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Kyung had left the room, the only two who remained now was Dohwa and Jeongha.

"You seem chipper, after  your siblings disappearing." Dohwa trailed off, unsure how to even talk to her without the pain on her face appearing.

After their disappearance, the two didn't get much time to talk. Unlike each time someone had asked her this question, Jeongha didn't break. "I'm trying not to waste it." She laughed out.

"My family didn't sacrifice themselves so I could mourn all day, we're in a comic book I am not going to waste what little time I have." She stretched her limbs and walked away, a slight spring in her steps.

"I'm sorry about the past few days, I still care for you deeply." Dohwa shouted after her, "I forgive you, we're besties after all." She stopped to answer before she continued her walk. Dohwa just smiled, soon said smile faded away.

'I wish she didn't get hurt so much.'




Jeongha's class was in the lab, and Jeongha was busy scrolling her social media. "Aren't you going to do anything?" Kyung asked, not bothering looking up from his work. "There's no point." Jeongha simply replied.

When Jeongha did look up, she noticed Kyung staring at Danoh and Danoh staring at Haru. 'Their love life sucks.' She snickered.

Jeongha had made great progress at not feeling betrayed every time Kyung looked at Danoh. She could confidently claim, she had become less lovesick than yesterday.

"Guys, come and take experiment tools." Class President Kim announced. The students got up to collect the tools including Kyung. Jeongha grabbed his sleeve, "Get mine too." She nonchalantly asked.

Kyung nodded and walked away. Haru had stopped by their desk to help Danoh. "Ah, young love!" She exclaimed, making Haru glare.

"Stop being annoying." He sneered, "Where's the attitude coming from treetop?" She asked, getting up and crossing her arms. "Yo─"

"Forget it, you plain faced commoner are simply not worth my time." Jeongha sat down turning away, ignoring Haru and Danoh's conversation.

'This is so boring.'




Jeongha was reading a book on a bench, when Jinmiche sneaked up on her. "If you ever does that again, I'll kill you." She screamed, calming her heart which was beating too fast. "Forgive me." He laughed sitting by her.

"How are you coping?" He asked, worry evident on his features. "Much better than Sports Day." She nodded, putting aside her book.

"You're reading─" His eyes widened, at the book. It was Jeongha's debut novel. "I know enough, Hyunsoo is my stalker and I know he killed Yohan. I just wanted to see what the big deal was." She shrugged causing Jinmiche's eyes to widen even more.

"It's kinda cliche." She replied. "You're a friend of mine, so I guess we should get closer." Jeongha winked at Jinmiche who got up and stepped away.

"Never, I refuse!" He screamed, "Oh come on, I'm not that bad." She whined. "Jeongha." He stopped and stared at Jeongha.

"Stay safe, you don't have the best fate. Promise me you'll see stay safe." He earnestly warned Jeongha.

"Jeez, I'll be fine." She laughed it off. "Then I'm off.' His demeanor changed and he walked away.

"I'm happy you care about me." She shouted after him.




Jeongha didn't have much to do, so as usual the girl had ended up at the gymnasium and simply practiced ballet.

She had no upcoming competitions and even though ballet had been a source of misery, Jeongha couldn't deny it still gave her some pleasure.

Jeongha layed down on the floor. "You're wonderful." She heard applause, Jeongha stood up and found Juda who had clearly been watching her.

"Thanks." Jeongha replied, grabbing her water bottle and sipping it.

"You're so graceful. Jeongha I really look upto you." Juda rushed to Jeongha's side and smiled at the shorter girl.

"Thank you but my life isn't really something to look upto." Jeongha bitterly replied, "Why?" Juda asked.

"None of your business." Kyung's voice caught the two off guard. "Don't be mean Kyung." Jeongha warned, "Juda can you leave."

Juda looked back and forth from Kyung to Jeongha, before conceding to Kyung's words and leaving.

"You don't have to be mean to the poor girl." Jeongha shook her head, she packed her things ready to leave.

"How are you?" He asked slowly, as if any moment she'd cry. "Why does everyone keep─ I'm fine. I'm focusing on myself and I feel happy." She exasperated.

She was tired of being asked the same question. "I'm glad." He replied. "Do you have something to say?" Jeongha asked, Kyung hadn't looked her in the eyes since he came.

"Nope, just checking on you." He said before he rushed away.

'What's his deal?'




"If it isn't the person I hate the most and love the most." Jeongha exclaimed when she noticed Kyung and Danoh on the swing set.

"We'll be sisters soon." Danoh started, "Hello would have been nice too, but yes sisters!" Jeongha fake smiled.

"We will never be sisters. I had one sister and she's gone." Jeongha's smile melted away. "I'm not interested in being your sister either. You're not a very pleasant person to be around." Danoh sneered.

"Don't." Kyung stopped Danoh, 'Wait he's taking my side?' Kyung stepped away and pulled Jeongha with him.

"Didn't expect you to stand up against her." Jeongha smiled, her cheeks visibly red. "Well, why wouldn't I? I've known you longer and much better than Danoh." He was walking ahead of her.

"Thanks, it's nice to have people not be awful to me." Her hand fidgeted the bracelet, she had gained a habit of putting it on everyday.

When she didn't, it would just always be there. This Jeongha was thankful for. The bracelet, the comfort it gave. Him, his presence, his smile, his laugh, his cold personality that seem to vanish around her, his care.

Jeongha stopped. "What is it?" Kyung asked.

'I'm an idiot.' She turned around.

'A big idiot.' She walked away as fast as she could.

'I am never going to be over him.' She shook her head.

'I love him.'

Only An Obstacle, ㅤ ㅤ Baek Kyung Where stories live. Discover now