ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟜

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TW// ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

"Let's go" Sapnap rolled his eyes and we all climbed into the limo. " We're going to an Italian restaurant so please behave as much as you can I don't wanna get kicked out" Will laughed.

" Can't make any promises " George joked. " It's not like we're ever gonna come back here anyhow" I replied with a frown. " Good point" Clay laughed. I let out a slight smile.

The city was really pretty I don't want to leave but I have a life else where. Will decided to blast Hamilton and now almost everyone is yelling along with it except me and Niki. It feels like no time before we arrive at the restaurant. We all walk in and up to the stand. 

" Hi reservations for a William Gold" The guy smiled. "Yes follow me." He showed us the way to our table. We sat in the back since we didn't want us to be notice by fans.  It feels nice to feel normal once in a while. 

They some how ended up talking about ant eaters. " Ant eaters are shit" Will rolled his eyes annoyed. " There just animals " Tubbo replied, "y/n what's your thought on ant eaters" Will raised his eye brow. 

"Um I dont really care. They only eat ants and look very weird. I guess there kinda useless in our eyes but probably have a important roll in ant population control.  So Your both right and will ant eaters being shit is an option not a fact. Tubbo yes they are just an animal. Tommys no need to scream just to agree with Tubbo. " I smiled and when back to scrolling though Twitter. " How does she have a higher maturity level than us" Will winner and we all laughed. 

" I don't know it's different with some people" Clay anwsered.  Tommy was the only one who knew. He took out his phone and scrolled though Instagram.

" Tommathy do you know something we don't" He acted and looked up like he was confused. "Not that I know of" He smiled. A waiter come over and takes our orders.  " George what color is this menu " Sapnap raised up the red menu. We all laughed.  " Red" He questioned.  "Nope it's a brown" Nick burst out into laugher.  " Your and asshole I hope you know  that y/n never lies. what color is this" He asked looking straight at me.

"  Hmm let me see wait,...... Wait…  hold on.. . Nothing comes to mind" We laughed.  " Hah very funny. Now what color is it" George rolled his eyes. "Dipstick" I muttered and rolled my eyes right back at him. Tubbo laughed and agreed. " What the hell is that supposed to mean" George complained.  "  See tubs knows" We both laughed. " Just tell me the color that's all I ask. " He complained and Dream laughed. 

" It's Red Dipstick" I replied. " Oh wait I know what that means" Ranboo laughed.  " Like the time you called me a bludger.  I don't even know what it means"  Tommy laughed. 

" You are a bludger " I took a sip of my water. He pulled out his phone and looks it up. "LISTEN HERE WOMAN I AM NOT A LAZY PERSON. " He yelled to defend him self. We all laughed. " That rubbish and we all know it" I laughed. "  Whatever helps you sleep at night y/n" He took my phrase. " Sure Toms.  To bad you have a mindset of two year old other wise your opinion could be valid. “I smiled and his jaw dropped.

"Oi I'm A BIG MAN" He yelled. " Your gonna get kicked out" Will laughed. We then desired our food and started eating. " Tommy the day you become a man is the day humanity dies" I joked he just grunted. 

" YOUR A DICK" He said awfully loud. Good thing have of us were done eating. A worked came over. "May I ask whoever just yelled to leave" I looked up at him and smiled. 

" My apologies sir ill leave right away" With that he walked away. " But I yelled" Tommy frowned feeling back. " I've already ate and you have not so ill be waiting out side. Any one care to join" I asked and niki stood up. 

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