》 Chapter 2: The Condition 《

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Early Sunday morning.

 Birds chirping in the tree branches. The cool breeze coming in from the window, making the curtains dance. Few maids and butlers are busy with each other's tasks. That's the usual morning set-up in the Xu manor. But the young heir seems to be occupied with finding something, never noticing his maid opening his door and calling him.

" Good morning young master Xu, your breakfast is ready."

" oh yeah. I'll be down there in a minute. I just need to find my... did you know where did I put my car keys Āyì*? " Weizhou responded while trying to rampage his backpack looking for the car keys. He's been looking for it long enough to form a sweat on his forehead early in the morning.

"Have you tried to look for it in your pants pocket you wore yesterday, young master?" asked the 59-year-old maid that has been serving the young master since he was a little boy.

"Oh crap I never thought about that..." the moment he searched for his pants and the pockets seems there's something inside, he knew that was his goddamn car keys.

" .. oh thank you Āyì. I can't imagine my life without you". WeiZhou happily hugs her. He never treats her as a servant nor any of his maids or butler. He cares and respects them like a family- a feeling he never felt from his parents.

After having a quick breakfast, he bid goodbyes to his servants and drove off to work. He lived 15 minutes drive away from the downtown area. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city. He worked and owned the Jiang Yuan Medical Center. He is basically the President and the head doctor of the facility.

Weizhou arrived at the hospital's parking lot and parked his Bugatti La Voiture Noire*. He then greets the security guards who were on the early shift. Upon entering the hospital, he swipes his I.D and automatically registers his time. Some of the staff and even patients in the hospital, especially the females were the ones who are excited to greet the young doctor. Who wouldn't squeal or scream for excitement when you saw a handsome, friendly, fine young doctor walking in the hallway smiling and greeting everyone he meets. Even legs can turn into jelly when hearing his gentle and angelic voice.

After putting his things in his office, Weizhou immediately went to the nurse's station to get the file of his patients. He made a habit to visit and check every single one of his patients early in the morning. He has this charisma that makes everyone in a good mood. By 10:36 AM, he went to his last patient, a young girl named Mei, to examine her conditions after an approximately 2 hours open-heart surgery yesterday. She was diagnosed of VSD or Ventricular Septal Defect, a hole in her heart which is a congenital heart disease. Thankfully, the surgery was a success and Mei seems to be doing well.

"Hello there, sunshine. How are you feeling today?" asked Weizhou as he pinched her cheeks making her laugh and giggle. "I'm good doctor. I just finished taking my medisshheennss(medicine)," she proudly told him and flashing her wide smile showing her missing teeth.

"Wow, that's great Mei. You're so amazing! You will recover in no time! I'm so proud of you." Weizhou responded to her while patting her head. Mei smiled even more. Then she gets something under her blanket and handed it over to Weizhou shyly. It is her drawing. A clumsy doodle of her and Weizhou holding hands under the sun.

"Thank you doctor for everything," she said. Weizhou was touched by it. These simple yet sincere gestures of his patients make his heart flutter. He holds back his tears, smiles and grabs Mei's hands. "No. Thank you Mei. It's you who did it all. You never give up nor lose hope. You're still a baby but you are braver than me. All I wanted is to see this cute smile of yours," pinching Mei's chubby cheeks again as the two laughs. Because of this, Weizhou's resolve to continue to be a doctor grew stronger despite his dad pestering him to be the heir of his company.

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