》CHAPTER 7 │ Village Myth《

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"Doc, can I talk to you for a second?"

Weizhou seemed surprised but still nodded and followed Jingyu. Jingyu can sense that the guy walking beside him seems to stare at him more often.

"Is there something on my face Doc?" Jingyu asked without looking at Weizhou. He won't dare to look at Weizhou's eyes again.

"Uummm no no nothing.. Is there something wrong?" Weizhou diverted the topic.

"Yes there is... But first I would like you to meet Ara'u** {pronounced as Ah/ rahw}, our guide to the village because apparently he's the only one who knows the way and can speak english." Jingyu told Weizhou as they walked towards their guide.

"Iyt's Niyce to meet yoo Doc. I am Ara'u." Ara'u introduced himself with a strong local accent. He is quite old and has grey hair and beard. A traditional cloth is wrapped around his head. He has stripped-pattern tattoos in his chest and arms seen underneath his traditional woven clothes. Weizhou initiated a handshake but Ara'u shaked his head, denying the handshake.

"No, No handshake. We do dis..." Ara'u then put his left hand into Weizhou's right shoulder and then placed his right hand into his own chest while slightly bowing his head. It is the way to greet someone in this town. In respect of Ara'u and his culture, Weizhou mimics his greeting to him which gives a genuine smile to Ara'u.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Ara'u.. uumm so what's going on? What's the problem?" Weizhou asked as he wondered what could be the problem this early in the mission.

"Der is only one way to da village. Wans we reached da bridge, no vehekel(vehicle) can cross. You only walk." Ara'u said with his strong accent. Weizhou was still processing what Mr. Saru had just stated. They can't possibly walk uphill, going to the village with everything they have right now. Jingyu went closer beside Weizhou showing him the map to the village on his tablet.

"According to Ara'u, the bridge is only meant for a person to cross, not vehicles. He believes that once we cross it, we just follow a narrow footpath, around a 4km track. And honestly for me, I don't think it's a good idea because by the time we get to the bridge, it would be around 1-2pm. And with our number of people and the load that we carry, it's impossible to reach the village before nightfall." Jingyu stated. It took a second before Weizhou can process it.

"Wait wait so your saying that we can't reach the village in time with everything that we have now?.. I just can't let someone stay behind because my other team in there needs more people...and how can he be so sure about the way??" Weizhou is having mixed emotions right now. This is just the beginning but they already faced a challenge.

"Ara'u was the one who guided your other team 2 weeks ago. He can't possibly be wrong about this." Jingyu answered.

"My other team had bought more equipment and things than us, how come they have no problem getting there in the village??" Weizhou asked again. He seems to be so worried.

"There are a lot of locals who helped them that time."

"So then we should ask them again now, I will compensate them for their help."

"No you can't Doc, because most of them are scared to go back there." Jingyu said.

"Yes. because they were almost killed by the 'bantay' or guards of the village." Ara'u worriedly said.

Almost. Killed.

These 2 words make Weizhou's mind go wild because he tends to overthink a lot, forming cold sweat in his forehead. He let out a loud sigh. He scratches his head thinking of any possible way so that they can continue on their life-threatening journey. Before he could think of any, Jingyu finally spoke.

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