder.  " Vouch," Drista yelled. 

" Mhmm " was all I could reply with. This was not winning this argument.  This week was sure going to be interesting, that's for sure. I mean I have to greet tons and tons of people and talk on stage in front of them. Not alone sell them my merch. I'm truly terrified but I'm sure it will go according to plan. At least I hope so


Hello my lovely readers. I got COVID so I didn't write anything or bother to post but I'm trying to get back into the schedule again.  Also so not worry as I'm feeling great now. Remember to eat and drink along with take care of your self and I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a lovely rest of your Day. :)

- sunflowernotfound

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