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Jeongha had dashed for the A3 room, begging that she'd find Kyung. "Kyung!" She shouted even before she fully entered the room.

His quizzical gaze turned to her, "You know I was just getting ready when I patted around my uniform looking for the ring and I couldn't find it, look I know it's very irresponsible of me to lose something so precious and I will find it so don't be─" Kyung rushed to her, covering her mouth and stopping her from continuing to say anything.

"It's fine, it appeared to me when me and Danoh had a scene together." He handed her the box and she let out a deep breath. Kyung couldn't help but smile, people thought she was ruthless but he knew how much she cared, she was a surprisingly sensitive person.

"This is great!" She smiled brightly. She pocketed the box, scared to lose it again. "Let's go!" Kyung said

"Yeah, let's go."




Jeongha had found Juda in the garden, "My favourite human!" Jeongha sprinted towards Juda. She felt her energy replenish, "Jeongha!" The girl replied.

"How are you? Now that you have your ego!" Jeongha beamed with joy. "Well it's been hard, I can't believe you had your ego all along. It would have been nice if you'd told me." Juda replied making Jeongha feel guilty.

"It's just you seemed so much happier with Namju even though he's a bit of an idiot." She tried arguing, "It doesn't matter, Namju needs to learn to be better and until then I can't date him." Juda replied.

"You know good for you, it isn't your job to make him better but I'm glad you try. I'll see you around." Jeongha waves off.

Her happiness was off the charts, things finally seemed to be falling into place.




Jeongha shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Danoh was sitting opposite to her. Her mother and Danoh's parents sitting adjacent.

"So how are you? I heard your heart is doing well." Jeongha's mother asked Danoh, 'Never asked me that' Jeongha couldn't help but scoff.

It felt ridiculous how much of a good mother Hwang Miyeon could appear to be but the reality was stark different.

"I'm alright Ms. Hwang! I don't need surgery anymore and that of course makes me very happy." Danoh replied, this wasn't a stage. Yet Jeongha couldn't leave, she just wanted to get done with it.

"Jeongha you haven't performed in a long time." Mr. Eun tried keeping the conversation going. "My leg is still healing so I can't." She kept her answers short and quick.

The air of awkwardness loomed around Danoh and Jeongha.

"The upcoming wedding, isn't it exciting." Jeongha's mother brought up making the two parents chattering about their wedding.

Jeongha sighed out, she wanted this to be over. No one had noticed her sigh.

"I've been thinking, at the wedding we could announce Kyung and Danoh's engagement." Jeongha's actions pauses, her mother's suggestion was clearly aimed to bother Jeongha.

"Mom that's ridi-"


"I thought at our wedding we could announce Kyung and Danoh's engagement." Miyeon brought up the topic.

"It's a great idea auntie!" Danoh was being forced to say these things but nonetheless Jeongha felt rage, not towards Danoh but her own mother. "No it can't be!" Jeongha's outburst shocked everyone.

'What am I doing?' The girl couldn't control her actions, obviously, but this was not the reaction she expected.

"I hate it, you marrying Danoh's father and Danoh marrying Kyung I hate it all." She shouted.

"Jeongha!" Eun Danoh's father shouted but Jeongha's mother took action.

The slap echoed even after it was done. "You are the most disrespectful child ever, this is unacceptable!" Her mother's voice rang in her head, "Then why'd you have me?" Jeongha smirked at her mother, thinking she had some upper hand.

"I'm starting to wonder the same thing."

The scene had ended, but Jeongha felt sad. Just a consuming sadness. All these things, Jeongha had felt these emotions yet they pierced her every time.

Her heart felt heavy, things were going to get worse. She could feel it.




Next day, Jeongha steered away from Danoh, neither of the two wanted to talk about last night, what Jeongha had told her couldn't compare to what Danoh saw. "Jeongha?" Danoh stood away while Jeongha was just coming down the stairs.

Jeongha turned around and hurried up the stairs.


Jeongha paused and stood their, "Jeongha I want to talk about last night, I don't want to to come between you and Kyung and I want to apologize if at any time anything I said to you has hurt you."

'This wasn't going to end well.'

"Spare me your righteous crap Danoh, come between me and Kyung, you've been between us since day one. You are the reason─"

"Jeongha." Kyung growled with aggression. "How can you say that Danoh?" He shouted at her.

Jeongha stepped back, "I haven't even said the worst of things. Danoh congratulations on having a healthy heart I hope it doesn't last long." 'I didn't' Jeongha thought ashamed of herself.

Kyung's hand raised, Jeongha flinched and Danoh stepped between her hands pushing Jeongha back not realising Jeongha was at the edge of the stairs, Jeongha tumbled down.

"Jeongha!" The stage ended and Jeongha blacked out, Kyung rushed to her side his eyes wide and Danoh terrified. A crying Kyung looked up and stared at Danoh. "This is your fault."

Kyung picked her up and took her to the infirmary.

'Please be okay.'


Let's just ignore how I didn't upload oop- also the book is coming to an end are you guys excited <33

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