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"So yes, we are in a comic book, you're a side character, the reason you can't control yourself is because you're on stage when you can control yourself that's the shadow. We, characters with an ego, remember what happens in the shadow whereas other characters won't." Oh explain he did, everything, mostly. Jeongha was flipping through the comic book, always coming back to the character page.

"I was made just to push Danoh and Kyung together." Jeongha clenched her jaw, mad at the author. "I was traumatized by my mother so I can feel inferior to Danoh, Kyung has to live in an abusive household because why not give the bad boy character unimaginable trauma." She continued ranting, Jeongha wanted to cry, not something she liked to do.

'Why are our lives so messed up.' She layed her head on the table, Jinmiche didn't say anything since he didn't know how to comfort her.

She didn't need comfort, "I am just a side character, huh." She laughed out loud, "Um yes." Jinmiche didn't know how to talk to someone as unapproachable as Jeongha.

"I am assuming you wouldn't like me to tell anyone?" She looked at him with her usual cold gaze, asking quizzically. "That would be nice." Jinmiche smiled even brighter. "I won't, not yet. Also does Eun Danoh know."

Jinmiche didn't dare argue, she was scary off and on stage. "Danoh does know." He said smiling sweetly.  She was deep in thought.


Jeongha was baking a cake, probably for some class that would help build Juda and Namju's love story. 'Honestly Juda can do better.' She was deep in thought, while she stared at Juda.

"Why are you staring at Eun Danoh?" Baek Kyung asked quizzically, Jeongha immediately clenched her jaw and glared at Kyung. "WHY WOULD I." She scream-whispered to Kyung, "I was looking at, Yeo Juda. I think she's pretty." Jeongha calmed down, but now Kyung stiffened up.

"Oh, well─ I didn't know─ well I don't care─ you can like whoever you want, but─ I support you and I─" Kyung sputtered, making Jeongha laugh. "Jeez, well I don't like her like that, anyways why are you so nervous?" Kyung tried distracted himself.

"How about you start decorating that cake." Kyung sneered quickly changing the mood. The class was making cake and the two had honestly had ignored the teacher. "How about a competition, who decorates better." Kyung challenged Jeongha. The two were competitive, in everything and so any chance they got . . .

"Let's do it." They took




"WHATEVER." Kyung shouted, at Jeongha for her continuous teasing. Kyung had lost, Jeongha had won and she couldn't stop making fun of him. Kyung hated his cake so much that he'd thrown it away, "I knew you'd be bad but not this bad." She continued teasing.

"I mean geez, it's just a cake, is it that hard?"

"Shut up."

"A mutilated cat could do better."


Kyung walked away angry, and only after getting over her laughing fit, she realised he had left.

Jeongha looked at her cake and packed it up.




She finally found Kyung, outside of their class. "Here." She handed him the cake, "Why are you giving me your cake?" Kyung questioned because Jeongha was not the giving type, "Well you threw yours away and I can't eat it because of my diet so I am giving it to you." She shrugged it off.

He didn't say anything, his tiny smile said enough. 'Will he even remember' Jeongha wondered, smiling bitterly.


"Do you think she knows?"

"Impossible, she'd tell us if she did."

"I can hear you two, oppa don't you have cases that you need to to get to." Jeongha had been awake for an hour, her siblings bickering over something stupid probably.

"Jeongha do you have an ego?" Jeonghan, her older brother tried to silence Jeonghee who eagerly asked the question, her younger sister.

"What did you say?"




"How long have you two known?" Jeongha questioned as she was getting ready for school, "Well a pretty long time." Jeonghee replied idly as she was going through her sisters phone.

Jeonghee was the youngest and the only child who was planned, Jeonghee was their mother's favourite and their mother never failed to reiterate the fact. Jeonghee like her sister was popular and like her brother was smart.

"How long have you known?" Jeonghan retorted. Jeonghan was the oldest and smartest of the three. Jeonghan was their father's favourite, though their father tried to hide it all three of them knew.

"A couple of days, I found out we were in a comic book through a friend, how did you guys know?" Jeongha was the middle kid, she was no one's favourite. Her siblings tried to make it seem that she was their favourite, but it didn't work, Jeongha knew.

"We found this book." They handed her a copy of 'Secret'. Jeongha snatched the book from her brother, "My friend told me only one copy exists." Jeongha was pleasantly surprised to find another copy of 'Secret'.

"Well dad gave me this copy when he left." Jeonghan confessed. 'Well of course he gave it to you' Jeongha kept her thoughts to herself.

"Well I have to go to school now." Jeongha pushed back her hair as she gave the book to Jeonghan. "Goodbye!" Jeonghee screamed to her sister who waved back.

Jeonghan's eyes stayed on Jeongha who walked away knowing full well her brother was watching her. She had a feeling he wasn't telling her everything. Not to mention that her dad might also have an ego.


She was still in her house, now at the breakfast table. "Jeongha, I heard you went to the hospital?" Her mother enquired, "Yes for my ankle it was hurting a lot." Jeongha replied in a hush tone. Her siblings nowhere to be seen.

Her mother's eyes immediately widened, "What! How are you so irresponsible. Is it that hard to take care of yourself." Her mother scolded her, Jeongha didn't want to react to it but the tears pricking her eyes gave it away.

Her mother's disappointment was the only thing that scared Jeongha. Even in all the years the mother and daughter have been in a similar situation, she could never get used to it.

Only An Obstacle, ㅤ ㅤ Baek Kyung Where stories live. Discover now