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"Wow, yet another trophy to Kwon Jeongha's collection." Dohwa commented while holding the trophy for some competition that Jeongha had won. "Maybe teach me ballet too?" Dohwa flashed his puppy eyes as he sat beside Jeongha who was currently taking off her makeup.

"Ha, stick to violin Dohwa that's what you're best at." Dohwa whined but laughed it off, "You're mean, but I still do love you."

"Congratulations Kwon Jeongha." Namju hugged Jeongha from behind who smiled at his gesture. "Thank you Namju, was I really that good?" She asked at which both her friends nodded aggressively.

"The best ballerina ever."

His voice caught him of guard. Jeongha didn't need eyes to know who that was. "We will excuse ourselves." Dohwa pulled Namju out knowing the two life long best friends needed alone time, the person Jeongha waited for most showed up.

"Kyung, I am so glad you came." The girl got up, hugging her best friend. "Sorry I wasn't able to attend the whole thing." Kyung's voice echoed the guilt on his face, "It's fine I'm just glad you came to congratulate me that too with my favourite flowers." She took the flowers from his hands, smelling them.

"Yeah, sorry I had to attend some dinner with Danoh's family." He brushed his hair back as he scowled. Jeongha's hands clenched harshly around the flowers as a sigh left her mouth. 'Her again'.

"It's fine, you can make it up to me later, we'll decide about it some other day." Jeongha smiled at him as Kyung's eyes softened at his best friend.


Suddenly Jeongha found herself walking down the halls of Seuli High School, 'okay then my memory of a goldfish' she didn't give it much thought since she didn't have the best memory. So maybe finding herself walking in the hallway when she didn't even remember getting ready wasn't such a big deal.

She stopped, when she heard commotion in the hallways. Some girl was standing with her head down in front of Namju. "You ruined the art supplies, my uniform and my face."

The girl looked ashamed, and honestly Kwon Jeongha felt bad. It wasn't her fault for being clumsy. "Oh Namju, that's enough. You think you can do this because you're A3." A short girl spoke back, all the pity Jeongha felt was replaced with rage.

"So the heart disease knows more than just fawning over Baek Kyung." Jeongha walked up to the crowd, many boys smiling at her presence. Namju smirking and Dohwa and Kyung frowned. Jeongha started picking up the many things the clumsy new girl had dropped.

"Why don't you go back to being a nuisance to Baek Kyung since that looks the best on you." Jeongha hissed at Eun Danoh, the person she hated the most.

"Kwon Jeon─"


Suddenly both the girls found themselves in their classroom, all the students panicking over 'Midterms?'. Jeongha looked around confused her eyes landing on Danoh who looked just as confused.

"Kyung, what are we doing here? What paper do we have?" Jeongha turned to the boy behind, bombarding him with questions.

"What's wrong with you, you were literally panicking about the Korean midterm to me. Is the studying getting to your head?" Kyung rocked his signature scowl, as Jeongha turned around to see her notes in front of her.

The teachers walked in and started handing out the papers, this was met with a lot of panic but Jeongha was just confused.

Suddenly she found herself doing her English paper, 'What the f─' and now her teacher was collecting their paper.

Whatever was happening thoroughly confused the girl, not to mention she had already completed her paper. As soon as she handed her paper to the teacher she turned to Kyung, "Have you ever blanked out in your paper?"

Her weird question was met with his usual frown, "What are you talking about? Doesn't matter─ let's, I don't know do something now that papers are over." He commented, relaxing in his seat.

But in Jeongha's head million thoughts ran wild.


All of a sudden after hearing some weird noise in her head, Jeongha found herself in her mother's office. "So your papers, you did well." Her mother complimented with a blank face, "So?" Jeongha asked. Her mother stared at the nervous girl, her eyes narrowing.

Jeongha hoped her mother would grant her a break atleast, "It means you will continue working just as hard. Do not be a disappointment." The words were something that Jeongha had heard countless of times.

So nothing about her mother's harsh tone shocked her, this was normal, yet she hoped her mother would change. She walked out and walked to school, finding herself thinking of the absurdity of the past few days, not to mention her mother's mood.

She bumped into Baek Daesung, Kyung's father. "Good morning sir." She smiled to the man she wanted to strangle the most, 'oh the irony'

"Ah, Jeongha how are you?" He asked, making small talk that neither of them cared for yet they continued going back and forth until Jeongha bowed and walked towards her school.

"Did you have to involve our families to get my attention? You forced me to get engaged to you and now this. Sometimes I just wanna." Kyung's cruel tone, made Jeongha shudder. He never used it with her, only with others and especially with Danoh.

On spotting Jeongha standing close by he let out a sigh ready to leave the conversation. "Forget it." He sighed again, Jeongha pushed past a crying Danoh to intertwine hands with Kyung as the two made their way to class.

"What was that about?" Jeongha asked as she looked back to see Danoh angry, vastly different from her crying face. "She was being annoying as always and my father of course took it out on me." Kyung looked sad, and Jeongha hated it.

"Well you have me, give me the word and I will kill your dad." She threatened, though her height wasn't threatening her tone was all people needed to be scared off.

"No need, don't filthy your hands. Come on let's go Jeongha-ah." He brushed it off, just a smidge of a smile on his face was enough to make Jeongha happy.

I guess that's just how love works.

Only An Obstacle, ㅤ ㅤ Baek Kyung Where stories live. Discover now