ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

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Tw// little blood and panic :)

I tossed all the flour in the rubbish bin. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower. When you're done, put the dishes in the sink and I'll wash them. When you get dressed, wear a bathing suit. So once everyone is ready we can go'' I smiled and walked out of the kitchen and straight to my shower.

I grab a black and white tie-dye bikini. I also grabbed black overalls to go over it. I closed the door and locked it behind me. I turn on the hot water. Steam slowly fogs the bathroom mirror. I quickly take a shower. Once I get out

I draw a smiley face in the mirror. I quickly. Blow-dry my hair and brush it out. I walk out of the bathroom to see Tommy sitting on my bed. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" He laughed a little.

"Don't worry about it you can take a shower now" I walked downstairs to see Will and Tubbo chatting. I sit down next to them and join in.

"So where are we going? '' Tubbo asked. "First I'm driving us to go horseback riding, second were going to the beach. '' I explained I got off and went to do the dishes. Only to realize their was nothing to do.

" Who did the dishes'' I quickly turned around Tubbo raised his hand. "I felt bad you had to do everything so i did the dishes for you" I hugged him.

"Thanks for the help," I let go and smiled. "I have to stream lated but I have no idea what to do" I rant while, but not to much. I stopped after a few seconds realizing that they probably though I was annoying. We were still waiting for Tommy.

"Do a cooking stream so we can have two teams and make it a competition," Will suggested. "That's a great idea but who's on what team?" I asked will. " I want you on my team," Tubbo tried to get me as his team mate . "No, I want the really good baker on my team," Will argued.

"Yous all wrong she's on my team" Tommy but in. He must have over heard the conversation. "Okay okay, no need to argue I'll just do a 3 vs 1 if ya can't get along" I evilly smile. "Now that's just not fair" Will complained.

"Fine we will let the chat choose but let's go, we're gonna be late" We all hop off the stools and head out to the Jeep. "Who's driving?" Tubbo asked as I smiled and tossed him the keys. "Looks like you are" He looked panicked.

"I don't know how" Welp knowing me that's gonna change. I smiled evilly " Well I'll teach you then" He got in the back seat and will go in the front.

I pull out my sunglasses and put them on. We pull up to the horse riding trail. After a very terrifying car ride I'm happy to be out of that car. Safe to say no more driving for Tubbo.

"G'day y/n back again it's lovely to see you again" She was a bit taller than me with long brown hair. "G'day Alexis I brought some friends with me. This is Will Tommy And Tubbo" I pulled out her hug. "Have they ever ridden" I laughed " No there almost city kids they come from Britain " She started laughing

"I don't get what's so funny, " Will complained. "Well, it's nice to meet all of you I'm Alexis Y/n's cusion. Well if you have never ridden a horse before with or without a Trainer this is gonna be fun to watch. Anyway let go get the horses'' I smiled brightly. I see a snowflake sitting there with a saddle on.

I unhook her from the thing I swung my leg up and hopped on her back petting her neck. "How did you just do that to a horse you don't know" Alex started to have a laughing fit.

"I own this horse idiot" I pet her and she made soft sounds. I hope off to help others. "Ain't she pretty" Alex patted on fudge who was a dark brown. "She's grown so much" I smile and look straight at Tubbo

"Tubbo hop on" He looked at me like I was crazy. "But it's so tall," He asked. I directed him where to put his foot. I then told him to push up and swing his other foot over. He quietly celebrated. Alex next pulled out at midnight. He was a black horse with very pretty long hair.

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