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Jeongha wasn't doing the best at the moment. The argument with her mother seemed to have gotten her locked up in her room, time seemed to have just disappeared for Jeongha altogether, therefore she didn't know how long she was there for.

Barely any food and only practice had made her lousy and pathetic, she seemed to be tired all the time.

Everything felt empty, her heart, her head, her body, her wrist.

What happened with Kyung was a whole different issue, he hadn't visited or so much as called her.

She was worried he would do something to Haru and Danoh in her absence, 'Then again he would do something even if I was there.'

Finally she was allowed to leave and she had gotten dressed up as quickly as possible.

"Now you must remember, that any incident of similar kind will have worse punishment, I love you and I don't know want to have to do this again." Jeongha's mother smiled towards the girl.

The fact that her mother seemed to be well aware of the incident even though it happened in the shadow didn't go unnoticed.

Jeongha kept her hand on her wrist. "Yes mother." Jeongha muttered before leaving. But for now she had bigger plans, and the idea of her mother having an ego wasn't something she was ready to deal with.

'Finally freedom'




Even though she was at school, away from her mother. She had no interest in her surroundings, her mission was to find Kyung and clear up the misunderstanding.

Except it seemed he didn't want to be found, not once had she ran into him or so much as seen him around the school. She tried calling but he ignored all her calls.

"Jinmiche!" Jeongha had ran to Jinmiche, "Kyung knows what happened!" She threw a tantrum in the kitchen.

Jinmiche sighed and continued with his task, "What can we do Jeongha? He knows so let it be." Jinmiche was clearly not in the mood for this.

"But what if he hurts Danoh or worse hurts himself!" She shook her head as if to shake off the bad thoughts.

"That's his decision." Jinmiche continued, "Leave it be."

"You don't care?" Jeongha asked, Jinmiche put down the knife and looked at Jeongha, "No I don't, not now at least." He answered before going back to his task. Jeongha stepped back ready to leave, "Where were you, these past few days?" He asked before she could fully turn around to leave.

"I was busy."

"Just so you know, Kyung came looking for you. Told me to give you this."




"How do I keep dropping my bracelet?" Jeongha had finally located Kyung, he was sitting in an empty area. Her wrist no longer empty.

"Kyung please don't do anything." Jeongha begged, she sat by Kyung's side. "Haru and Danoh hurt you, and you want me to do nothing." Kyung glared at the tree in front.

"Yes, I don't think Danoh or Haru were at fault. I would do the same if I was them, if I had to hurt someone for you I would. I can't be mad at them." Jeongha held Kyung's face, Kyung's eyes softened.

"Fine, I won't do anything." Jeongha knew he was lying, but for now she simply needed assurance.

Even if it was fake.




The next morning wasn't any more exciting as the last. Kyung and Jeongha had come in together and spent what time they had, together.

"What's wrong?" Jeongha asked, leaning on Kyung's shoulder, she seemed at peace, he didn't.

"Just think about you, what happened to you." He answered.

"Well I am rather flattered, since you are thinking about me." Jeongha winked at Kyung, making the boy laugh.

"You're so─ so─" Jeongha pecked Kyung before he could say anything, leaving him gasping for words and a heavy blush decorating his cheeks.

"To think, I make the mighty Kyung blush. I consider that an achievement." She laughed, she wanted to keep him distracted.

She knew exactly what he was thinking about, even if he didn't say it. Tomorrow would be his mother's death anniversary, Kyung was clearly out of it.

"Let's go to class now." Jeongha hurried him up.

"I love you." He engulfed her in a hug, "I don't care if we've only been dating for a short time, I've known you for so long. I really want to spend every moment I have with you, Jeongha. All of it." He held her, safely in his arms.

"I love you too. More than you can imagine."




"Hey!" Jeongha skipped through the stairs, landing in front of Namju. "How dare you leave without meeting me!" She punched him the stomach, though it was light Namju's fangirls still whined about it.

Namju didn't say anything, "Just so you know, I'll miss you. You're like a brother, my brother. So don't get hurt and come back safe, and I swear to god if you don't send me gifts I'll come there and beat you to a pulp." As soon as she stopped Namju hugged her.

"What's with all the hugs I'm getting." She gasped but patted Namju's head. "I'll miss you too, Jeongha."

The two friends parted, Namju continued walking stopping to talk to Juda.

"I'm really leaving." Namju told Juda. The stage ended, 'This was a stage?' Jeongha gasped, she didn't even realise.

"Hey, Oh Namju!" Juda called out as soon as the stage ended, a hopeful Namju turned around.

"Don't worry about me. I'm curious to find out how I would be like without you." Juda looked different.

"You without me?" Namju asked in confusion. "I think it might be fun. Goodbye." Juda answered.

"Oh my god!" Jeongha gasped at Juda's change in personality.

"She's gaining her ego isn't she."

Only An Obstacle, ㅤ ㅤ Baek Kyung Where stories live. Discover now