》 Chapter 1: Another Mission 《

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" I will not leave you here,Gé!! Come on- we need to go!! " as Jingyu tried to carry his fellow wounded soldier in the middle of a shootout.

" No no listen Jingyu, I won't ma-- urrghh- make it.. I'll buy you some time. Now go. " he tried to push away Jingyu while putting pressure on his wounded chest.

"no I can still carry you Gé..come on.." Jingyu persists to carry him while he's out of breath. "Urrgh ouchh.. Stop it Jingyu." he was now coughing blood but still managed to grab the bullet vest of Jingyu who desperately tried to carry him.

"hey listen to me Jingyu.." but Jingyu won't listen to him. " Jingyu! Listen to me damn it!!" this time Jingyu stopped what he was doing. " hey look at me, I can still hold them back. Go now! you need to finish the mission Jingyu. That's an order."

" no Gé, I can't....."

beep beep beep beep

6:30 am. Jingyu sighed.

He woke up in the sound of his alarm clock, still bothered by the dream he had " urrghh that dream again...It's been 2 years already huh". He ruffled his hair and push the blanket away from his body. He was about to reach and grab his phone from the nightstand when there's a sudden jolt of pain in his shoulders and abdomen.

"Oh great, I almost forgot about this. It's worse than I thought, hahaha" laughing at himself for forgetting such obvious and large bruises he got from his previous mission just 24 hrs ago. He then reaches out again to his phone, slowly. He decided to check his phone for any plans for today or any emails from his superiors. None.

"ok, sound like a day-off for me" then he got up from his bed and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. Jingyu is a Secret Service Agent who lived alone in an apartment which is technically under the surveillance and protection from VALHALLA - a Secret Intelligence Organization that no one ever heard of. To the outside world, they are just a mare myth or legend.

They operate in the shadows; they blend-in into our reality but they never worked for anyone, neither on both sides. They only work for the truth, justice and freedom.

But as an elite agent, he can only do toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, and a coffee. After finishing a very luxurious breakfast, he clean up his room that he made a mess the other day. There isn't much things or even furniture in his apartment, a typical site for a man living alone. He then get his laundry and throw it into the washing machine.

He then goes to his basement and proceeds do his daily workout drill and training exercises. From pull-ups down to planks, he made it looks like it was some piece of cake to do while carrying some weights. After that, he continues to practice his martial arts and jui jutsu, which pretty much he is known for in the organization, his combat skills. Since his adrenaline is still kicking off, he decided to have a shooting drill. Yes, a shooting course inside his basement. He didn't get the S-rank position in the organization for nothing. He was the organization's top agent.

When he was satisfied, he cooled his body down for a while then took a quick shower. Five minutes later, he got out of the shower, still dripping wet. Droplets of water drips from his hair down to his refined chest and abs. A bath towel was still hanging from his waist. Jingyu rubbed and wiped his wet hair with another towel over his broad shoulders when he heard his phone rings twice.

"Oh great.." he picked it up and wondered who would be calling him this early morning. The caller ID is unknown. "Crap, what is it this time?" he answered the call and the other line said:

"Friðinn, ef hann finzt,..." (A/N: translation at the end of this chapter)

" er hvarein firrest þann mennska skell" Jingyu responded. The call ended and Jingyu lift his phone until the front camera was in line with his right eye. Scan complete and activate a voice message.

Unknown female voice: Identity confirmed: Agent Zero-Alpha... Good morning Agent Huang. The son and the only heir of a multi-billionaire company, VORTEXX Corp., named Xu Weizhou has a humanitarian and medical mission of Khaa'li tribe in an isolated village of Tabuk. There's a flu-like disease terrorizing the said tribe for approximately 6 months. The source and the cure for this disease are still unknown. Your mission: is to secure the site and protect the heir and his team until their mission is done. Mr. Xu Weizhou is your top priority... The profiles of your clients should be there by now....."

Ding dong.

Jingyu went to the door and as he opened it, there's already a newspaper outside the doorstep. He picked it up, went inside, and flipped the pages of the newspaper revealing a classified folder containing the names. He went back to inside and continued to listen in the voice message.

Unknown female voice: ... we've already chosen your team for you. You and the other 6 A & B-Rank agents are assigned in this mission known as Spartan-01. Meet them at the pick-up point on VORTEXX Corp. Aviation Base, 0600 3 days from now. If you or any members or your team are caught or killed, the President will deny any knowledge of your actions. Good luck Agent Huang. This message will be deleted in 5 seconds."


He opens the classified folder and saw the very first profile that belongs to the only heir, Mr. Xu Weizhou. He schemes all his details including his height, weight, thumbmark, educational background, etc. that were all stated in the profile. But Jingyu's eyes were fixed on the picture of Xu Weizhou and smirks.

3..2..1- Phone shutting down..

"Nice to meet you, Doc."

A/N: . The agent codenames in this story are from a name generator online( tho I did change some of it). And also, the A.I voice message was inspired by the movie Mission Impossible. Below are the terms that you may found confusing:

→ 0600 is a military time for 6:00 am

→ Valhalla- in Norse mythology, it is a hall in Asgard where fallen warriors stays. They were brought by Valkyries and said to live there and prepares to aid Odin until Ragnarok happens. 

→ Spartan 01- ( have you watched the movie called Lone Surviror? I was amazed by it because it is a TRUE STORY) I decided to name it and use it here in the memory of the fallen soldiers in the U.S NAVY SEAL Operation Red Wing Spartan 01.

→ *Gé- Chinese word for "elder brother"

"Friðinn, ef hann finzt,..."(transl.: "Peace, if it is to be found...")

" er hvarein firrest þann mennska skell" (Transl.: " is where one is furthest from the human noise") - it a verse taken from an old Norse song from a Medieval manuscript. (Yes, I did some little research fufufu)

Please VOTE or COMMENT. I hope you've enjoyed the 1st chapter. Stay tuned to more updates. :P

〜 Gee

Coming up next 》 CHAPTER 2: The Condition

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