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When Jeongha gained conscious she was in her room, her mother besides waiting for the girl to wake up and then proceed to scold her. Jeongha knew this because that is what happened.

"You are careless as ever, why is it so hard for you to take care of yourself. You have everything you need then why do you still lack, is it that hard to─" Jeongha didn't listen any further. Anymore and she would breakdown right there, her tears flowed down as she waited for her mother to stop.

Thirty minutes later and Hwang Miyeon finally left, using every minute she stayed there as an excuse to scold Jeongha. "Unnie, you okay?" Jeonghee peeked through, her older brother right behind her by the door. "We're just really worried." Jeonghee continued though Jeongha didn't have the capability to say anything at all.

The two siblings walked in sitting by their sister who was wrapped up in her blanket. "You don't have to think about what mom said, she is just worried that's all." Jeonghan lied to her face, they all knew it was a lie. But even lies can be comforting. The ugly truth was that their mom didn't care, but this wasn't the time to think of that.

"We called Kyung, he will be here any minute you should pray that a stage doesn't begin anytime soon." Jeonghan's concern filled voice and the mention of her best friend made Jeongha perk up.

"Is he really coming?" She asked in a hoarse, barely audible voice. Jeonghan knew no matter how much she tried to stay strong, she was more vulnerable than anyone. She had for years taken the brunt of their mother's anger as he was away to study law and their youngest sister was to young.

She was delicate and fragile, and none of them could ever protect her. His phone vibrated and he opened it. "He just messaged me, he's down by the gate, come on we'll sneak you out." Jeonghan said hurrying towards his sister, he scooped her up and rushed down slowly as to not wake their mother up.

"Oh unnie, he loves you." Jeonghee commented while the three siblings tried to leave, 'I would love it if he did.' They finally got out and Kyung's eyes fell on Jeongha in her brother's arms.

"You okay?" Kyung asked as the girl just flopped into his arms out of her brother's and hugged him tight.

"I hate everything Kyung, I just wanna be with you alone and live in a little cottage where we own a huge dog─"

"─You make it sound like we're married─"



"We're going to Jeju." Namju announced in the A3 room, "Wow, what a thoughtful boyfriend you are." Jeongha sarcastically commented, making Namju flush red. The stage ended and the tiredness of yesterday flooded over her.

"You seem to be better now." Kyung retaliated, urging Jeongha to widen her eyes, 'Why does he remember?'

"Anyways, I'm going out." Kyung walked out of the room not bothering to expand on his statement, "Wait Kyung, I wanna come too." Jeongha rushed after, leaving Namju to contemplate his feelings for Juda.

Kyung, with his long legs, had left Jeongha lost until she heard the somewhat annoying laughter of the Ae-girls. "Kyung you're so amazing." One of them complimented, boosting Kyung's ego though he didn't show any sign of it.

As soon as Jeongha had arrived, Kyung had just left 'Why writer? WHY?' Jeongha ran after him before being stopped by Aeil. "You should leave him alone, he isn't yours" She said with a smirk.

'That was random ans since when did they stop being scared of me.'

"Do you really want me to air out your dirty laundry for everyone to see or are you getting out of my way." Jeongha threatened, and on cue the girls made way for Jeongha.

The girl ran further until she bumped into Danoh and Dohwa, "Oh my god Jeongha, Danoh told me you also have an ego." Dohwa jumped around excitedly like a child.

"Of course she did, and I do. I am assuming you do too." She rolled her eyes as Dohwa crushed her with a hug. "Don't be mean to Danoh, come on we should be happy. We can change our destinies together." Dohwa looked up with pride as he gave his speech.

"Hold your horses cowboy, who said we're changing anything." Jeongha replied, appalled at the idea. "Well I did, I don't want to die and Dohwa doesn't want to be second lead and you can get Kyung." Danoh explained her master plan.

"Did you ask the others if they want their story changed?" Jeongha raised her eyebrow, still in shock. "Well what's their to ask, if we all change our story we can be happy." Danoh retaliated, 'Selfish as ever.'

"How do you know they're already not happy? Just because you aren't doesn't mean everyone else isn't either, I can understand you think dying sucks but don't harm others in that process. Don't be selfish."

Jeongha stormed away after her rant, though she doubted if her words would even have an affect on them. She walked out angrily.

With a change of heart she left to go to the gymnasium and practice ballet, she rushed to her locker and pulled out her slippers. Ballet was her escape, off and on stage.

She danced whatever she wanted, she was just blowing of steam. The week had been stressful for everyone and especially for Jeongha. She practiced old and new routines.

She fell down suddenly, not being able to balance herself as she should have after her spin.

Instead of disappointment, a vision of sort filled her head.




"You should be more careful Your highness." The girl spoke in a timid manner, as she bandaged the prince's bleeding hands.

"Speak freely with me Jeongha." He insisted, "If I wish to die today your highness then I surely will." Jeongha countered, making the prince laugh.

"God, once my brother gets crowned I won't have to bear the weight of possibly being the king and we could be happy. Even if I am not the king, I'll treat you like a queen. My mother will love you." He held her hands, pulling her in his embrace.

"Your highness, if you continue with this behaviour I will be dead before you can make me anything."

A maid rushed in, frantically looking for the prince and ignoring the prince's personal maid in his embrace "Your highness, your mother she─ she has passed away."




"Why aren't you getting up?" Kyung pulled her up, not only from the ground but also from her dream.

She hugged him, the dream or vision was surreal. "You okay."


Only An Obstacle, ㅤ ㅤ Baek Kyung Where stories live. Discover now