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i never got to ask you guys but do you like the new cover <3 anyways comment a lot because i love to see your comments and take care of yourself.


It took her some time to realise she was transported back home, she wanted to scream. After finally getting what she wanted it all just went poof. 'I hate you wri─'

Her hate-the-writer-pity-party came to an end, as a piercing scream echoed in her house.

She had been transported to her room, she had changed her clothes. The scream was definitely her mother she rushed to her door and tried opening it but it just wouldn't budge.

"Jeonghee, oppa!" She called out for her siblings who didn't answer back. "Oppa!" She shouted for her brother. The longer she stayed in, the longer she stayed anxious.

"Unnie, are you in there?" Jeonghee banged on her door. "Jeonghee, can you unlock my door." She responded back to her sister.

Her door finally opened and her sister crashed into her arms. "Unnie, m-mom and oppa are fighting. Dad w-w-was here for sometime but oppa sent him away and no-o-ow he's fighting with her and I do-n-n't know what to do." She stumbled over her words and couldn't get proper sentences out.

"Jeonghee stay in my room, I'll go check what's happening okay." Jeongha sat her sister down on the bed, "Stay here I'll be back with Jeonghan oppa." She left the room and locked the door. In case her sister had the brave idea of venturing out

She carefully stepped down, reaching the living room and noticed the awful mess in the living room.

"Oppa!" Her brother was bleeding from the head, he sat by a destroyed sofa. "What happened?" Jeongha helped her brother up.

"Nothing─ I locked you in for a reason." He let her take him upstairs, the two were careful so as to not disturb their mother.

The two had reached Jeongha's room and went in, Jeonghee had fallen asleep with a tear stained face.

"What happened?" Jeongha asked again, she sat her brother down on the vanity and rushed to get the first aid kit.

"It's best you stay oblivious, you and Jeonghee both. Mom─ she's just stressed. You should focus on your story. How's your leg, is it okay now?" He turned the question around to her forcing the girl to answer.

"It hasn't bothered me these past few days so it's probably fine now." She applied medicine to his wound. "I'm glad." His words were mostly inaudible. Jeongha suddenly got an unrelated idea since he wouldn't talk about the current problem.

"Did I really kill him?"




"Hey Jeongha, last night was a fail with Dan─" Dohwa tried stopping Jeongha who had walked in, "Shut it. I'm in a bad mood and tell Danoh if this stage changing agenda includes Kyung next time I'll dig her grave myself." Jeongha was walking while talking and got louder the further she got drawing everyone's attention.

Next she found Juda who also tried stopping Jeongha, "─Not today Juda!" She patted the girl's back.

"You!" Min Hyunsoo instantly got scared, Jeongha stormed towards him. "You lied! I didn't kill Yohan!" She immediately screamed causing everyone in the class to look at her. She was in class 2-8, ad everyone had heard rumors of her outbursts. She kicked Hyunsoo's desk and threw his notebook's at him.

"You said I killed him but you were the one who did it! Supportive my ass, you were a horrible friend." She held him by his collar and pushed him out of the door. "Listen to me─ look I DIDN'T WANT TO, I wasn't in control." He reasoned as everything Jeongha got in her hands, even if wasn't hers, made contact with his face.

"But you tried making me feel guilty!" She shouted as she threw him down the stairs. "Then again I don't know Yohan but you hurt Kyung which you also blamed on me─"

"What are you doing?" Kyung on cue, stopped Jeongha from beating the random student, atleast to his knowledge, anymore. "Kyung, I did want to talk to you." Jeongha calmed down, she took a deep breath and linked arms with Kyung.

"Let's go!"




"You don't remember what you did after your confession?" Jeongha asked, "For the seventh time, no I don't." He answered nonchalantly for the seventh time. The two were walking to the A3 room, but for Jeongha it felt like they were walking on heart.

"You know Dan─" "If I hear her name one more time I'll lose it." She shouted as she threw the A3 room's door open which didn't startle an already present Dohwa who was just as sad as this morning. 

She sat down on the chair and closed her eyes, Kyung chose to bounce his tennis ball rather than pissing off an already pissed off Jeongha. Kyung continued playing with his ball until it accidentally hit Dohwa.  

"Are you okay?" He asked the boy, "Lee Dohwa." He snapped his fingers in front of him to get his attention. 

Dohwa looked intently at Kyung, "I wished I didn't have an ego like you." Dohwa sighed, "Same, it's sucks." Jeongha chimed in, "Then I wouldn't have to be in pain like this." Dohwa agreed with Jeongha.

Namju who shortly entered afterwards, made Dohwa visibly uncomfortable. "Lee Dohwa." Namju called out to his friend. "Are you going to Juda?" Namju asked the boy he addressed. 'Here we go' Jeongha just sighed as Kyung too stared at the two fight.

Dohwa answered his question with a no. "You don't have to worry about me anymore?" Namju replied, to which Dohwa responded with confusion. "You can use Juda as your servant. I don't need her anymore." Namju retorted. 'Oh how manly.' Jeongha mentally scoffed.

"Hey, you think Juda is some kind of object you can throw away?" Dohwa was getting angry, a rare but possible side that Jeongha had seen before. "Why are you overreacting? You said you and Juda are just friends." Namju was getting increasingly annoying but of course he was always like this. 'Why are we friends again?' Jeongha just her decisions, 'Because this is comic.' Jeongha clicked her tongue in dissappointment.

The scene got escalated fast as Dohwa punched Namju, Jeongha held back Kyung since he too was getting worried. "There's no point, in─"


There it was the infamous page turning, the scene changed and now Namju punched Dohwa. They said their lines and the scene ended.

'No matter what that writer will always win.'

Friendships ruined, relationships ruined, lives ruined for the enjoyment of people none of these people knew. 'How fun.'


don't forget to like <3 though you don't have to since nothing happened

also what the heck thank you for 2k reads ily <33333

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