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Jeongha and Kyung were sitting in the gymnasium by the bleachers, just taking a break as Jeongha thought all about the past few days. The stalker, the dreams, her mom and her ankle.

Jeongha was startled when a ball almost hit Kyung but was stopped by the extra. "Oh my god, Kyung you okay?" She rushed to his side, worried and also worried for the extra.

"Be careful." He said, "Who do you think you are?" Jeongha tried calming Kyung who was getting agitated for no reason.

Even if she too was getting agitated in the extra's presence. "Where is it?" The extra asked, "Where is the keychain Danoh gave to you?" He completed his question. "Do you know Danoh?" Jeongha questioned.

"Why are you looking for it?" Kyung's question buried her's, "Because I need it." Jeongha just watched the interaction, sensing the tension. "Well I threw it away." Kyung answered, matter-of-factly. "Who are you?" He followed up.

"It's Haru." Kyung looked confused, "My name is Haru". Things started clicking in Jeongha's head as Kyung remained confused.

Jeongha rushed after the boy, "I know you." She stopped him, he turned around and gave her a blank look. "I have met you before, but where?" She looked straight into his eyes, hoping he'd answer her question but he just left her.




Jeongha was going through books in the library, stumbling over many manhwa's. Until she stumbled upon a familiar book, 'Trumpet Creeper?' She was about to pick it out, but the shelf fell almost fell on her, she somehow managed to dodge it. As if someone pulled her back.

"If you don't want to end up like this? Stop getting in my way." She rushed to Kyung, whom she recognised by his voice. She was horrified to a sight of an angry Kyung and a bleeding Haru. She had concluded by Danoh's presence that Kyung had gotten jealous and thrown a angry fit.

Kyung bumped passed Jeongha, not realising it was her. Both Danoh and Jeongha rushed to Haru's rescue as she helped him get up, him on the floor reminding her off the first vision she ever had.

"Danoh, I need to talk to him." She tried pulling Haru away, "Why do you also want to take your anger out on him, no never. I am not letting you talk to him." Danoh pulled Haru away from Jeongha.

Jeongha rushed after the two but was quickly summoned away for a stage.


'Why do I have no memory of this dinner, plotholes." Jeongha tsked at the lazy writing of the writer as she looked around the table, spotting all familiar faces. Jeongha's, Danoh's and Kyung's family had all come to have dinner at the Baeks.

And Danoh was missing.

"You have prepared Danoh's favourite dishes." Danoh's father remarked, "And you managed to make all of this while abiding by Jeongha's and Jeonghee's diet." Jeongha's mother added on, praising Kyung's witch-like mother. "Thank you auntie." Jeonghee thanked as Jeonghan just smiled at the interaction.

"I feel so bad." Chairman Eun sighed. "You know how picky Danoh can be. It's really hard to see her these days." Kyung's mother smiled, 'Disgusting' similar words ran through her head as Jeongha tried not to puke at the sight of the happy couple who made Kyung miserable.

Jeonghan's hand was the only thing stopping Jeongha from leaping over the table and strangling Kyung's father.

"But our Kyung has won her heart! That means quite something right? Right Kyung?" Her fake sweet voice irritated Jeongha second-by-second. "Of course auntie, Kyung takes care of her so well." Jeongha was thankful that her stage self could do something right.

Kyung's expression added to Jeongha's worry. Danoh's absence would certainly add doubt to Chairman Eun's mind, which could ruin the investment and would result in Baek Daesung hitting Kyung.

Kyung was terrified.

"I was looking forward to seeing her. It has been a while. Why didn't she come?" Kyung's brother asked the question that the readers to wished to ask. "To be honest, I think Danoh's upset." Chairman Eun had a worried look, as he talked about Danoh's reasons.

'What does she have to be upset about?' Jeongha knew she was being irrational, but right now she was worried for Kyung, he was her top concern.

"Did something happen?" Kyung's father asked as he eyed Kyung. The boy gulped out of fear. He hadn't touched his food, neither did Jeongha.

"Not at all. You know how hard it is to have a crush on someone? I hope you take good care of her at school. I'm counting on you." Chairman Eun laughed, the first half was meant for his father and the later half for Kyung.

Kyung barely managed to reply an audible enough 'of course' as his father glared at him.




"Mom, I forgot my purse at Kyung's house." Jeongha stopped as she tried to hurriedly get back up before something happened. "Well okay, we are waiting for you. Go get it." Her mother answered monotonously as she scrolled to her phone and her siblings just stared at them.

"I might be late so you should get going, I'll come." She tried turning around but stopped when her mother glanced at her. "Fine, we'll leave but if you mess up tomorrow's competition be ready for the consequences." She glared as the older woman turned around and left.

"The consequences will be dire, tomorrow is important and you are not allowed to mess up. Are you sure that bag is more important?" Her mother's threatening words sent chills down Jeongha's spine. "It'll be a few minutes and I'll be fine." The last bit came out shaky as she tried her best to not cry right there.

She rushed to the house and rang the bell. "Oh what brings you here back?" Kyung's fake mother smiled still trying to act sweet. "I forgot my purse, may I get it."




Jeongha had spotted a broken vase, a sprawled out golf kit and bleeding Kyung. Just as she had expected, Kyung's father had gotten violent.

Jeongha finally found her purse which she'd stuffed away in the house and turned to his father as she stared at her watch.

"Can Kyung walk me home? It's late and I'm too scared to go alone." She pleaded and since her mother was an important person, Jeongha's safety was also important.

"Of course! Kyung should go and drop you off." Baek Daesung smiled.

'You jerk.'

Only An Obstacle, ㅤ ㅤ Baek Kyung Where stories live. Discover now