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Kyung had left, 'To his Juliet probably.' Namju and Dohwa hated each other. Jeongha hated herself, Kyung too hated himself. 

She felt a gaze on her, turning around the mysterious figure ran away. "YAH Min Hyunsoo I'll really kill you!" She was afraid her stalker was still being persistent. "I hate you!" She was shaking out of both fear and anger. Her shaking completely hid her phone vibrating.

She finally noticed that her phone was ringing, "Hello?" She answered. "Sweetie." The voice was familiar, it was her dad after all. "DAD oh my god how─ why do I not have your number─ doesn't matter how are you?" She immediately bombarded her father with questions.

"I wanted to take you and your siblings out so I why don't you three sneak out and we'll spend as much shadow time we get together." The absence of visual didn't hide his excitement. He was finally getting to spend time with his kids, all of whom had gained their ego finally.

"Oh my god! Yes I will tell oppa I have so many questions for you. I love you dad." The words had taken her father aback. They had come by as a surprise, Jeongha didn't realise what she'd said. She didn't hate it and meant it, she hadn't said it much to anyone and yet it felt natural.

The words most kid heard everyday were a privilege for Jeongha. The same went for her father who had never consciously heard his children say those words.

"I love you the most bir─ Jeongha."

'Is she my birdie anymore?'




"When Jeongha arrived to her classroom, she had only picked up bits of what Namju had said. 'Kick him out my ass.'

"Namju what the hell?" The girl had rushed after her friend. "You can't just kick out Dohwa, he's your friend." She tried reasoning with him. Jeongha could see them fight, she had seen it before but this was going to far.

"This isn't your place to speak." Namju pulled his hand out of Jeongha's grasp. "Yes it is, I am not going to see my friends fall apart over a girl─ A pretty girl─ but a girl nonetheless." She wanted to smack Namju.

"He shouldn't have gone after her." Namju trying to defend his action was just annoying her more. "Doesn't matter." She was still going to try her best to convince him, "Let's vote him out if anything." 

"Vote who out?" Kyung asked new to the conversation. "Do you want Dohwa out of A3." She asked him.

"Kyung can't answer, he shouldn't. We aren't going to vote anything." Namju glared at Kyung to not say anything at which Kyung rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't either, you are my friend." He warned her.

"She was my friend first, besides it's just a stupid high school group I'm fine with being kicked out." Dohwa too had joined the conversation.

"So then leave it, he's fine and if you care so much about him you should leave too." Namju walked away after his harsh words, Jeongha held in the desire to say 'I am.'

"Come on, we should go." Kyung pulled Jeongha away. Though an angry Jeongha had shook off his hand and rushed away. She couldn't stand it, because of the author Namju and Dohwa's friendship was crumbling and seeing Kyung only pained Jeongha.

This was all the writer and 'Danoh's fault?'




"Are you two happy?" Her voice made all the girls who were surrounding Haru and Danoh disperse. "Must be, Haru is becoming known you two look cuter day by day." Jeongha swooned over Danoh and Haru's closeness.

"Why should you care about Dohwa and Namju's falling out. Continue being happy." She just glared at Danoh. "Or what, are you gonna ruin it?" Danoh got up and glared back.

"No, at least someone should be happy while the rest of us suffer."




The day had ended and another had begun. This new day was just as bad as her last day. "Did you hear? Kyung is taking Danoh to the movies." Some girls gossiped next to Jeongha's seat where she was currently resting. 'Maybe I should practice ballet?' She got up and tried rushing away before she got involved in something messier. She didn't want to hear Danoh's name at all.

Her ballet practice wasn't going any better, she had crashed several time─ twelve times─ and wanted to give up. "Why do I feel like you're ignoring me, all over again?" Kyung made her crash again, she would've fallen anyways but Kyung rushed to her guilt present on his face.

"I'm not. I'm just sad." She picked herself, she went and put on her skirt over her leggings and collected her things. "Skipping classes for ballet is so you." He laughed, it felt as though it had been ages since Jeongha heard him laugh.

"I'm sorry." He looked down as he sat down. "For what?" She asked him. She knew the answer─

"For being a shitty friend." He replied sincerely this had taken her aback. "You're actually sorry and you know the reason." She rushed towards him, "I am. After my movie thing with Danoh I'll be free let's do something fun." The mention of the sick girl hadn't bothered Jeongha but the mention of doing something did make her happy.

"Like what?" She sat besides him and smiled widely. "You decide."




Jeonghee and Jeongha had rushed to their father as soon as they saw him. Jeonghan too had joined the hug. "I am so happy!" Jeonghee exclaimed, beaming with joy just like Jeongha. "Me too." The aforementioned girl shouted-whispered in joy.

They had to stay silent, at least until they were off the mansion grounds. Using the secret exit in the garden the four had gotten out.

"My kids have grown up so well." Jaehyuk, pushed his kids together and made them stand with one another. "Now let me click a photo, I wanna keep this memory for as long as possible."

He clicked multiple pictures, he was just happy to have this moment with his children.

Before it inevitably came to an end.


do you guys like the chapter i feel as though it was bad

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